Friday, January 28, 2011

A few little things...

About my little guy.
--- Loves the snow---
Walking in what's left!

---HATES gloves---
Also hates cold hands.
---Loves Kangaroo Zoo---

---His daring side came out---

---Loves ALL of his cars---
---Especially this one---
---But Hates when he can't carry ALL of them.---

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Liana and I met over 5 years ago. I worked major over time hours at a call center. She worked the night shift. Us meeting happened like most would in a work atmosphere. I worked so many hours that I was there when she got there for the night shift. While it was slow we would talk here and there. I also worked all weekend really all weekend 80 to 100 Hrs a week. It just so happened that she worked sat mornings, so we slowly got to know each other. After a few months I asked her if she would like to date exclusively She said no:( But I understood because she was coming out of a messy relationship. So I just stuck around. As those of you who know me know once I have decided I want something I don't give up easily. Eventually I broke her down. Insert evil laugh. Over the course of the next year our admiration for each other continued to grow. I purposed to her in the fall of 2006. I don't know the exact day. In Oct of 2006 I went to Fl. with Liana her Mom and her sister. as pictured above.
Soon we were married. On Jan 25, 2007 I broke Liana down just enough for her to take the plunge:). It was a day I will never forget! Thanks to Face Book. She was stunning walking down that isle. Within 2 months we moved to Pennsylvania.We did not spend to much time here but long enough to make some fun lasting memories. Phillies games, concerts, runs to New York and NYC, NJ shore Ect. A year later we moved to Missouri it has been our favorite place to live so far lots of things to do but as a lot of you know...This is where Jaxon came bursting into our lives. He is my little buddy Since day one I loved chillin with him. If he was fussy dads arms is where he would fall asleep. and as soon as he could laugh believe me he was laughing! He is also very sweet with Liana she always gets cuddle time. I get rough house time:) The love for your kids is so different than the love we have for each other.

So here we are back in UT. our love has been tested and pushed in many unexpected and many expected ways. I love her more and more everyday.

We went to FL Dec 2010. Had a blast from FL vacation to FL vacation my love for Liana has changed in many ways we have added a little boy to our family. Liana thank you for all of these memories I look forward to making many more!

4 Things I have learned about Liana

1. She loves crafts
2. She is always singing a random song
3. She is good at organizing
4. She is very patient and loving


4 years today! More in love then ever!
Anniversary Inn getaway.
Jungle Room.
Holding Hands.
Breaking the Rules.
Dinner, just us.
Lots and lots of Kisses.

4 things I have learned about Joel in the last 4 years...
1. Wonderful, fun, silly Dad! Nobody can make Jaxon laugh like he can!
2. AMAZING cook... but messy! :)
3. He's a softie... he acts tough, but he's really a softie! :)
4. Treats me like a queen and knows exactly what to say!
Example: His FB post today:
I met this girl once, she was amazing after getting to know her she was incredible! We started a life and a family together now I refer to her as prodigious, shocking, stunning, surprising, unbelievable and wonderful. So here's to the last 4 years 1460 days 35040 hours or 2102400 seconds, 1 fascinating life and 1 staggering son. Love doesn't quite do it justice. Looking forward to devoting the rest of my life to you.

Yeah, he is perfect! Happy Anniversary my Love!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Last But NOT Least!

Ok this is my final post about Florida. Promise! Once my mom and sister got there we decided we wanted to go to the Gulf coast for a night. To get there you have to drive through "Alligator Alley". (Which is literally a highway lined with fences to keep the alligators off the roads) Coolest thing ever!!
Anyway, we drove to Naples, and then ended up staying in a fancy shmancy resort on Marco Island (We got an amazing deal)! So here we go.....
Joel was driving 80+ mph while I was trying to get pictures of the alligators... so this is as good as it gets! Can you see it? Ok I am not kidding when I say we had the camera on our shoulder pretty much this WHOLE trip! Well when we got to Naples we found this AWESOME beach with fun playgrounds, beautiful white sand, bathrooms, etc. We were standing there looking around letting Jaxon stretch his legs after being in the car for 2 hours, and Joel looks at the water and says " Those are Dolphins!!" And sure enough, probably 30 feet from shore were 6-7 dolphins swimming! It was SOOO COOL!! But of course the camera was in the car! :(

Once we got to the resort we went straight for the beach. The sand was like soft white flour... aw so nice, except this part of the beach was COVERED in shells! It was really pretty! I love me some seashells so we started gathering right away! Well after Joel started picking some up we discovered there were still things living inside the shells!

Yeah that one can stay! Ew and it was moving in there!! Sick!

It's an understatement to say this little boy had the time of his life on the beach! One of his favorite parts... burying us! Or his version... throwing sand on us and laughing his little butt off!

The sunset. Enough said.He loved this!! Bye Florida! We miss the beach, warm weather, and most importantly my awesome family!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

{Our Sunny Christmas}

Christmas Eve!

This was the most beautiful, scenic park I have ever been to! We took Jaxon there on Christmas Eve to wear him out before his nap! We had a long night ahead!
In my moms family, Christmas Eve night is as big of a deal as Christmas Day. We all dress "nicer" then normal, have a HUGE meal, hang out, talk and of course dance! Jaxon LOVES to dance with my sister! It makes him so happy!Christmas morning Jaxon woke up a little grumpy and tired from partying the night before! BUT... he did cheer up and open his presents!{After we took off the HORRIBLE idea of slippers! Which were Lightning McQueen but he still hated them!}
After we opened our presents we changed into beach clothes and told Jaxon we were going to the beach to play with his new sand toys! Glass on, flip flops on, and he was on his way! With or with out us!
Then we walked here... awwww... picturesque or what?
That afternoon was yet another family party! More amazing food, talking, cousin gift exchange, and playing with new toys!
My cousins loved playing with Jaxon almost as much as Jaxon loved it! He thinks he is 22 months going on 7! He wanted to play nerf guns with the big boys... so they pretended to chase him!

I'm kinda obsessed with him! :)And that {in a nut shell} was our Christmas! Perfect.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Florida Trip!

We are HOME!! FREEZING.... and tan!!! We had a wonderful vacation and got so spoiled by my family! They are all amazing! We took over 1300 pictures... So where, oh where do I start! I guess at the beginning!

First Day at the beach. It was breezy so we didn't swim, but Jaxon was in love with exploring this new place!
The next day we went to the Miami Seaquarium! A small version of Sea World, but it was perfect for us! Jaxon thought this place was heaven!
While we were there Joel surprised me!
This is something I have wanted to do FOREVER!
And I was sad when my little sis did it before me... and without me.
But it was worth the wait!

I could not stop smiling! Dolphins are so freaking cute and smart! If the water had been warmer the 57 degrees I could have stayed in there all day playing with them! BEST early b-day present EVER! Thanks Joel and mom!
Because there were only 3 in our group we got to do a lot of extra things with them. Plus the trainers let Joel and Jaxon in to pet, feed, and play with one of the dolphins! So cool!Remember how I said we got spoiled? Well we aren't done yet... not even half way! My aunt somehow got 4 Miami Dolphins tickets for us! So Joel and I went with my aunt and friend! We had a blast even though they lost! :)
That's all for now... Next up, my mom and sister finally get there and the weather warms up! BEACH TIME.... CHRISTMAS.... FAMILY PARTIES... Etc!!