After 15 years of being able to manage my asthma with only occasional meds and rescue inhalers, my luck ran out.
My allergies have been CRAZY lately. It seems like I'm always stuffed up, despite allergy meds. I've even doubled up with Benadryl at times. Still, I'm sniffly. With this, my lungs have been touchy. Two weeks ago, I tried going to the gym. I started wheezing early on into my workout, but persevered. I continued to wheeze off and on for 24 hours, unable to relax and breathe deeply.
I put off going to the doctor because I was SURE I could handle it myself. I absolutely hate going to the doctor. I avoid it if I can help it and tend to only go when I'm really sick or injured. Things eventually resolved and I told myself, "No big deal, see?? It went away!"
I'm trying to get more healthy lately.My friend Sarah and I are challenging each other to get and stay active.
Friday, we worked out and I wheezed a bit, but was able to get things under control. Today, not so much. When I was still wheezing actively over an hour later, I figured it was time to go see someone about my asthma.
Well, to cut this story a bit shorter, the doctor determined that my more frequent asthma attacks merit some maintenance meds and I am back on steroids. Steroids were one of the major causes of my weight gains as a teenager. They make me irritable, moody, break out, sometimes jittery, but...they do help me breathe. Here's hoping I can get things back under control and wean off again!!!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Dang luck
Posted by Jo at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 15, 2012
This (just past) Christmas, I had a really hard time getting enthused about the holiday. Sure, I went shopping, totally spoiled my nephews, spent time with family...yada yada. But, somehow, I couldn't FEEL the season. The weather's been unseasonably warm, we've had almost no just didn't feel right. I set up my creches and figurines in my living room, but the lights, ornaments, and tree never put in an appearance. Other than the opening of presents on Christmas Day and the wonderful Christmas Sacrament meeting (church service), it was just a very pleasant family oriented week. (Oh and lest I forget, the great fun I had being a Secret Santa at work, of course :))
Now, I've never been one to really celebrate Valentines' Day much. I've never had a sweetheart at the time to be all mushy with, or really had much use for it. For a while, a couple of roommates and I used to celebrate the day as S.A.D. (Singles' Awareness Day). We would dress in black, have a big potluck dinner/party with all of our single friends, etc.
I really can't quite explain it, but this year, I am actually pretty excited about this holiday...for probably the first time EVER. I've crocheted two heart for my house and one for the NICU. I've been researching Valentines' recipes. I'm even considering making homemade Valentines for my friends. What changed? Who knows? But, I kinda like it. :)
Posted by Jo at 3:04 PM 0 comments