Monday, December 13, 2010

Early Festivities

We leave for Florida in 2 days!! SO exciting! But that means we have to get our Christmas festivities done early this year! With Joel in the middle of finals and trying to squeeze in all of the family parties and such... it's been a little crazy! Plus there is a good chance we will be moving the week we get back from FL! I LOVE the holidays, so no matter how busy we are... I always make it worse by squeezing in as many things as possible! Prepare yourself for a long post! :)
First up.. Temple Square Lights!
BEAUTIFUL as usual!
(We had great company that night.. Thanks Cam and Mary!)
Remind me why I even bother with a stroller?

One of my favorite things during the holidays is the Festival of Trees. I went last year... Jaxon did not love it. He was bored. But I still insisted on going again! I AM SO GLAD WE DID! Jaxon loved looking at all the different trees! His favorite were obviously the ones with themes he recognized! I want to buy a tree from there.... one day.


Cookie Monster! (Probably his favorite!)

And of course BYU football! (This one was mostly for dad!)
Pictures with Santa are a MUST! I thought for sure we would pay for a picture of a screaming little boy lunging from Santas arms. But...
I was happily surprised! He was a little nervous, but sat there until I went and picked him up! He even went back over to give him "stones" and get his candy cane!
This post is getting very long isn't it... I warned ya! For your sake I will skip to the presents! He got his Christmas presents early since we will be gone. Oh boy is he SPOILED!!
(Thanks grandparents!!!)And finally this....
Yeah he has a nicer car then we do! We asked Santa to bring this early... he of course was very accommodating! It may even be a year or so early because it's so big! But who cares he loves it and can drive it! He just can't steer yet! :)
Merry Christmas!
We will be back in January!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Change in the Weather

3 weeks ago we were enjoying the cool fall weather! Playing in leaves....
Talking to horses at Grandpa's house...
And running around in the grass!

Today we got to try playing in snow for the first time!
Even falling down in the snow was fun!
So was waving bye bye to Grandma and Grandpa!
And in less then 3 weeks from now we will be here.... Florida...nice and warm! But this time with Joel and a toddler, for 2 1/2 weeks!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Christmas Cards

I have never given out Christmas cards before, but I love getting them from everyone else! Shutterfly has some of the cutest ones I have seen. I have used Shutterfly to make photobooks and collages and I love them! So now I just have to decide on my favorite holiday card! This one?Or...Or maybe this one?

(All of these pictures are links to Shutterfly's website)
They have SOOOO many, it's going to take me a while to decide. I know they are all totally different styles, but it shows you how hard of a time I am having picking my favorite! There are probably 8 more that are in the running! I will have to upload my pictures and see which one fits my pictures the best!
Wanna pick one for your self?? Go Here or Here!
And Shutterfly is giving 50 free holiday cards to bloggers! So jump on the band wagon with me and go Here to sign up!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I believe I can FLY!!!

We went flying last weekend! By we I mean my dad, my sis and her friend! He is a pilot and took us flying in a little 4 seater airplane! It was SOOOO fun and the view was amazing! My favorite part was the 0 Gs he did... pretty much makes you fly out of your seat like there is no gravity! We would hold something out in our hand and it would float away! It was a day to remember!
~Ready to go!!~
~Me and my dad!~

~Stef was the co pilot and got to fly the plane!
~View from the plane!~

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 1..2..3..

Our little Nemo had a very busy Halloween weekend!

~Part 1~
Daddy's work Trick or TreatJaxon got to trick or treat at Joels work! This was his first time trick or treating and he caught on so fast! It doesn't look like it in the pictures, but he had a blast! This was towards the end and he was getting hot and grumpy.~Part 2~
Lagoon Day with Gma and Gpa Brown!

He got to ride lots of kiddie rides all by himself for the first time! He loved them!
"Whoa!!"His favorite were these cars! He would have gone 10 times in a row if we let him!~Part 3~
Trick or Treat!

After a long, fun day at Lagoon, we went home to get all dressed up for the night! Well it rained and rained so our neighborhood/ward decided to have everyone meet at the church to trick or treat. Let's just say it was a good idea but a little chaotic! Jaxon, after being up all day, was not in the best of moods.... so no super cute pictures of my adorable Nemo! But he was excited about his "Nimi" costume and all the candy, especially the suckers!
Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Jaxon saw the pumpkins at Smiths on Friday and said "whats that?" And that began an obsession with "punkins"! So that night was the night to paint one! He loved it and did better then I thought he would with paint brushes!
Of course he had to test out how the paint looked on his tummy! :)
But in the end we had a masterpiece! Ok, so Joel helped a little with his name and the stem.We attempted family pictures this weekend.... but Jaxon was not in a "hold still and smile" mood! We got a few decent ones, but I am still deciding which one to use for Christmas cards.. so here is a sneak peak of our serious boy family pictures!
See what I mean???

We tried to cheer him up! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's New....

Not a whole lot!
But here are a few pictures of the fun stuff we have been up to!

I don't remember when the state fair was, but we went up on a Friday night to check it out! Interesting people there to say the least, but we wanted to see the sea lions! I convinced Joel to take Jaxon over to get pictures taken....
How cute right?!?!?! Well to get in there you had to buy THEIR picture! So we did... but I pulled out my camera and snapped as many as I could while they were standing there. Jaxon was not a fan of those sea lions so close and on Dad's head! This is almost the exact picture we paid $15 bucks for..Oh well at least it's a cute memory! :)


Our little family at the circus! Jaxon LOVED it! His favorite was probably the motorcycles that go around in that ball... or maybe the elephants... or maybe the lights and music... or maybe the tigers. Ok I don't really know... because he was amazed by it all!! I have literally 400 pictures from that night - but I am too lazy to post them! :)


A few weeks ago my cousin from Florida was in town! She had never been to Utah, so of course we had to take her up the canyon for tinfoil dinners and smores!Jaxon was in LOVE with her!


Jaxon got his 18 month pictures done! I couldn't love them anymore!The first picture really makes me realize how grown up he is getting! I know I say this almost every month, but he really is growing up too fast! He is a full blown toddler now and I LOVE IT!! Except this week we have bid farewell to 2 naps a day! We are down to 1 and I have mixed feelings about it! :) It was bound to happen eventually I guess! You will be missed morning nap!