Sunday, July 5, 2009

Getting closer...

We are getting closer to finishing our house. The outside is about done, and we are almost ready for drywall on the inside.

The kids and I decided to play a little trick on Jase. While he was in a Bishopric meeting at the church, we moved his truck to the other side of the building and tee-peed it. When he came out, he thought it was stolen! Anyone who knows Jase, knows it is hard to pull a fast one on him. But, we were successful! That's one way of "getting closer" as a family:)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Our house

We are in the process of rebuilding our house. This is the progress this week! We are so excited!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Johnsons Take Over Disney

For Christmas this year we took everyone to Disney. Our whole family went, it was like a big family reunion. It was a little cold (which is why we have sweatshirts on in some of the photos) but other than that it was a blast!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Look Who's in the Fridge

Cali opened the fridge and turned her back for a second and Karah jumped in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a Nut!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family! And now, for your holiday enjoyment...
Here is a better version:

Sunday, November 30, 2008

November Pics

Leaves anyone? We had a ton of leaves this year, but Cannon and Bailey earned some good money raking and bagging them. Kids are great for things like that!

Karah's First Pigtails

Momma's Helper

Kids and their cousin Kylie on the way to her baptism in Kingston, NY

We went ice-skating for our friend Jenni's birthday. The kids did great!

Wacky Hair day at school

Bailey and Cannon getting their certificates at their piano recital.

This is the saddest picture I think I have ever seen. We did get retakes:)

Karah's first B-day!

My favorite boys!

Big Bro

Thanksgiving day family photo.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Little Sweetness as a little princess!
A magician, a devil (she played it up well), and batman

Cannon was some sort of Black Ghost? He helped Jase with the haunted house most of the night. Jase has done it for the ward for about 8 years now. Kids love it.

Bailey took this shot. But if you look closely, somehow I ended up with at least part of everyone's costume by the time the night was over! Bailey's pitch fork, Macey's wand and hat, Karah's tiarra, Cannon's cape and Easton's mask. Good thing for strollers!

This had nothing to do with Halloween, it was just plain cute.

These are Easton's best buddies

On Monday, Jase went to a Sarah Palin rally. It was wet and cold, but was worth it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Army of Helaman

Jase is the Scoutmaster for our ward. This last weekend he took them on a campout and this photo was taken. He liked it so much he made it into a poster. I think it's awesome. The pictures below are some more of what they did at the campout.

Boys and their toys!!
Last week I took the kids to pick apples and pumpkins. We had such a great day!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

She's a Big Girl Now

Macey started Pre-School this month. She is so smart, and she's gonna do great! Here she is with her cousin Wyatt.

Buster tagged along for her first day too.
Sweetness in a box!!!!!! Life doesn't get much better than this.

Cannon and Bailey riding the rollercoaster at Macey's 5th Birthday party.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

This Week in Photos

Cannon's first Flag Football Game

Karah the Spectator

Bailey the Soccer Pro

Macey- having issues with her dental hygiene!!

Easton too!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Busy Week

This past week has been kinda busy. Last weekend one of the hurricanes made it''s way up to Virginia, and the kids decided to face it head on. Looking back now, we should have thrown a bar of soap out the door and killed two birds with one stone.
(water is rushing down the drains in the street!)

This is the little league field which they have now converted to a swim club. There were some serious flooding going on. (Those are the batting cages halfway under water.)

A kangaroo got loose in the house.

I have been working on the website for the past two years and on 9/11 was got to attend the dedication at the Pentagon. President Bush spoke to the crowd here. It was a moving ceremony and hard to believe it was 7 years ago. It seems like yesterday.

This the most recent part of the site I just finished for the dedication: