Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas tree :) & catch up.

My new tree decorations!
Things I bought end of season 50% off- plastic(kaydence proof) 2.50 for 24 balls. that's it but i was happy I found them last minute.
woodsy garland $15(norm 25),gold swags $10(norm 20)- tia pan,
Wood boxes I burned 60% off 60 cents each , 6 foam balls $2 - Roberts
FREE STUFF- willows, feathers, change out of our car wash jar ;) Ribbon(for the bows) out of my paid for bow supplies from my classes, Jute same( leftovers from old crafts) Barbed wire topper dug out of the ground on my dads farm last year, thought it was cool and worked perfect once I showed john what I wanted!

We ( mindy, Anne, and my new buddy Judy) went to black Friday this year. What a blast!!!!!! We left Thursday at 7 so we could be in the Toys-r- us line for the midnight opening. Anne needed the "hot item" Zhu zhu pets for her girls and they only had so many. Needless to say it got messy when midnight came. We hit Mod Bod while half of us was in line holding our place at 11 pm, also Wal-Mart( they were paranoid after the death last year), Target, cabella's, back to toys-r- us for a few of the 5am sales that we were late for, babies -r-us. And then to In and Out burger by 8:30 am and ya it was yummy, the mall, Shopko and Finally home. We made it back by about 12:30 one ish but what a good trip of laughs, memories, and getting great deals!!!! Also I only have a tiny bit of shopping left to do .

Black Friday lines!
Thanks Giving @ my moms

Kaydence it such a kisser( when it's on her terms)

I made her and Atley Turkey clips. I Found Kayde and out fit to match hers.
Atleys matched her outfit perfect!

I surprised John with a puppy(4 christmas) when he got back from his yearly Wy trip.
Grandpa Mike sweet muley!
The Meat Wagon.
John's Kill

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy spook day!

We had a great week end. Kaydence was a white tiger for Halloween, I was a sexy cat, and john was a poor homemade mouse. He on the other hand cut off his tail and ears, and now has super comfy lounge clothes. We went to Manti's trunk or treat, wow it is HUGE! I think most of sanpete goes. Like 4 of their Main Streets blocks were closed off, and full of cars, candy and trick or treaters young and old.

View of the porch, the corn was so awkward but I had it so it stayed.,

Can you see the pumpkin bum? that's all I could think of when I saw this. also John's pumpkin was a 2 for 1. kind of cool!
How cute, even with a grumpy face. ha ha She loves her bucket, I'm going to have to get more of these.
Looking for her extra stash.
The mouse and his 2 cats.

John being a pro carver.
She was eating the extra raw pieces loving life.

She has really got a knack for coloring

Taking her pumpkin to safety.