Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Isaac is two

We celebrated Isaac's 2nd Birthday on the 24th. It was so much fun and if I had to describe it in one word it would be wheels. Pretty much everything he got had wheels on it and he couldn't be happier!
I was a little worried because earlier that morning he had thrown up all over his crib, but other than that he only had mild fever and seemed fine, so we went ahead with our plans.
Livi helped me make his cake in the afternoon then that evening we went to the zoo as a family and had a great time.

After the zoo we met Chris's Dad and Teresa at Red Robin for dinner. Isaac wasn't sure what he thought about being sung to by a bunch of strangers, but was super excited for his truck present.Then we went home opened more presents and had cake and ice cream.
We continued the festivities the next day and went to BBQ at Grandpa and Grandma Pincock's. Grammy was in town so it was fun to get together and catch up. We had a great time and Isaac loved opening more presents especially because they were all cars. That night we went to my brother's house and had a little combined party for Isaac and their twins Syd and Tre'
Overall I think Isaac is a fan of having a Birthday and loves all his new toys. He keeps saying BIRTHDAY, PRESENTS! Thank you to everyone who helped make his day so special! We are so lucky to have this sweet little guy in our family!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

4th of July

This is hands down one of my favorite holidays! And this year was the best ever! I think my kids are at that perfect age because it was all so much fun! A few nights before the fourth Grandma and some friends came over and roasted marshmallows and did fireworks on our driveway. The kids were fascinated with the fireworks and sparklers, besides that they loved staying up late!

My sister Annie and her family came to celebrate with us and we are so glad they did! We hadn't seen them in 10 months. On the fourth we did the usual of going to the parade. The weather was perfect not to hot. The kids loved it!Isaac was so fascinated by all the big trucks, diesels and fire engines.

The afternoon had to have been my favorite part. G& G Johnson had a BBQ and flooded the lawn. Chris cooked a brisket (thanks Brandon for this new obsession) and we had a great time. I took tons of pictures because everyone was having such a blast!

Baby Tebbin chillin and soakin up the scenery!

Water fight with Pops!

Aida flying high!

That night we went to the awesome fireworks at the green belt. My favorite quote of the day was from Livi, "Mom I love my new dress that is the same color as the 4th of July flag."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Preschool Graduation...a month ago!

This cute bunch of girls all belonged to the Joy School Livi and I participated in. It was such a fun and inexpensive way to do Preschool. We just rotated houses and a different Mom taught each week. They had parties and field trips throughout the year. I loved it and so did Liv. We had a cute little graduation on May 22nd, where the girls got to show off what they had learned over the year. It consisted of saying the Pledge of Allegiance, saying all their letters and sounds, singing the days of the week and months in the year songs. I can't believe how fast her little school year went it makes me sad to think how fast the rest will go. I just want to freeze her right where she is at! Thanks to all the Mom's that were involved, I feel really lucky to live in such a great area with so many kids her age!Aren't those little hats adorable? Thanks Shandell and Jessica you guys are fabulous!
Everyone is excited for the Pledge of Allegiance!My cute little four year graduate!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

GooD LuCk MaRiA

My little sister Maria is having her third baby tomorrow and I just wanted to wish her good luck and for her to know we are thinking about her. Can't wait to find out what it is and that all went well! She has no choice and WILL be bringing her new one here for a portrait session within the next two weeks. Soon I will get to show off what's hiding under that cute tummy!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Just a little taste of summer

We were able to enjoy some warm summer days before the weather changed to cloudy and rainy everyday. We were outside playing in the water, blowing bubbles, eating popscicles, going for bike rides, you know all the usual summer stuff. My kids have loved being outdoors more, especially Isaac. Thank goodness for a fenced in yard! Hopefully the weather will change soon so we can take full advantage of our summer. This is what we have been up to,

I got this flower sprinkler for the kids to run through. Liv loved it and Isaac hated it. I bought it for fun and to also water our lawn as you can tell it needed it.

Livi and Isaac decided to squish ants for about 20 min. with plastic balls. Not sure who started it first but my guess is Mr. big lips! No he doesn't have a puffy lip he did that all day long with his tongue and ended up pretty chapped.Liv has a ant on her arm, but it is pretty tiny so you probably can't see it.
This is after the weather changed, as you can tell they are in pants and jackets. Who knew May would be warmer than June?
Watching an evening rain shower on the porch. I am starting to think we live in Forks. Wonder if Edward is around anywhere?