[Not Really] Sorry.

Friday, June 10, 2005

My adventures in Wyoming!!! (Graduation night)

Yesterday had to have been one of the best days of my life. I finally graduated after all the hard work and effort I had put in. I haven's felt this alive in a long time. It's been at least 3 or 4 months that I could say I'm truly happy. It was the most liberating feeling in the world to walk out on stage and take my fake diploma. ha ha. For once I felt free. And I know for sure I am now. I will miss some of the people I went to school with. I feel that the people I knew as close friends, friends and acquaintances were the best I could ask for in my life. They were good people. I'd like to thank all of them for their friendships, the memories and experiences they have brought me the past years.
After I graduated I was scared I would have nothing to do for graduation night. At first it was just me and this girl I like a lot (but she doesn't know that, or at least I don't think she does) just sitting in a Taco Bell parking lot waiting for Brennon and Jeff to meet us there. When they finally did get there, we sat in that parking lot for at least an hour trying to figure out what we should do. The recreation center party seemed like it would be boring and not to mention a huge rip off. A lot of people were out drinking despite the fact a lot of them got busted at senior sunset the night before and none of us drink so basically there was no place cool to go. But somehow Evanston, Wyoming and a shitload of illegal fireworks came to Brennon's mind. We all decided that we should all hop into my sex machine, 3 cylinder, 54 horse power Geo Metro and drive there to buy cheap porn and fireworks. Of course by this time it was midnight and Brennon had assured us there is a firework store that is open 24/7. So we hit the freeway very excited that we got to blow shit up on graduation day. We left with my car running on fumes. I hadn't bothered to even think about filling it. I figured we would be fine. We made it to Parleys Canyon going at blinding speeds of 30 to sometimes 45 MPH. I was getting passed by truckers left and right. I cannot begin to describe the hilarious comments that took place throughout the whole trip. It helped make the trip even more worthwhile. The whole time, all of us were scared as shit that we were going to run out of gas in the middle of no where. I myself was scared. I had visions of my friend R.J. coming from downtown to give us a tank of gas. But by some miracle we made it the whole 2 hours on fumes. I filled up immediately. We saw many wonders in this majestic town called Evantson, Wyoming. A porno shop next to a church billboard and gas for 1.91. We drove forever looking for a 24 hour fireworks store and had absolutely no luck. We pulled into a gas station because everyone had to use the bathroom. We asked the guy at the counter if such a store of incredible greatness existed. He just gave us a dirty look like "You Mo-Mo Utah kids are stupid as shit" he just replied there's no store like that in town. Brennon, would not leave Wyoming empty handed. He purchased a straw cowboy hat for 10 bucks at that very gas station and a cherry lime slushee. We drove 2 hours so Brennon could buy a cowboy hat and a slushee under the false hopes of buying a shitload of illegal fireworks. Of course he didn't mean to do that. But I have to admit, it was so funny and I don't regret it and nor would I take it back for anything. The drive home went by faster since it was downhill. I was actually able to do the speed limit. Woo hoo! We looked up at the night sky as we drove home. You could see every single star up there. It was very beautiful. We got home and we all crashed at Jeff's house and Lizzy went home. I couldn't imagine a better graduation night than going on a fun trip with my 2 best friends and the girl I like next to me while I'm driving.
I really can't wait for what this summer brings for me. I hope to meet a lot of new people and keep in touch with as many people as I can. It won't be long before we all go our seperate ways. If anyone wants to hang out with me sometime, then by all means let me know. Ha ha. We will figure somethin out. I want to make the most of my youth while I still can. Anyway that's the story of my graduation if you cared to read this.

Sunday, June 5, 2005

Big News, New Changes!.......maybe

Well to start off I graduate on the 9th. That's in 5 days. I'm super stoked about that. But it's really weird that after 13 years it's over. Well not quite because I'm going to college. But after the 9th I'm not sure what's going to happen. My dad might be getting a new job in Boise, Idaho. If he does I have a choice to either move with them, stay here, or have the whole family stay here. My dream has always been to move out. But to where? My best friends aren't really my best friends anymore. We don't really hang out or really talk. And it sucks. So where do I have to move to if I stay? I don't have as much here for me anymore. I would stay for my close friends. But they are pretty much gone anyway. And it's for all kinds of reasons and it sucks. So if my dad gets the job he will be making almost triple what he makes now. And since I don't have much for me here anyway, I may just move with my family. But I don't know. It's strange to think that after the 9th I won't see like 98% of those people again. Not that it bothers me because I don't care for like 95% of them. But that little 3% is what bothers me. I've lived here all my life. It's hard to leave. But maybe if I go it will be a good change. Or maybe I will regret it horribly. It's crazy to even think about leaving everything I've ever known and starting all over from scratch going into the real world. Nothing is for sure. My dad hasn't gone to the interview yet. I guess we'll see what happens then ay?