Saturday, December 31, 2011


I will be honest. I don't love New Years. I REALLY love sleeping! So staying up late is not my favorite. So, to keep myself awake, I decide to do a little year - in - review post!

Joel and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary.

~ February~
Lots of fun "field trips" with my little man.

Jaxon turned 2!!

Easter... Toy Story themed presents!

Enjoying the nice weather at the zoo. We spent a lot of time outside!

Finally SUMMER!!

Yellowstone with the Browns.

Lake Powell with the Ropers

3 concerts in 1 month!

I'm Pregnant!!!

Thanksgiving at my Grandmas house.

Christmas festivities... Lights, Temple Square, parties...
Happy New Year! Hope 2012 is just as exciting!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve!

Now that we live by family again, our holidays are always busy. Fitting everyone in can be a little crazy! But we are extremely grateful for our awesome families who are patient with accommodating our crazy schedules!
So Christmas Eve was at my moms house this year. We had a delicious dinner, hung out in our new jammies, played dominoes, and drank chocolate shakes! Jaxon loves my moms house. He is crazy little boy when we are there!
Opening his Christmas Eve present from Abuela. His very own toy IPhone... he loves it!
Instead of "christmasy" jammies, we went with winter ones this year. Jaxon loves snowmen, reindeer, penguins, etc... so these were perfect!

The girls in our jammies!

Family pic... it's not the best. I look horrid. Oh well.But this little guy sure is a cuttie in his bright pj's. I kinda love him!!
Thanks Mom and Stef for a great night!
Once we got home, Santa's elves got to work setting up presents... ya know... to help Santa out a little! :) Who would have thought that train track would take an hour alone! Goodness!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

16 weeks!!!

I'm 16 weeks... (well technically on Thursday). BUT I could not wait any longer to find out what we are having!! So we went and had the Early Gender Reveal Ultrasound done at the mall! {Early} Christmas present for me!! And guess what..........Yep, Jaxon is going to get a little brother!! Isn't he a cuttie already?!?! Even though I REALLY REALLY wanted a girl, I am still excited. Of course I was a little bummed, but maybe it's a blessing in disguise right now. I don't think we could have afforded all of the cute girl stuff I have been wanting to buy quite yet! ;)
Jaxon didn't really understand the whole ultrasound thing, and was more worried about why I was laying on some weird table in the dark. But when he saw the pictures he said baby. We will have to practice "baby brother"! Bring on the boy names.... they are tricky!! So any suggestions would be fabulous! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

An Update!

Okayyyyy! So it's time for an update on our lives. So first things first, I keep getting asked how I am feeling. Well, ya wanna know? LIKE CRAP!! I have been sooo sick for the past 2 months, and I am waiting for it to end! I hate morning/all day sickness. I was not NEAR this sick with Jaxon, so this is all new to me. I rarely leave the house, my dishes are always stacked up, my laundry is always behind, and my bathroom is a diaster, as is my whole house! I take a 2 hour nap everyday while Jaxon is sleeping, and still go to bed by 10 every night. Yep, I am Soooooo much fun right now. I am officially 14 weeks tomorrow, so cross your fingers and toes that I am done with this soon!
Anyways.... lets move on. We have been up to a few fun things lately. Excuse the randomness.. I can't think of an organized way to post these, so here ya go!
Towards the end of October, we went to Lagoon again for Joels parents work party. (I won a $100 Costco card!) Jaxon of course LOVED all the rides.Thanks to Groupon, I got a killer deal for a Cornbellies season pass. So we pretty much spent all of October there. Jaxon loved that place!Last week we went to see the Elves are Gardner Village. It was not as impressive as the Witches, but the kids had fun finding them.Our most recent little adventure was ZooLights. We bundled up and headed up there on Saturday night. I had never been, so didn't really know what to expect. And I was pleasantly surprised! We had a lot of fun, even though we were freezing!!Such a fun night! So that's it for now....:) Oooooh and I'm becoming an Aunt again SOON! Our first nephew! Joels brother and wife are in the hospital right now... Parker is on his way!! Good luck Mel!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's time....

I've been {trying} to keep a little secret.........
Now it's time to tell the world! Baby Brown #2 is on his/her way! I'm about 3 months along right now! Due June 7, 2012. Yay for babies!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Jaxon dressed up as a monster! If you know him, this is VERY VERY fitting for him! And he played the part well! We could hardly do anything without some serious growls, with his "claws" in the air of course. But his favorite was the fact that he had BIG feet. He "stomped.. Stomped" everywhere.
Our little monster did his fair share of Trick-or-Treating this year. First up, we went to Joel's work. They decorate the office and cubicles, and the kids go through and find the candy. It's a 3 story building, so we were there for a while and Jaxon got a TON of candy from that alone.

Then we stopped at my moms house. He got to Trick-or-Treat there too! And of course take some pictures with my mom, and gypsy sister! Next up, Grandma and Grandpa Browns house. With some Trick-or-Treating on the way. He loved knocking on the door and picking out which candy he wanted all by himself. He was also very friendly, and half the time would invite himself into the houses! Grandpa Brown had a Jason mask that SCARED Jaxon at first. But he warmed right up and thought it was the coolest thing!
Then it was time to go to my Dads house! They do homemade donuts, hot chocolate, and have a movie projector playing. So it's a neighborhood hotspot for sure! We did some MORE Trick-or-Treating with my dad, and this little monkey! So cute, right?The whole way home, Jaxon, on a sugar high, was repeating "Happy Halloween!" over and over again. And it was, he was much more fun and cooperative this year!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Day with Dad

Joel had a day off last week. So we decided to head up to SLC and use our free Clark Planetarium Movie passes. Well we got there at the EXACT wrong time for a movie, and the next ones didn't start for another 3+ hours. So instead we kept it simple.
Waiting for the Trax train.

He thought this was the coolest thing ever! We rode around for a little while before turning around and heading back toward Temple Square.We had to check out these cool fountains! I told Jaxon please don't touch the water, I don't want you all wet. They are both smiling and laughing in this picture because that is just what they did! Boys.... they just can't resist.Joel is such a good dad! Jaxon LOVES doing anything that involves his dad. So even though we didn't do very much, it was still a fun day for these guys. :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gardner Village

We went to Gardner Village this week, and I have to say I LOVE that place during Fall/Halloween time! I was excited to get some pictures of Jaxon with the "itches and umpkins". Let's just say it didn't happen. Look at these keepers! ;)
(Mid-Tantrum... because I took his snack away for a picture)

(haha I don't even know what to say about this one!)But don't worry... by the time we got home he was all sorts of smiley, cute and silly. Pictures with carpet as the background and horrible lighting are much better then outdoor ones, right? Ha.
Maybe we will get a chance to go back and try again before it snows... again!!