Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can you say, "Mustard Chair!"

These are more fun pics we took at the cabin. Gotta love G&G's old furnature!! Jack didnt' start off too happy...

But by the end, he was sweet as ever!
(Thanks Amy Miles for helping me play around and learn a little more about my camera! It was so fun...)

Tire Swings

Perhaps the best part of the Pine cabin... the swings!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Cabin

Tuesday May 27th-Thursday May 29th we went to the cabin. I took Jack and his cousins Mikayla and Bekah (so my sister Jana could pack up her house... they bought a house a couple miles away.) Anyway, we hungout with my sister-in-law Shelle and her fun kids. I forgot how much I love going to the cabin. It's been WAY too long!

We're off to the cabin! We started off the trip jammin to loud music with our sweet sunglasses on!

We went on many walks to the creek (which wasn't much of a creek cuz it didn't have any water in it). But it was fun to look at all the pretty "glitter rocks" as Bekah called them.
Future star playin a little BBALL!My cute nieces, Mikayla and Bekah Marriott.
Jack LOVED the tire swing, but what little kid doesn't?
Over all we had a great couple of days. We wore them out pretty hard, and they slept pretty much the whole way home. We had such a fun time. I love the cabin.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Memorial Day weekend

For Memorial weekend, we went to Albuquerque NM to visit John's grandparents. John's parents (Steve and Suzanne) came to Phoenix to pick up some furniture from Suzanne's brother. (He was remodeling his house and getting rid of a TON of stuff!) After we saw them in PHX, we hopped in the car with John's mom and headed to Albuquerque. We had such a great time and it was the first time I'd ever been to their house. The entire weekend was very relaxing and the weather was gorgeous and it was so fun to be around family.

We set up a hammock and Grandpa Smit layed there and tickled little Madisyn's toes.

John and our cute niece Madisyn.

Jack discovered the joys of a car his size. He loved it!
Beep beep, honk honk!

Sweet Grandfather Smit pushing Madisyn around the tennis court in their backyard.

Two great friends!

John and his brother Jesse going head to head in a sword/stick fight.
Happy Birthday Mom Gochnour! We enjoyed sharing the day with you and I'm sure you enjoyed the trick candles on your yummy angel food cake!

Grandmother Smit, Grandpa Smith, Jack, John Jacob, Melanie, and cousin Madisyn.

Big hugs for big cousin!

Lots of kisses till we see you again!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

First things first...

Give John a haircut!
I took this first picture in Durham right before we left to AZ. I was going to cut John's hair cuz it was getting WAY long, but we decided to wait. Besides that, I wanted to wake up to this awesome hair just a few more times?
It was so long we could put it in a ponytail!

My handsome husband!