Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's time....

I've been {trying} to keep a little secret.........
Now it's time to tell the world! Baby Brown #2 is on his/her way! I'm about 3 months along right now! Due June 7, 2012. Yay for babies!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Jaxon dressed up as a monster! If you know him, this is VERY VERY fitting for him! And he played the part well! We could hardly do anything without some serious growls, with his "claws" in the air of course. But his favorite was the fact that he had BIG feet. He "stomped.. Stomped" everywhere.
Our little monster did his fair share of Trick-or-Treating this year. First up, we went to Joel's work. They decorate the office and cubicles, and the kids go through and find the candy. It's a 3 story building, so we were there for a while and Jaxon got a TON of candy from that alone.

Then we stopped at my moms house. He got to Trick-or-Treat there too! And of course take some pictures with my mom, and gypsy sister! Next up, Grandma and Grandpa Browns house. With some Trick-or-Treating on the way. He loved knocking on the door and picking out which candy he wanted all by himself. He was also very friendly, and half the time would invite himself into the houses! Grandpa Brown had a Jason mask that SCARED Jaxon at first. But he warmed right up and thought it was the coolest thing!
Then it was time to go to my Dads house! They do homemade donuts, hot chocolate, and have a movie projector playing. So it's a neighborhood hotspot for sure! We did some MORE Trick-or-Treating with my dad, and this little monkey! So cute, right?The whole way home, Jaxon, on a sugar high, was repeating "Happy Halloween!" over and over again. And it was, he was much more fun and cooperative this year!