Tuesday, August 25, 2009


On Saturday we went boating up at Pineview reservoir with my family. We had a blast, the kids loved tubing and after we had a picnic on the beach and let the kids play in the sand...

My cute parents...
The whole group-

Grandpa Kerry and Landon walking by the shore where we had our picnic-
My sister Cindy's baby-

My little dare devil, he kept standing up on the tube! I think this is a taste of things to come-

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to school parties...

Grandma's back to school pancake party... My mom threw a party for all the grandkids, she had races and an egg toss. Then she made letter pancakes that were so cute. Then she gave them all little school supplies. She is the best at throwing parties and always has the best ideas, you gotta love grandmas!

The pancakes-

My cute mom-

I was the chef in charge of making all the pancakes-

We also had a end of summer swim party with some of our neighbors. We all took pizzas and the guys played bball while the girls chatted. It is always fun getting together with these families, they are all so fun!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More SUMMER Fun...

Last night we were bored and we went down to the golf course to let the kids play, and I took my camera, so we got some pictures with the kids. I love how they turned out, my boys are growing so fast and I just want to capture every moment with them!

Ethan was having more fun playing in the sand, so there aren't many pictures of him because he was having too much fun-

I love this picture of James, he is such an awesome husband...

A pic of all my boys-

So we planned on going camping this weekend, but we had a sick baby and alittle scare with Landon holding his breath and passing out, so we didn't end up going. but we decided to take off on Sunday, and we did some awesome hikes. We went to the Lehman caves, whcih are out near Delta, I have never even hiked Timp cave so this was a new experience for me! it was awesome and the kids loved it, except they wanted to touch everything, and we had to keep reminding them not to... Then we hiked up to the glacier on the mountain that the cave was in. Ethan loves snow and we threw snowballs and made snow angels- which is crazy considering it is August and it was like fifty degrees, but it made for much easier hiking! We had such a great time...