Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Last weekend was Orem Summerfest! Jaxon was beyond excited to go ride the rides, watch the parade and watch the fireworks(which we missed). Other then the trashy crowd it brings, gross port-a-potties, and the nasty germs, I like going too! We went Friday night after Joel got home and bought Jaxon a bunch of tickets.
First up was the roller coaster!
 This little guy was content to watch while eating some cheerios and goldfish.
 He begged me to ride with him on this big slide! These are always his favorite!

 Looking around the park with Dad, deciding what to do next!
 While we waited in line for the ferris wheel, Carson and I rode the carousel!

He LOVES carousels! He clapped, squealed, smiled, and waved the whole time!
 Love my little boys! Jaxon has this new crazy smile he does when we take pictures! It makes me laugh every time I see it! I guess it's better then nothing!

 These boys sure love their Dad! And I know he loves them!
 Summer. Carnivals. Ferris Wheel.
I love getting to spend fun nights like these with my little family. 
Saturday night Stef and I took Jaxon to the parade, and finished the last of his tickets!

We are busy almost every night and every day, especially on the weekends! But I wouldn't have it any other way! I just love a busy summer, enjoying a variety of activities with our friends and families!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Jaxon is finally old enough to participate in the city's sport leagues! We missed the sign up for soccer this spring, so that will have to wait until fall. But we did get him signed up for T-Ball! He is a runner. He literally runs non stop everywhere we go! His endurance and stamina baffles us everyday! We knew he would like baseball, but would need to learn how to play the actual game, and not just run the whole time. First practice.... that was rough! He spent almost the entire hour running the bases. Over and over again. When it was his turn to bat, he was THRILLED that he finally got to run. Then as the other kids took their turns, Jaxon ran with them too. Such a nerd!
Saturday was his first actual game. Well his first game. The team had a game last week, at the exact time of Carson's b-day party. Joel and I had bought him cleats the day before... at the store we had him run around a little to see if he liked them. He loved them, and told us "These work great! I can run super fast!"
Let me say this about his first game! Hilarious. Chaos.
His team consists of 4-6 year olds, so the older kids on both teams did a lot better then the little ones. Jaxon has the hang of being on the field, grabbing the ball, and throwing it to first (well in the general direction.)
Waiting for the ball

Little boy dog pile, fighting for the ball

He grabbed it, and threw it to 1st!
But for some reason, when it was his turn to bat, he kinda forgot what to do after! We were dying of laughter!! He would hit the ball, run and grab the ball THEN run to 1st! So dang funny! Here is a little play by play!
Hit the ball

Ran to pick up the ball

Finally made it to 1st, then kept going!

Pretty proud of himself for stopping at 3rd!

He seems to love it! Just needs to keep learning how the game goes! The game was over an hour long, so towards the end he was kinda done. But he had so much fun! After the game was team pictures! I promise I was not the only one who snuck in behind the photographer and snapped my own pictures! :)
Here is his little T-Ball team! The Orem Jr. Owls. But I think they renamed themselves the Green Lanterns!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Jaxon graduated from his first full year of preschool on May 29th. We had it all planned for Joel to take the morning off so he could come to the little program they do every year. Well the week before the program, I got a note saying the program would at 10 and would last about 20 minutes. Perfect. Then, they day before the graduation, there was another note saying "don't forget about the program tomorrow at 10:30am". I thought nothing of it. I just assumed they moved it back a little.
So I picked up Joel, and headed over to the school with Jaxon and Carson. We arrived at 10:20am.... and it was over. I was SOOOOOO sad! The teacher said she totally did not mean to write down 10:30, and felt super bad. Jaxon still got to receive his little diploma and lots treats from the teachers. But it just wasn't the same. In all reality, it's just a preschool program... and he isn't even technically graduating until next year. But I was/am still sad we missed the whole thing!
Here he is with his 2 teachers from this year! Miss Karina and Miss Lindsie.
This school has done wonders with Jaxons' speech! He is talking non stop now! Next year he will be moving to a school closer to where we live which will be nice. But he sure will miss his friends and teachers! I can't believe this is my big boy, who when he first went to school last year, cried and cried when I left him there! This year he was so excited to go on Tuesdays/Thursdays and always came running out the door yelling"MOMMMMMM you're back!" everytime I picked him up! Can't wait to see how much he improves next year and how he does in a new school.

Monday, June 3, 2013

My Baby is 1!

Carson's first birthday was on Saturday! I honestly can't believe he is 1! I have no idea how this last year has gone by so fast! We sure love this little man! He is a rough & tough little guy! A few fun facts about Carson:
  • Has 4 teeth! (2 top, 2 bottom), with more on the way.
  • Pretty rough! He hits and smacks all the time! We are trying everything we can think of to teach him to be soft!
  • Loves to crawl around. He is fastest at army crawling... like super fast! But can crawl like normal too.
  • Pulls up on everything, all day long! And walks along all of our furniture. But can't walk on his own yet.
  • Loves to drive cars with his older brother. He even makes the vroom vrooom noise while driving them!
  • He is our little eater! He loves almost any food! His favorites... 7 layer dip, guacamole, waffles, sandwiches, and mac n cheese. The only things we have found so far that he won't eat.... bananas, scrambled eggs, and usually oatmeal. 
  • Says Mama, Dada, Nom Nom, Hi, Yeaaaaahhh, Ba (ball)
  • He will do a few "tricks" on command. Claps, peek-a-boo, wave, give kisses,
  • Loves to splash in the pool and tub
  • Still taking his milk in bottles, but loves a sippy cup! Only the straw kind though!
  • Has a little bit of stranger anxiety still, but is slowly getting a little better.
  • If Jaxon is not within sight, he yells through the house trying to find him.
  • Uses his thumbs for everything! Pushing cars, examining toys or food, etc. 
  • Stats from the Dr today: Weight- 20 lbs 13.5 oz (19%), Length- 29.5" (40%), Head Circ- 49 cm (97%)

Naked boy at the Dr!
First thing Saturday morning, we let Carson open his presents from us! Good morning little birthday boy!

We did a beach ball themed party at our community clubhouse yesterday. It was so fun, and it was a perfect day for a pool party! We had chicken and beef tacos for lunch, and cookies or fruit pizzas for dessert.
Fruity Beach ball!

Beach Ball Smash Cake made by Joels cousin!

Little Centerpieces

Our little family!
 We have such great family and friends! Thanks to everyone who came to help and celebrate our little munchkin! He was getting a little grumpy, so we decided to sing and do presents! The kids were also getting anxious to swim!
I totally forgot to put on his birthday hat while we were singing, so he got to wear it while he ate his cake!

He loved it!

Taking a quick bath in the sink to get all that cake off!

Then it was time to send the kids, and parents out to swim! Jaxon was so tired of waiting!

Riding in his new toy, a batmobile floatie!

Jaxon pushing him around in it!
 This post could just keep on going, and going with all the pictures I have! It was really a great day and we were happy to be celebrating our little baby! I just love this little guy so much! He is soooo smiley and happy! We just love him to pieces! He is my blonde boy and I love it! Such a fun little guy we have been blessed with! Happy Birthday Carson!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day

Every year we meet my grandma and family at the Salem cemetery to put flowers on the graves of our family. Among many others, my uncle and grandpa's graves are here. I remember very clearly the day we buried my grandpa. I was 13, and was the only grandchild asked to speak during the funeral service. I still have the program from his funeral, with my talk, written in my 13 year old hand writing, folded inside. I will never forget that day. And always love going back to remember him and be there for my grandma.

After the cemetery, we always go to the Salem Park for a picnic! Jaxon, Garrett, Grandpa, and Joel hung out by the water and played in the sand!  While the rest of us sat in the shade and talked! It was such a beautiful day, wish it didn't go by so fast!

We got home and literally let the kids sleep for an hour, before waking them up and heading to the pool with the Browns! So much fun!

We had such a fun, but busy day! I am so happy summer is here! We will be living at our pool!