Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby Ryan has arrived!

On Tuesday, April 19, 2011, our sweet baby Ryan was born. I was induced that day at American Fork hospital. Everything went fabulous with the delivery, we got there at 7 and he was born at 12:59. He weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces and was 21 inches long. We just got home from the hospital today, and have had so much fun with the other boys, letting them hold him and spend time with them. We are already so in love with this little guy!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Growing and Growing...

We have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby boy #3, and it is starting to get really close, so we decided to have some family pics to remember this time. The boys love watching my tummy grow and feel the baby moving and kicking. They will be such great big brothers to this new little one! We can't wait, only 5 more weeks to go!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beckstead Family THANKSGIVING!!!

On Sunday we had the Beckstead family Thanksgiving dinner at my house! It is always so much fun and I eat way too much food! And for some reason we always take lots of pictures... So here are some of my faves! The top one is one we do every year of all the group that is there, it is crazy how things change over the years!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

I know we are totally crazy, but we went down and cut down our tree last weekend. It is one of our favorite traditions as a family! James couldn't wait to put it up, so we even hauled them in the house, and after about four days of them looking bare, I got them decorated! Bring on the holidays!

We cut down a little baby one for the kids room, they love it, Landon has slept underneath it a few nights and gives it a love every morning!

James putting the star on the basement tree...

Monday, October 4, 2010


So we are excited to announce that Landon and Ethan are going to be BIG BROTHERS!!! Baby #3 will be born the end of April.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Anniversary Month!

We celebrated our 7th anniversary this month. And literally we celebrated all month! Our actual anniversary is September 12th, which was a Sunday this year. So we decided to go out without the kids on the Friday before. We went to dinner and shopping after, it was so much fun. James couldn't get Saturday off work so as soon as he got off on Saturday we headed up to Pineview Resevoir to go camping, and the next day played on the beach! It has been a while since James and I have gone on vacation without the kids so last weekend we headed down to Vegas. We had a blast, we saw two shows, La Reve and Phantom. Both were amazing! We spent our mornings by the pool and ate lots and lots of yummy food! Couldn't of asked for a better anniversary. I can't beleive it has been 7 years, but time flies when your having fun!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

SumMeR LovIn...

I have been a total blog slacker, but that is mostly because we have been crazy busy and trying to soak up the sun as much as possible! As most of you know I decided to go back to school and took 15 credits this summer, so that took up most of my time, but when I wasn't studying we were playing, and here are some of my favorite activities from the summer!

These are from the Johnson family reunion, we went down to Boulder and did some hiking, camping and fishing. We had so much fun!

This is super late, as school is about to start again, but Ethan had his preschool graduation back in May. He is going to the same school this year, because he loved it and they have awesome teachers!

This is a pic from our trip to the Bahamas, it was hard to narrow it down because we had so many! This place is amazing and so beautiful. The boys loved it and so did James and I.

Last weekend we had the Beckstead family reunion up at Pineview resevoir. The kids loved playing on the beach and getting messy! The second day we went out on the boats and I wakeboarded for the first itme in years! Ethan tried skiing for the first time, but mostly we palyed on the tube iwht Brad and Ky!

A couple weeks ago Dr.Ollerton and his cute wife Cori offered to take us and our families boating to Utah Lake. It was a blast, we mostly just tubed and crashed a lot! Ethan and I went, and the only thing that would of made it better would be if James and Landon could of come!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring is in the air!

This week the weather has finally started warming up and making us feel like spring is on its way. The boys want to spend all of our time outside, so we have been at the park, running through sprinklers and planting our garden! I pulled out my camera today, after a few weeks off not taking any pics, and got some great shots of the boys!

I love that little smile of his!

Landon and some of our neighbor friends at the park...
The boys on Easter

Making treat for the fam the day before Easter
And yes we have already busted out the sprinklers to run through
He was watering the garden nd decided he needed a little drink!