I'm not buying yesterday's announcement. No way.
John Sterling's "retirement?" I refuse to accept it. Let's call it "a leave of absence," maybe? An "extended vacation," perhaps. Maybe "semiretirement."
I cannot accept that it's over.
Seriously. Can there be a Yankiverse without win warbles, without home run calls?
No, that doesn't compute. Are they saying we'll never know the HR call for Spencer Jones? Or Caleb Durbin? Or half the present Orioles lineup? No. I'm not accepting this.
Are you telling me I'll never again hear another"... And I thank you, Suzyn..." Not another "thuhhhhh pitch..." or one more "low and outside, but he called it a strike..."
Never again, an "IT IS HIGH, IT IS FAR..." Never again, an admonition about predicting baseball? Or the assurance that tonight's horrible defeat shall only last until tomorrow, when the pitchers are new?
Are they claiming that, never again will I go to bed after a tough Yankee loss, knowing that I'm not alone in feeling the anguish? Because John was there.
No, I will not buy this.
There have always been critics, people who feel Yank fans don't deserve a home team-leaning announcer, that a big city broadcaster should be coldly impartial - and that, because of dynasties that occurred long before we were born, that the Yankees have simply won enough. Many of these folks pinpointed their hatred of the Yankees onto Sterling.
I cannot predict tomorrow's game - it's impossible, it cannot be done - but I predict Sterling's critics will miss him heartily. They must find a new excuse.
But I don't believe this.
Are they saying that I will never again drive through a stormy night, windshield wipers blasting, but feeling safe because John and Suzyn are guiding me home?
Are they saying I will never again sit on my back porch, fuming because a home run ball that was so high and so far... and it turned out to be caught?
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
We can't predict baseball. But it's a long season, and I believe John Sterling will return. Honestly, I have no choice...