Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Danielle!!!

So yesterday was my best friends birthday... technically she is my cousin-in-law, if there is such a thing! But who cares, we are very close either way! Anyway, she just got home from serving a mission in Nashville, TN and did an amazing job! I am so proud of the work she did, and all of the things she taught me while she was there! She is a great example to me and carries a very special spirit with her!
Danielle, you seriously have been a huge influence in my life and I am so thankful to have you as a friend!! You are so much fun and we can always count on you to bring a smile into the room!
I can't tell you how excited I am that you are home so we can talk and hang out like we used to!
I love you so much and hope you had a good birthday... And I hope your not mad at me and Kierra for decorating you room! Ok lets be honest we made a mess with confetti, ballons, and streamers!!!! :) But it's cuz your the best!

Here are some pictures that we took in PA before she left on her mission!

Facial Mud Masks.... haha

Atlantic City Beach with cute Jacob!

Dorney Park

Summer BBQ

Toys R Us in New York City!

Us in New York City! We went and saw Mary Poppins that day! So fun!


Memorial Day Weekend

Mmmm 3 day weekends!!! We had a great relaxing break from work! On Monday we went with Lon and Trudie to their ward BBQ. It was SOOOO humid and muggy, but we still had fun and the food was pretty good!

I LOVE Danielle so much! She is finally home and we can't get enough of her! I really missed her and am having fun hanging out with her! After the picinic we took her to see her first movie since coming home from her mission.... Angels and Demons. We all LOVED it!

This is how Jaxon was the whole time... dead asleep! I guess he was pretty tired! But isn't he cute?!?! :)

This is Joel and Rachael... they have such a special relantionship! She adores Joel and is always running to play with him! And don't tell the other kids, but she is his favorite! She has a special place in his heart and gets spoiled by him!

Do you think she is having fun? She was squealing and laughing like crazy the whole time!!!

Jacob telling us whats up! He is a chatter box! Half english half his own jibberish!

Me and Emi

SammiThought she was thirsty and carried around a half jug of water.

Bryce Nice mohawk!!

More fun pictures to come!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can you believe this silly little boy is already playing XBox with his dad?!?!??! HaHa Not really, but Joel likes to take pictures of him with the controllers. And hold Jaxon while he plays. Jaxon really loves to look at the TV... I guess all of the colors are pretty cool!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

I know I am a day late... but better late then never right?
I just wanted to wish my mom a Happy Mothers Day again! I know I talked to you yesterday, and sent you a card, but it isn't near enough to express my love for you! You have been the best mom ever and I want to thank you for being so patient and loving with me, even at my worst times you always cared about me! Thank you for always doing what you thought was best for me and Stef. You always put us first and I am so grateful for that! You are such a fun, amazing woman and I am proud to have you as my mom! You are such a great example to me, and I have learned so much from you! I am striving to become a great mother like you are, and can not wait until you live closer! Thank you so much for being my friend, mom, and abuelita for Jaxon. Don't ever forget how much I love you, and how much Joel and Jaxon love you! Your the best!!!!! Hope you had a great day!! LOVE YOU!

Ok this is Joel now - Your daughter is an amazing woman, and you taught her all of the great mothering skills that can be rare to find now days. She is one of kind thanks to you, and I am grateful that I am married and sealed to her.

Isn't she gorgeous???? :)

And now Joel's mom... This is actually Joel now - Mom I love you! I know having 3 boys probably made life run at a break-neck pace, but you were always at all of our games even when you screamed too much! I appreciate everything you did for me and will always love you. Love Me (Joel)
I also want to wish April a Happy Mothers Day! Thank you for raising Joel to be such a sweet guy! He is great husband and dad and I know he would not be who is he now with out such a great mom! Oh and I owe you a HUGE thank you for teaching him how to cook! It's a great talent for him to have! :) Hope you had a great mothers day too!

Thank you Joel for making my first mothers day so special! Even though you were sick you were great! You and Jaxon did a great job picking out my present! :)

Being a mom is the most rewarding thing I have ever done! It is so great to know that I am responsible for this special son of God and I have been given the opportunity to raise him in the church to become a strong, spiritual man. Motherhood is better then I could have ever imagined, it is also harder. But SOOOO worth it! The smiles in the middle of the night and cuddles and kisses I get everyday make it so worth it! Just thinking about being a mom myself makes me teary-eyed! Thanks again hun for making my day memorable! Love you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Growing Boy

He is still growing like crazy!!! And is getting funner every day! He smiles and "talks" so much! We love listening to all of the stories he tells us. He coos and makes some funny noises trying to mimic us. Here are a few more pictures of this last week. He is now 2 months old! Ya think we are a little camera happy??? haha We take so many pictures of him!

My mom got him these cute long sleeve onesies that are the polo name brand of course. He looks so cute in them, I had to take a few pictures. Thanks mom, they fit him perfect now!!!

Me and my baby!!

The 2 loves of my life. Doesn't Jaxon look tiny in Joels lap?

Look at that smile!! I just wanna kiss him to death! He is the happiest little boy!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

2 month shots

We took Jaxon to the doctor this week for his 2 month check up and shots.
Look how big he's getting!He is only in the 7th percentile for weight at 9 lbs, and in the 11th percentile for length at 21 1/2 inches. But he is healthy and growing!!

He was in such a sweet mood before the nurse came in with the shots. I was so nervous about them I made Joel come with me!
He had to get a total of 3 shots, and the first one he did good, and only whined, but by that 2nd one he was so mad! Poor little guy screamed so hard and his face went bright red! I felt terrible and wanted to cry!
As soon as she was done I picked him up and he calmed down... but geez that's tortue making them lay there.
That night he did have a little fever and was such a sad boy! Not really himself and was very testy! After some Tylenol and a long night of fussing until he could fall asleep, he finally started feeling better the next day! Thank goodness! I think it was more traumatizing for me!
Glad it's over!

** A few random pics**

His little shoes finally fit!!!! I have tried to put him in a red/brown outfit more often so he can wear his shoes before they are too small. :)