Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Blog

I haven't blogged in ages! I doubt anyone even pays attention to this one anymore.. but just in case.. Ive got a new blog address! Lets see if I can keep it up! http://whatabeautifulmesswer.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

BfF's FoReVeR..

A little over a month ago (yes sorry, My blogging skills are lacking),
We woke up on a Saturday and out of the blue 
decided to take Lys and her friends out on a photo shoot!
It was so much fun!
They loved it, and I loved going out with them and watching them.
I've said it before...
I could hang out with these girls all day!
They are all so gorgeous.
Inside and Out.
Alyssa has a good group of girlfriends, Im happy to say.
Some of which didnt get to make it out with us. 
Next time girls!!
Fun Shot. Lexie decided to BiTe Lys. haha
Weston wanted in on the action.
The End :)

ItS RoCkeT SciEnCe

The one thing everyone knows about Cody is that He loves Hobbies.
So what better piece of equipment to get the boys than a Rocket...
 at the HoBBy shop!
What boy doesnt love a RoCKeT?!
They are FaSciNaTeD!
Weston had been beconing him to get it for a while... 
So he did.
And he came over and launched them with the Boys. 
They had a FuN time and look forward to it, every time!
Thanks Dad!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"B" Strong 5k Fun Run

Come celebrate the gift of life with us 
and Bronson, in celebration of Bronson’s 2nd Chance. 
There will be a 5k, and children’s 1 mile Fun Run. Both Starting at 9am. Following there will be Games, Food, prizes, Bounce houses for the kids. Register online@:
Pre-registration: adults: $10, Children $6.  Same Day Registration: Adults $12, children $8. Same Day Family of 5 or more discount @ $25.
We look forward to seeing you all! 
Links to this story: www.stakerzxposed.blogspot.com
(Bronsons Miracle Video)
**If you cannot make the run, Donations are also set up at Wells Fargo. You may visit any Branch and tell them you wish to donate to“The Bronson Staker Donation account”. Thank you!!
**ALL donations go to benefit CHILDREN IN NEED.
Questions, Concerns or for donation of goods or services please Contact:
Jordan.Welch@gmail.com (Jordan Welch)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

BRoNsOns MiRaCLe..

If you haven't seen it yet,
 Matt (the most talented videographer) made a video of Bronsons story...
He did an AMAZING job. 
Check it out:
JOY is right.

XoXoXo HaPpY VaLeNTiNeS DaY!! XoXoXo

I hope everyone enjoyed their V-Day. I did. I missed the presence of my favorite Boys but all in all I definitely can't complain.
Sundays are Back!
We haven't had Sunday dinner at Moms for the last couple weeks.. 
well okay I take that back, 
I have but it hasn't been with everyone for a few weeks since little B went to the hospital.
Today we were so lucky to get to go down to Matt and Saras. 
To CeLeBRaTe! 
And to Thank our Father in Heaven,
How fortunate I felt to be back on track. 
After just last Sunday having an amazing Sunday evening in the hospital, 
yet worried about B's blank stares.
Loved every minute today!
Aria is so darling. Even though she's got some spunk, 
She just couldn't be any cuter!
I loved her Skirt Mauri had made her for the special day.
Dayne.. Little Cutie.
B and I.. 
I just cant get enough.
 He doesn't even get what the fuss is about everything. :) 
He just loves the attention. 
Constant visitors to say Hi to him... How can you not love it.
Lys and B. 
She was so excited to go see him! The last time she had seen him was last sunday at the hospital as well. 
180 degree turn!!
MmmmMmmmmm Red velvet Cake
Ma's Cinnamon Rolls.... 
Let me tell you,
Ya know something VERY special is goin on when these are made!
And Meg, this is especially for you. 
Thank you SOOOO much for the cute little scarfs!
Meg made them herself and sent them down for us.
How thoughtful on your part. 
We missed You Russ  Jaid Jenna and Loge.. and LoVE you all!

WheRe a KiD CaN Be a KiD...

..Not to mention where a Kid can get a lot of GeRMs! Wink Wink
Our dear friends Amy and Dave came to visit Salt Lake (from Vernal) for a short trip to see the Monster Truck Rally and grab a new truck for Dave. We were so lucky to be able to go and meet them at Chuck-E-Cheeses to play for a bit! 
I remember just how much I miss them every time I'm around them!
Our boys get along GReaT too...
West would go live with them if he could.... forever.
Ayden and Gage.. I told Gage he better hold on tight... ya never know! Soo cute.
Monster truck Rally of their own.
The BoYS
(Gage, Weston, Ayden and Austyn)
Weston and Ayden.. They had to hold hands. So cute. I know their Dads don't agree but I just love these shots!
Meeting Chuck-e.
Gage was Fascinated.
Amy and I. Love her. PLaiN aNd SiMpLe.
Thanks for making time for us!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bronson: n. Miracle

B went home today!
(Thank you KSL for the picture.. I would have loved to be there, at their home of course)
I am SO graciously happy for Matt, Sara, Bronson 
AND the boys to have their Mom and Dad back in the comfort of their own home. 
What a trying couple of weeks for EVERYONE who has been involved in this. 
However the 99.99% of good that has come of it is absolutely amazing.
A Miracle.
Yes, I said it AGAIN.
M. I. R. A. C. L. E.
I feel like I am on constant repeat. Rewind. Repeat.
Baffled. Amazed. Grateful. BLESSED.
Bronson isn't my own child. But in as much as he isn't my own, he is!
If that makes any sense whatsoever. 
It's almost funny what happens with the love you share for
 your own family unit when things go array.
 All the sudden its multiplied by a thousand in your want to LoVE, to HeLP.
Do anything you can to help make someone you loves heart mend... 
and meanwhile, your own as well.
I was able to share special moments with my siblings,
 bringing us all together.. closer.
I have noticed how much more we are all aware
 of sharing the love for one another. 
Im sure we as parents have hugged our children tighter, 
we have said I love you more often.
And I hope that doesn't EVeR change.
As I sit here on a Friday night, with no desire to go anywhere,
 do anything but sit in the peace that surrounds me.
 I have so many thoughts running through my head.
 Wanted to just share a few.
One: My friend Temple had posted about Sara and Matt's 
experience on her blog and her own testimony 
of faith and the power of the priesthood. 
I had spoke with Temple late saturday evening
 the day of the accident and told her the blessing Matt had given B, 
and that was the faith, and hope we were going off of at the moment. 
That he would be made whole. 
I also had mentioned how Matt being B's Dad.. 
what father wouldn't want to bless him with this.
She mentioned this story, and what I had said,
 in her blog as well.
Shame on me for even saying that.
 I know better. My comment to Temples post was this.. 
which I want to share, in remembrance for myself.
 A testimony of what I know to be true:
"I still cannot explain the outcome that this has had on my own testimony.
 My faith, my patience, my love for life. 
My children, My love for complete strangers. 
I truly have always had a testimony of the power of the priesthood
 by the way I was raised. My faith has often laid in the hands of the 
priesthood holders I've always had in my own Family.
 I have a loving righteous father, 
and just as much are my brothers. 
They are INCREDIBLE. I have often taken it for granted. 
Not only because they have always been worthy, 
and willing to bless me and my children when I have needed
 but the fact that they are MY siblings and MY Dad. 
Not everyone has this. Not everyone has a husband who is this either. 
Matt has not given himself enough credit in this Miracle. 
His righteousness and the power of the priesthood which he holds. 
What I have witnessed is pure TRUE love
 between Matt and Sara and it Brings me to tears. 
I have watched each one of my family members and often 
wonder how its so easy for them to be so faithful
 so endearing, but so hard for me. Like I am so weak in so many ways. 
"I am the weakest link"! 
Its the faith they hold. The TRUTH. 
It has hit me like a ton of bricks over the last week, 
what I've been missing myself for the last almost 10 years. 
Truth. My faith. Myself. God. Prayer. My testimony... 
even though I've never doubted it really.
 It has just been put on the backburner for my own selfish wants, or worldy needs.
 Its easier. But not better.
What has happened to Bronson is tragic, no doubt.
 But what the outcome has been is MIRACULOUS. 
The lives that have been touched and changed,
 you cant put a price on. 
Temple I am so proud of you for staying true 
and for not giving up on what you believe. 
Working for that truth. I look up to you, and your example. 
This world is such an extremely hard place to be in.
 Satan lurking around every corner. I love you dearly.
 You are an amazing person
 and I am so happy you are my dear friend." 
Temple and I are very similar in so many ways. 
We Joke about how we must be sisters, 
Maybe I was adopted and should have been a Taggart...
 Mom?! Dad?!  Do I need to know something?  
OR maybe Visa Versa, she should have been a Staker!
 Yah, I like that one better.  
We share a  love for the mountains, our children, 
And have the same sense of goofy behavior. 
Might I add..
 completely NATURAL goofy behavior together! 
Aww.. I miss you T.
Another of which is just plain CRaZY to me! 
I spoke with Megan, My sister, earlier today
 and she shared a link Jason P. had posted 
to his Blog about our ancestors.
 The story of Eliza Staker Drowning:
"Nathan and Eliza had met at Pleasant Grove, Utah, and married in 1857. In the spring of 1859, they moved with the original settlers to build their humble home in Mount Pleasant.  On this pleasant summer day in 1862, Nathan had been working with his young apple trees. He had planted an acre of them, many fine varieties that were to be a delight to his children and his grandchildren. Four year old James liked to help his father in the garden and orchard, but his mother objected to his playing in the orchard because of the irrigation ditch which ran through it just beyond the garden gate. He had come in wet more than once from falling into it. Eliza kept a close watch to see that this garden gate was always fastened because of her toddling little Eliza Jane, who was only eighteen months old and who also liked to follow her father. After his noonday meal and chores, Nathan went back to his work in the orchard. He did not notice that little Eliza Jane had followed him. Perhaps she was just a minute or two behind him. Eliza soon missed her baby and began to look for her. The little girl was not around the house or garden, so Eliza called to her husband. The baby was not with him, and he hadn't seen her; it was very unusual for her to be lost, so he went to look for her. They made a search of their premises but didn't find her. They went to their neighbor's and soon the whole neighborhood joined in the search without success. Then someone thought of the irrigation ditch. Brother Staker hurried through the garden gate to the little footbridge and followed the ditch down to the lower end of the orchard. There, floating in the water, and lodged against the dam which Henry Wilcox had made to divert the water to his garden, he found the motionless body of his baby girl. He lifted her quickly out of the water and hurried to the house. Nathan, his wife, and the neighbors used every method known to them to revive little Eliza Jane, but failed. During the excitement some of the group had seen a white-topped buggy go by. There was only one carriage like that in the county, and everyone knew it belonged to Apostle Orson Hyde, commonly known as Elder Hyde, who lived in Spring City, five miles to the south. At Nathan's request, a neighbor went on horseback to overtake him and ask him to return and administer to the child. On his return, Elder Hyde walked slowly through the garden to the little two room log home and past tear stained faces to where he was shown the body of little Eliza. Nathan asked him if he would administer to his little girl and call her back to life. Orson Hyde examined the little body in silence. He could detect no pulse, and no beat of the tiny heart. The body was getting cold."How long was the little girl in the water?" he asked. Brother Staker examined his watch, "It's just about an hour since I went to the orchard, and I suppose she followed me." I am very sorry, Brother and Sister Staker, but I have examined your baby thoroughly, and she is dead," said Elder Hyde, "and it isn't pleasing in the sight of the Lord that we should try to bring back our dead after He has called them home." 
Nathan was quite disturbed by this statement and answered, "Elder Hyde I have always tried to bow to the will of the Lord in all things, and am willing to now, but one thing troubles me very much. Soon after our little girl was born a year and a half ago, we took her to Bishop Seeley to give her a blessing and a name. I gave her that blessing myself, and I distinctly remember that I promised her that she should grow to womanhood and become a mother in Israel. I sincerely believe that such promises made by the authority of the priesthood will be fulfilled, but now---" he broke off and gestured helplessly.
"In that case," Brother Hyde answered, "I will ask God to restore your little girl to life again, and if that promise was made in the spirit of faith and righteousness, she shall live again to fulfill it."
The exact words that Orson Hyde uttered in his administration to little Eliza Staker at that time are not recorded or remembered, but he called her back to life, and she came. The next day she was playing with her little homemade toys again, toys which by comparison with those of today would seem crude, but which were very dear to her.  She did live to womanhood, and became a mother! She married Eli A. Day, a young school teacher who had been chosen in those days of community planning (the 70's) to go to the University of Deseret and study, to introduce new methods of teaching in the Mount Pleasant school. To them were born thirteen children, ten of whom survive today and who are all active in the Church. Eli A. Day died in November 1943, at the age of eighty seven, but Eliza Jane Staker Day is still alive and in her eighty sixth year. She lives at Fairview, Utah, where she and her husband made their home in 1886."

I love that story! AMAZING!! History repeating itself, indeed.

I didn't feel as bad after reading this story about Nathan 
WANTING to call his daughter back, 
about making the comment I did about Matt 
WANTING to call B back.. 
He too gave him a name and a blessing 
and had blessed him with forth comings in this life. 

Now I know My family doesn't think they are MORE blessed than other families.. 
or that because there were multitudes of people
 praying on Bronsons behalf that he should be spared
 VS. sparing another. 
God calls whom he needs. 
And who knows if B and others have that choice to stay in heaven or go back. 
What I do know is Bronson is meant to be here. 
He is serving, in my opinion more than one purpose.  
His mission as of now? What I recognize is to bring people together,
 show them the power of prayer. 
Strengthen testimonies, strengthen FAITH. 
A Miracle is a complete act of God.  
We have amazing technology... 
But what we all witnessed... 
even by those who aren't church goers or regular pray-ers is to be believed so.
 My friend whom is an RN has text me in disbelief..  
But then saying
I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he came out "quoting Shakespeare!". 

Our father in heaven places tragic events to bring us closer to him, 
in my belief and humble opinion. He has a plan.  
Don't question it, or doubt it. 
When at our worst, in struggles, we are more likely to turn to God in prayer.

I hope to remember to stay. 
And I pray for help in doing so.