Last week a Christmas Bazar was held at the church compound of St Patrick’s Cathedral (Pune)
It was fun and I also had some time to observe the place (and people) in detail.
As I was there before sunrise, I had a good opportunity to see the sun coming up, casting long shadows (a photographer’s delight)
People were getting ready with the stalls, sipping in hot tea and waiting for the customers to come in.
The 8 O’clock sun was a good time to click the steeple of the church. Sitting at one of the stalls I had ample time to observe the eagle sitting on one of the steeples. (or rather on the lightening conductor) Its mate came down and both went gliding together around the steeple, and when they were tired they would rest for some time. I presume there is a nest around.
Now looking at the close up of the eagle, I was wondering if the pole of the lightening conductor is designed with the forethought that a heavy bird can possibly sit on it.
The sun caught the banana tree in the right mood.
And so was the path to the Bishop’s house.
After every service, people thronged in and the deserted tables were full of activity.
Some liked the home made pickles while others bought the young saplings that were for sale.
Oh yes there were eatables too and who wanted to miss the yummy and hot cutlets. Some preferred the Vindaloo over the Sorpotel.
I saw some making a beeline to the fried fish and chicken roast counter (probably with the hope that they don’t have to cook for the Sunday afternoon)
I liked the way this gentleman parked his walking stick around his neck while sipping the hot coffee.
As far as the buying power is concerned, it is the kids that decide and steer the parents about what to buy. No wonder most of the ads on the television are aimed with the kids in mind.
Starting from the tiny tot. This one (above) was attracted by the bright colours on the next table and kept leaning towards that (even though there were lovely brownies right under her nose) But the brownie table was not attractive and colourful for this one year old !!
Then there were the young ones and teenagers who knew what a Brownie really meant and how it activates the salivary glands.

Finally his dad relented and bought a box full (can see the boy’s happiness who just could not believe that he is finally going to slurp his Brownies)