Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blog Game!

Saw this on another blog! I will play! Will you?? :)
The rules for this game are:

1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
1. I will only be pregnant for 6 more weeks! I can't wait!
2. I am obsessed with ICE CREAM! Any kind! Cookie dough, butter pecan, strawberry, cookies n cream, rocky road, almond fudge, literally any kind I love!
3. I wish I had more $$ to spend on clothes for me. I spend it all on toddler/baby clothes! But I love being dressed cute, and I rarely feel like I am.
4. I bite my nails. I hate it. I stop for a while, and always start back up again.... Ugh.
5. I love being a stay at home's such a huge blessing and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
6. I have never colored my hair. I tried highlights (caramel colored) once, and they faded too fast.
7. I love sleep.... like really love it! It's my favorite thing to climb in bed at night, especially with freshly washed sheets!
8. I wash my hair every other day. Don't judge... 2nd day hair is fine!
9. I hate sitting in the dark. Even for movies! At home, I drive Joel crazy.... I always have lights on!
10. I like organizing things. I am usually too lazy, but when I get in the mood... watch out! I go organizing crazy!
11. I am really not a good driver. Joel laughs at my backing skills, or lack thereof! Maybe I should take drivers ed again! :)

11 Questions I Answered

1. What is your favorite food?
Cafe Rio Pork Salad. Hands down.

2. What/Who inspires you?
This is a tough one... my little family inspires and motivates me to be the best mom/wife I can be.

3. What is your favorite date night?
Dinner and Shopping! :) Love when Joel will walk around the mall with me and talk about randomness!

4.Surfing or Snowboarding?
I love snowboarding! But I am a beach girl.... I have never surfed though.

5.What is your favorite TV show?

6. What do you wish you knew in high school?
Haha ALOT! high school was pretty rough for me. I made a lot of bad mistakes all through out jr high/high school. I wish I would have known who my real friends were....

7.Who is your celebrity crush?
Ryan Reynolds

8. Who do you look up to the most?
My mom.... she is so genuine!

9.What is your favorite past time?

10. If you went to the gas station right now... what would you get?
Dr Pepper for sure! And maybe ice cream. :)

11 Questions I have for YOU!

1. What is your favorite movie?
2. Where would your dream vacation be?
3. What is you favorite thing to do on the weekends?
4. Read or watch a movie?
5. What would you do with 10 million dollars?
6. Who is your favorite Actor/Actress?
7. How many kids do you want to have?
8. Eat out, or homemade meal?
9. LEAST favorite "chore" around the house?
10. What is your favorite snack?
11. What is the first thing you do after kid(s) are in bed?

Ok blog friends.... your turn! That means you Mary, Kara, Emily, Erica, Lindsay, Melanie, Danielle, Ashley, Amanda, Marianne, and everyone who blogs and wants to play! :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

Saturday I took Jaxon to Thanksgiving Point for their big Eggstravaganza! It was soooo crazy! But he loved it! He was in the 0-3 age group for the egg hunt, and he was so into it! I was surprised how little "coaching" he needed from me. He knew exactly what to do and was in a huge rush trying to make sure no one else got his eggs!They had a lot of fun things for kids to do, even though we had to wait in line for most of it! Cow Train, Pony rides, animals, jump houses, and of course the Easter Bunny. Jaxon would not go NEAR the Easter Bunny. He was freaked out! By the time we were done there we were both ready for a good nap! After naps we went to a fun park near our house that has playground, duck pond, and a huge field to run around in. It was perfect weather too!After dinner we decided to let Jaxon color eggs. Last year.... he was not impressed with this tradition. Joel and I ended up doing most of them. We figured we might as well try again this year and see if he likes it better.
Oh he did! In fact he loved it!! He colored 2 dozen eggs, and wanted to keep going! Joel helped him dye them, and his favorite part was naming all the colors as they came out! Once they dried I helped him add the stickers!Sunday morning we had his Easter Basket all ready! He got a few random little toys, and he loves them...especially the cars! Of course. He spent all day walking over by his basket saying "Oooh presents!"Yes we let him eat candy at 9am. Yes we regretted it! Within an hour he was sooooo hyper!
Of course the true meaning of Easter has nothing to do with Eggs, candy, presents, or easter bunnies. It is about the sacrifice our Savior made for us, and that He was Resurrected so that we may be also. I love going to church on Easter Sunday! It's always one of my favorites. Church is at 1, and we spent all morning hanging out/getting ready slowly. Only to get to the chapel and find it empty. Stake Conference, and we totally forgot. UGH. So we drove over by the Provo river and walked along the trail for a bit.Easter dinner was spent at the Browns house. After we ate, Grandma and Grandpa had a little egg hunt for him! He loved it!Hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We sure did!