Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Joel has gotten back into fishing lately. And now that Jaxon is old enough, he has been wanting to take him with! A couple weeks ago we did a little "first fishing day" at a local pond. Just a small, cute place to see if Jaxon was even interested! He loved it!

His first fish!

They caught two little fish!

Petting the fish before they threw it back.
Carson was napping most of the time, but he woke up in time to help fish a little.

It was a tad windy, so we pulled out the kite! Both boys LOVED it! They even did a little playing in the grass. Such fun brothers!

Jaxon passed Joels "test"! He has since taken him on an all day trip with his dad up at Deer Creek! I have a feeling Jaxon is going to spend a lot of time fishing with his Dad and Grandpa!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sand Dunes

Last week we went down to my Grandma and Karls house. It was the annual Roper family sand dune trip, so we decided to head down a night early and spend some time at their house! That night I helped her make her famous rice krispy marshmallow balls. I don't know what they are actually called, but they are amazing! Pretty much marshmallows, caramel, and rice krispys on top. Amazing. The sand dunes just aren't the same without them! I learned all her tricks in making them too! ;) We made about 100, and she said that was a small batch!
Off to hand them out to everyone! She uses that same red bowl every year!

Once we got out to the sand dunes, it was pretty windy. (dang it!!) Typically we make tunnels in the sand hills to roll our colored eggs down, but it was just too windy and cold. So we spent most of the day in and out of their motor home, eating, visiting, playing a little in the sand, and of course riding the 4 wheelers!!
He said the wind was blowing him away!

Riding with dad!

He had to make sure he got a ride with everyone!

Grandpa, Garrett, and Jaxon. Headed out for a ride with their sunglasses on!
 Carson even got a little ride! He loved it when the wind wasn't blowing in his face!

As soon as the wind would blow into his face he would hold his breath and freak out. Silly boy!
It was a fun day, cut a little too short. Hopefully next year isn't so windy!

Friday, April 5, 2013

9/10 Months Old

I TOTALLY skipped Carsons 9 month update. So we will just combine the 9 and 10 month into 1 post.
At 10 months, Carson is army crawling/scooting all over the place! He gets stuck under tables and chairs all day long.... and is getting faster by the day. Once he has his sights set on a specific toy, there is no stopping him!

STILL not sleeping very well. He usually wakes up 1-2 times a night. The only silver lining is that all he wants is a bottle really quick, and goes right back to sleep most of the time. But I am so sick of getting my butt out of bed at 3am!
This boy can eat! He favorites are cottage cheese, bread, pb+j, yogurt, carrots, potatoes, mac and cheese, oatmeal, scrambled eggs and anything his brother is eating. No baby food for this guy. We have to give him super tiny bites though, he seems to gag a lot if they are too big.

 He loves faces! He grabs lips, eyes, noses, etc. 
He loves his Abuela!
 At the Dr! My big boy is 19.8 lbs (35%)
 Just about ANYTHING makes this little boy laugh or smile! Joel loves to tease him, scare him, tickle him and bug him! He LOVES his daddy!

His first time sliding! And it was with his brother! AW! He loves to slide! He gets to the top and wiggles his little bum until he goes down.
Tuesday, this little guy learned how to drink out of a straw! He is now obsessed... and tries to steal Jaxons drinks.

Thank goodness for phones with on screen cameras... he loves looking at himself in the phone/camera. 

 His "fussy time" is 6-7pm... Luckily, on warm nights, we can go on a walk and that cheers him right up! He loves being outside with his brother!
We took the boys to the park last week on one of the warm days. We let Carson swing for the first time. Heaven. But he is so tippy still, we put a blanket around him to help a little.Works great and he loves it!

Carson has 0 teeth!! Not even 1 starting... :) This seems to be normal for my kids. Jaxons first tooth was 13-14 months. So nothing new. We just get to keep kissing this little gummy-smile longer.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Weekend

Easter snuck up on me this year! I was not nearly as prepared as I usually am for holidays.But we covered out bases and stayed busy all weekend long!
First up was coloring eggs with Dad after work on Friday. Jaxon was so excited! He loves coloring eggs! Carson sat and watched and ate some cheerios. 

After they dried, we added silly face stickers and crazy hair to them. Jaxon LOVED how silly they looked! He just laughed and laughed as he made them.

Saturday morning, Joel had class.. :( So the boys and I went to the Orem City Easter Egg Hunt by our selves! It was crazy busy, but not as bad as Thanksgiving point. We got there pretty early and waited in line before they let us in around the field.
Bunny-hopping while we waited. Such a nerd.
I stuck him in the baby Bjorn... he was so good. But 20lbs on my shoulders like that about did me in. Time to retire that I think.

He had so much fun! He scored some eggs, and a ton of candy!
Later that night we headed over to the Browns house for a BBQ and an Egg hunt!! We missed Avery and Beckett (move closer you guys!!) But Jaxon, Parker and  Carson had so much fun!
Ready. Set. Go!

Carson was totally content watching the bigger boys find the eggs. The easter bucket was just as fun as the eggs were. :)

Grandma Brown filled soooooo many eggs with candy! Their buckets got pretty full (and heavy)! Jaxon loves their back yard, so add in an egg hunt, and he is in heaven!
  The Easter bunny came bright and early Sunday morning before church! They both loved their presents, and of course they wanted to play with each others toys. Brothers.

The best picture we could get with their Easter outfits on. I am so thankful for my little family! And these boys of mine make everything better!