Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moving, moving...

just bought a house last week. Now we're all moved in though not, by any means, unpacked. Still getting things set up. Hopefully soon I'll have a land line and Internet so I'll actually write on this thing more than every couple months. The new mailing address is:

Dave/Jodie Moser
PO Box 254
Clarkston, UT 84305

Little house. I'll post pictures later. .75 acres of land w/mature trees and overgrown landscaping. Old house too, but we're really happy with it. It needs work all around, but nothing incredibly serious.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I use Mer for her internet connection, I'll admit it. She's been gone for the last two weeks so I've been deprived, but now she's back ... from outer space ...dun dun duh du dada du duh something look upon your face, she should have changed that stupid lock she should have ... ... anyway, got distracted. So, the news.

We made yet another offer on a different house. It is a foreclosed home and is in really bad shape cosmetically. The realtor legally had to have the grounds and house cleaned up and we found out it is going to cost them at least $4000. They had to park two huge dumpsters outside the house and they are completely full last I heard (I'll try to put up some pictures next time I get on). Due to a lot of these types of circumstances we offered super low and, happily, they countered. We countered back and then they rejected. They said they were really wanting a full price on the house. ... well who doesn't ya moron. I heard someone else might be making an offer and hopefully it falls through as well, but the bank that now owns the house catches the drift that the house is slightly a lot on the craptacular side and they're going to have to let it go. We keep running into stupid owners that think their houses are the greatest things since sliced bread and they should get 5 times the asking price despite the falling housing market and the nastiness of their house. REALITY, PEOPLE, DEAL WITH IT!!! So in other words we're still looking for houses.

Our dog bit someone and drew blood. This is the worst news. When my friend called me to tell me what had happened I thought she was going to tell me that Stranger had been hit by a car, but no. She bit someone. I actually wish she had been hit by a car instead; not killed mind you, but I'm not so happy with her right now. The guy she bit had to get stitches in his lip, but he's been really cool about the whole thing and hasn't caused any problems so far (knock on wood). The best we can tell the guy was running across the street towards my friend and her kids which to Stranger looked like running AT them and being the protective dog she is she went after him. Policy says she goes into quarantine for 10 days; she gets out of juvi fri. or sat. My friend, Mae, got cited for having a dog off leash since she was on the front lawn instead of in the back. I think it's still possible that they could put her down, but it's sounding like she'll probably be ok, at least we're hoping.

On that same day Dave smashed his finger. I mean completely hammered it full on. It swelled up and turned purple down to the second knuckle and blood built up under the fingernail. Dave poked the side of his finger withe a needle and a stream of blood spurted out about five feet. It's doing much better now.

The good news is I started a new job today and it was GREAT! I'm going to be weed-mapping all summer which means I'm getting paid to hike all over the mountains and mark where weeds are on my gps unit. Yay

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh! The chunky goodness!

While in Kanab a few weeks ago I got to visit The Chunk. He is my gigantor nephew, my brother's son. I would like to share with the possibly three people reading the chunkyness. This is Johnathan. He gives me the urge to hug and squeeze things and then make stupid, cutesy baby noises. My voice always jumps an octave when I see him. Some of the pictures aren't rotated so ... deal with it.

There's something satisfying about squeezing his thighs.

He doesn't like being forced to hold still.

Starting to walk. The parents have mixed feelings.

Tired baby

He likes his daddy.

Are ya feelin' the chunky goodness?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Right click on the mouse not write "click".

An internationally known doctor was told to right click while calling a tech support company ... well, he wrote it. True story. My friend was the techy.

Yeah, yeah. I know I haven't written in a long time. But so far I think only around two people know about this blog so I'm not so worried people complaining. Also, this way Mer can't say that I don't write.

That's all.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


It's the new blog. I am officially now a blogger nerd. ...I'm not sure how I should feel about that, but hopefully I'll actually write in this one unlike the occasion check on the facebook/myspace pages. Maybe people will actually know what's going on in my life. Hey! That's a good idea, I could tell you readers what's going on in my life.
1. If you're really out of the loop, I've been married to the most wonderful, freakishly awesome guy for the las 3 1/2 years. His name's Dave. We met at school, clicked right away, and really I'd like to say something dumb like 'the rest is history,' but really it took us a 1 1/2 yr. before we started dating. We were both dating other people, but secretly thought eachother was cute and wanted to date eachother and a lot of other complicated crap like that, but eventually we finally coordinated the single status and got together.
2. We've both graduated from Utah State University with a BS in horticluture; he had a business emphasis (he just got his diploma in the mail! yay, proof that he graduated!) and mine was an ornamental emphasis w/a business minor. We're still here in Logan and if everything goes according to plan, we will be here for a little while longer so Dave can get his electricians license. I know, horticulture doesn't quite scream electrician, it kinda seems funny. You can say it. Dave never felt that he had to get a job in his field, he just wanted the degree so he could prove everyone wrong whe said he wouldn't make it through high school. Yeah, he's a little crazy, but I'll keep him the way he is. :) And what's more important is that he's happy.
3. We're planning on buying a house this year too which is scary and exciting. I can finally have my dog live with me instead of having to keep her with friends. It's almost impossibly to find reasonably priced apartments that allow dogs and are not the most craptacular piles that also smell.
4. Being stable also means that children might be thrown into the mix. Probably later rather than sooner. ... like towards the end of the year... yeah. 'Cause, let me be honest, kids are a little more frightening than buying a house. A house doesn't have projectile vomit. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited to have kids, especially since they're probably going to have the
pudgy-baby-Moser gene, but you know... Don't get too excited yet, mom. Though you could buy baby stuff for me in advance if you felt so inclined. ;)

So those are the big, important events of my life right now. Now you can feel up to date. I will be back with more detailed crapola and what-not later, but that all depends on when I get access to internet seeing as how I don't have it at my home. I'll try to keep you informed.