Wednesday, April 29, 2009

His Blessing Day

While Joels parents were here we blessed Jaxon. There was a lot of family that was able to come and we were very thankful! Both of Joels brother, his dad, 3 uncles and some cousins came! Joel did an incredile job with the blessing and made me cry! Jaxon was a little angel and did even make a peep! He looked so special in his little outfit! Tyler, Joels younger brother picked out the whole outfit including the shoes because we could not find anything here for him to wear. So they picked it up in Utah before they came out here. How nice huh?

The morning of the blessing was a nightmare!!! Haha! Trudie and Lon blessed their newest little girl, and we were trying to get there one time at 9am. So Joel and I literally ran out the door at the last minute, got in the car, and realized WE BOTH LEFT OUR KEYS IN THE HOUSE! With the doors locked! So not only was it pouring rain, our keys were locked in the house, it was the Sunday we were blessing Jaxon, and Joels entire family was in town! Geez! We ended up having to call his brother to come pick us up and we raced back to the church and barely made it for the blessing (which was so special too!). After their church was finished Joel and his brothers decided instead of calling a locksmith, they would try and lift Tyler to the balcony in hopes the slidingdoor was unlocked! Now keep in mind it's still raining and they are all in their church clothes! Oh what a joke! When he finally got up the door was LOCKED! haha Just like I warned them. So poor Tyler had to sit there while we all waited in the car for the locksmith to show up. After I got over my frustration it was a great day! We played a few games, worked on dinner, and then left again for church to bless Jaxon. Here are some more cute pictures of our little man in his white blessing outfit!

Gotta love the bowtie!!!!!

With Grandma and Grandpa Brown.

Uncle Tyler acting like a dork! :)

Aunt Melanie and Uncle Tyler with Jaxon.

Hilary and Rand. They are expecting a little girl in September! Jaxon will have a cousin!

He was in such a good mood for pictures and was smiling so cute... and then he was done!! :) I had to get a picture of him crying cuz his face is so cute!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Family in town

We were lucky enough to have Joels family come visit a little over a week ago. They of course got to meet Jaxon for the first time and we stayed pretty busy doing so many fun things! Here are some pictures of us at the St Louis Arch. Joels mom stayed at the bottom with Jaxon and the rest of us went up!

The little tiny pods you have to get in to ride up leave no breathing room for anyone! Before we all got in, I was wondering how five people could fit in there. I quickly found out its a tight squeze.

Joels Dad rode up with us.

All of us at the top of the Arch

The top is 630 feet!

View from the top Busch Stadium home of the St. Louis Cardinals.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I am a little behind this week, but we had such a great Easter this year. Lon and Trudie had an Easter egg hunt for their kids on Saturday at a great park, and we all got to help them get the hang of finding the eggs! They were so cute and very excited about the whole thing! After the toddlers were done finding their eggs and baskets, Trudie annouced she had an egg hunt for the "adult kids" as she calls us. (Kierra and Bobby, Jared, Me and Joel, McKeon and one of his friends. We each had to go find our bags, and then we got to go find the eggs... and they had money in them!! Well some had candy, or were chuck full of pennies... but I found 1 of the $20 dollar bills!!! In the end Joel and I ended up with $29 in bills, $8 in quarters, and about $10 in random change (I didnt count all of the freaking pennies!) It was so fun and very sweet of Trudie to do that for us! Me being the smart person I am did not take 1 picture! They have a bunch on their camera, but I havent gotten the pictures from them yet.

So some pictures of our Easter photo shoot with Jaxon will have to do. I bought him a silly little "Baby's First Easter" outfit that looked so cute on him, bunny feet and all! Joel was not a huge fan of the outfit, but oh well, he will only wear it that one time and I liked it!

We put him in a basket and surrounded him in the Easter eggs and the grass stuff. Thanks mom for the cute sport themed eggs... Joel liked them because they weren't girly looking. What a cute Easter present huh?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dr. Visit

I took Jaxon to the doctor on Tuesday to have him weighed again. He weighes 7 lbs 12 ounces! In 3 weeks he went from 6 lbs 5 ounces to almost 8 pounds! Ok I know most babies are about that size when they are born... but to me he is getting so big!

I was going to take a picture of him on the scale, but I was in a hurry and he screamed his head off when I layed him down! So we called it a day and left!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday Sammi Dear....

This weekend was also Sammi's birthday! She is the cutest little girl and was very proud she was turning 3! For anyone who does not know who she is, she is Joels, uncles daughter. They have 7 adopted kids and are such a great family!!! We are so lucky to be a part of these kids lives! They are so much fun and we love to spoil them rotten! :) I only have pictures of the older toddlers, but I will get pictures of the 3 new babies soon!!!

We went over to their house on Sunday night for dinner and we also had cake and ice cream for her birthday.

She had a hard time getting the ice cream into "bite sizes" so she just stuck the fork into the whole scoop and licked it until it was gone!

One of the presents we got her were these cute hot pink princess sunglasses! She loved them and she looked so cute!
This is Jacob, he is the oldest of the group.... This was his cute reaction when I told him to say "cheese!"

This is Emilee, she is next oldest after Sammi.... She looks like I caught her red handed! HA

And this is Rachael! I just love them all! They all have the funnest personalities!

General Conference

I really thought General Conference was extra insprirational this session! A lot of the talks focused on coming together as families, friends, and wards to help each other through the economic trials of our time. I am so blessed to have the church in my life and am very thankful for the oppurtunity we have to listen to the counsel of our modern day prophet and leaders. They are all very inspired and carry a special spirit with them. I wish I could say which talk was my favorite, but really all of them had a specific message that jumped out at me and really helped put my life back into perspective.

A Whole Month?!?!? Really?

Jaxon turned A MONTH OLD on Friday, April 3! I honestly can not believe it! He is growing up so fast! And seems to change every day. Everyone tells you to cherish each and every minute because they fly by, but until you witness it first hand it's hard to believe.It's crazy how different he looks from the day he was born!

HANDS, Hands...

During nap time I got his cute picture of Joels and Jaxons hands.

This picture is so cute huh? He was 2 days old and holding Abuelita's hand! ( my mom) I just had to put it up again! I love it!