'The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs', an illustration by JVL in Aesop's Fables,
Jonathan Cape, 1989.
Here is the well known fable suggesting that grasping people often destroy the very thing that is of benefit to them.
The Goose that Laid the Golden
had the good fortune to possess a goose that laid a golden egg every day.
Dissatisfied with one egg a day, and thinking to obtain the whole treasure at
once, he killed the goose, and, cutting her open, found her - just what any
other goose would be!
Text: John Coker edition (p112, 1927).
Selected parallels: Babrius 123. Avianus 33.
Caxton, Avianus 24. La Fontaine 5/13.
L’Estrange 1/247. Chambry 287. Perry 87. TMI D876.