Last week, we did process training using the now-famous Toast Kaizen Video. I've watched this video six or seven times now; it never ceases to amaze me with the adequate and oh-so-accessible approach to understanding waste.
In particular, it struck me this time how important it is to make actual observations of the process in action. There is no substitute to watching, with my own eyes, if I expect to make a contribution myself. I learned something new. It helped. A lot.
This process of reviewing and going deeper is central. The more I learn about Lean, the more I realize I don't know. I have to catch myself, therefore, when I speak with others who have, perhaps, participated in one or two kaizen events and then moan about wanting to "move on" to the next topic. I want to respect those people and accept their questions politely. Yet a part of me has a tendency to say "NO" and then give an unrequested lecture on going deep, learning a single subject in all its substance rather than lightly skimming many subjects.
I'll do my best to not do this to you. so long as you remember going deeper IS going farther.
Keep learning.