Wednesday, 30 June 2010

All I seem to do....

...recently is pop in here to apologise for not being here...and I'm doing it again!


I will get myself organised again soon!

Saturday, 26 June 2010


Sent to me by he who is my mentor, my friend, my sanity and my common sense....hell, let's face it, I don't have too much of those things myself sometimes! ;)

Cheers bud :)

Friday, 25 June 2010

Oscar the bionic cat!

I saw this story today, something with a happy ending for once! Oscar, a cat who lost his back feet in a 'run in' with a combine harvester taking his first walk on new bionic feet.

There are those who might think it's maybe not worth it, that Oscar's quality of life might be too limited, if that's the case go watch the video...and for those who just love cat story with a happy ending, ditto, see the video HERE and watch to the end! :)

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

So far so good!

A little update.

This situation is still going well, nothing heavy, we haven't even met yet beyond a few minutes each morning when I'm playing white van woman but hours and hours of talking later and as yet nothing disastrous has happened.

So far so good.

Shhhhh, though, with my recent history I don't want to be tempting fate do I! ;)

Monday, 21 June 2010

Bright and beautiful!

(Click to enlarge)

Sunday, 20 June 2010


Someone 'kindly' bought my mum one of those potato bags a while back, you know the thing, a sack that one is supposed to fill with compost and happily plant some seed potatoes in and then sit back and wait....and lo, there should be potatoes!

Hmmmmm, well in this case, after weeks (or maybe months, I have lost track) of fiddling and faffing with them and hauling the whole thing from one place to another in my mothers efforts to find the 'perfect' growing spot, today I was gleefully informed I could dig up our prize crop, this was the result....

Just four of the ruddy things (yes, one is hiding in the background) and believe me, they are way smaller in real life than this picture suggests!

In fact, would think they may well qualify as some of the most expensive taters in history given the time and cost put into achieving this meagre show!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

I told you so!

You really would think I would learn not to be quite so silly wouldn't you! Remember the stalker issue a few months back.....ugh, beat me over the head with a wet kipper will you please someone!

What have I done this time you might ask. Well the guy concerned backed off after some very tough talking and to cut a long-ish story short, behaved impeccably from that point on, so me being me, I eventually agreed to meet up with him last week.

I know, I know.

I had many discussions with a close male friend who was of the opinion that leopards don't change their spots etc. but ultimately I decided I should give the guy concerned a second chance given his apparently changed attitude and the fact that I knew he had sought counselling for his issues in that area.

Anyway, we met last Saturday, by my decision in the middle of town on carnival day so there were lots of people around and to be honest he wasn't scary, he was actually quite a nice guy (judgement fail!), we got on easily and it even had it's amusing aspect in that I am 5' and he is 6'8"!! We spent the afternoon talking comfortably and then went our separate ways.... but it was apparent at that point he was more keen than I.

I gave it some thought but decided within a day or two that despite his not being as I had expected, I was still wary of him and so tactfully told him that I didn't wish to take it any further.

You know what happened next of course don't you!

He reverted to type instantly and kicked off with a tirade of abuse (text only) that would curl the toes of the most hardy veteran of unpleasant behaviour. I asserted my point and then ignored him. Eventually he apologised and has since only contacted me very occasionally on day to day stuff. I am treading carefully and rarely responding....which I will tail off to never responding in the hope that it becomes history.... but I feel I have been vindicated, my initial gut feeling was right but I should have learned my lesson and not been drawn in again to give him another chance!

I don't need it, if he can revert that quickly it's more than concerning.

Oh....and the friend who mentioned 'leopards and spots' has refrained thus far from saying 'I told you so', more than once! God love him! ;)

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

How the other half live!

I deliver to a Lamborghini service centre each day, currently they have these two models available for sale should you have the necessary funds spare.

They will set you back £160,000 and £250,000 respectively and the yellow one, if you have a penchant for something a little different, is one of only three worldwide.

Oh...and before you rush off and make your purchase, bear in mind a new clutch will set you back £8000, though that does include labour.

Stunning tho! :)

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

It's a small and spooky world!

Ok, this is going to get complicated but I will try my best to simplify it!

Firstly, for those of you lucky enough never to have become embroiled in the world of internet dating sites, you need to know that most sites allow you to join for free, what they don't allow you to do is then make more than one contact with anyone without parting with cold hard cash and there is nothing vagualy soft, squishy or romantic about dating sites, including their prices!

So....a week or two ago I was contacted by a guy I kind of liked the look of, I responded but then nothing. One is then left wondering if it's lack of interest or lack of payment but I noticed his profile said he worked in the area I deliver to each day. I contacted him again asking if he could be more specific...but again nothing and I forgot about it.

Now, about a week ago and completely unrelated, I was at work and delivering to a company when I saw a guy who I also kind of liked the look of.... but at work I look like I have just fallen out of bed (because I usually have at that hour) and so rather than trying to appear interested I do my best to fade into the background.

Today, at the same company I was serving the same guy, as I have most days over the last week or two, when inexplicably I felt a strange familiarity but dismissed it.

You know what's coming don't you?

Anyway, he left and I carried on serving customers but as I was about to drive away he came back out to my van, looked at me and said, 'you are who I think you are aren't you'? He handed me his business card, having written his personal email address on the back, asked me to mail him and vanished back into the building, leaving me red faced and very amused!

How I hadn't put two and two together sooner or recognised him I don't know but it was of course the guy from the dating site. Spooky!

Dammit, why today, when having been called at the crack of dawn by my boss asking me to get to work asap to cover someones sudden sickness, I had not so much as dragged a brush through my hair in my hurry to get to work withing twenty minutes, let alone considered what to wear or put make-up on!

Anyway, I mailed him early this evening and got a reply quickly.

I shall keep you informed..... ;)

Sunday, 13 June 2010

How utterly ridiculous!

It transpires that if I could house myself on my current income, which I might add is impossible, and then if I lost my job, the state would pay to keep the roof over my head and the bills paid, at least to a point.

Nothing wrong with that perhaps but consider then that I can't afford to house myself, even in one room but I get no help, no nothing!

Now, whether one believes in the welfare state or not (and for the record I do where it is genuinely needed) this situation seems utterly, utterly stupid!

I work, I pay tax and have most of my life, I do what 'they' tell me is the 'right' thing to do (and again for the record I agree it is the right thing to do) but my mother is expected (yes, expected by the state) to put a roof over my head, at my ripe old age, but if I could find a way while I work and then render myself unemployed then my living costs would be paid.

However, I can't find a way, landlords don't take on tenants who can't pay the rent in the first place, not unsurprisingly.

Is it any damn wonder that there are those who will work the system. It just seems all so back to front and perverse to me and the reality is, that without my family, while I work, I would quite literally be on the streets.

Perhaps I'm missing something but I don't think I am!

It makes me angry, really it does!


Thursday, 10 June 2010

Saved from certain death!

This morning, my second call in the white van was immediately peculiar in that as I drew up in front of the large building there were something in the region of forty employees lined up in the first floor window, and another twenty or so lined up outside, all looking intently at something! Ok, so I know my arrival is heralded but not usually in such an enthusiastic manner!

It transpired that what they were watching was a small fluffy ball of baby seagull that had somehow found itself on the ground, way before it had any chance of flying and which was being 'buzzed' viciously and mercilessly by a flock of adult gulls. They had been trying too keep the adults from continually pecking at it for hours apparently but to not much avail.

How it got to be there no-one had any idea but various attempts at catching it had resulted in it being too quick for capture and in those trying to capture it being buzzed by the adults too. Having become alarmed they had given up and had seemingly resigned themselves to it's demise.

I think not!

There is of course the question as to whether nature should be allowed to take it's course but I just couldn't do nothing and stand by and watch it be killed, so sandwich van abandoned I set about trying to gather the terrified little creature up......and I managed it! I'm not sure how much of it was luck but I got hold of it on the third attempt, to a round of applause, and despite a fair number of the flock trying to do me damage and making physical contact with me more often than I would have liked....those big beaks hurt, I tell you!

So, with this delightful little creature safely in my hands but pecking at me and squawking for all it was worth, I ran for cover into the factory where the lady who had originally been trying to rescue it took it from me with a promise to get it to the RSPCA, or some similar organisation.

Trying to get back to the van subsequently also had an element of interest, adult gulls are mean buggers it seems.... and now more angry they really gave me hassle, so much so that one of the onlookers to this carry on was fending them off with a big stick as I ran to where I had parked and jumped back into my van pronto!

Maybe I will get to hear what happened after I left. I'm not big into seagull husbandry and consequently I'm not entirely sure I shouldn't have left it to it's sad fate but with only a second to make a decision I did what I thought best and hope that ultimately it was the right decision.

*Image is not of the actual gull, I didn't have time for cameras but 'mine' was just the same and just as cute.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Tiny turtle!

I want me one of these!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Sometimes.... seems to be a very confusing thing!!

Really, it does, though not always necessarily in a bad way, just in a confusing way!

That's all....

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Vincent Hawkins

You might remember I mentioned a while back that I found an old school friend out of the blue on Facebook. Well since then daily emails have flown backwards and forwards through the ether, catching up on over thirty years and full of general chit-chat.

Well that friend is a guy called Vincent Hawkins and this week he was selected (Telegraph article here) by Tracey Emin to be one of the artists involved in the art work for Westfield Stratford City - London Olympic Stadium!!

How exciting and cool is that and how impressed am I?! Art has long been a passion of mine and though I don't pretend, by any stretch of the imagination, to be well versed academically on the subject, I do know what I like and I can at least sort Kandinsky from Modigliani and now I can't wait to be able to go and see Vince's work in situ!

How completely jumping up and down exciting!

Go you Mr H.... and massive congratulations!

'Lock/Unlock' 20 x 30cm acrylic on canvas, 2010.
Courtesy of and © Vincent Hawkins.

Vince's blog can be found HERE.

Friday, 4 June 2010

It's pathetic...

...and hopeless, between getting up at the crack of dawn, working, my commitments at home and trying to stay awake I seem to have no time to blog, Twitter or pretty much anything else much these days! However, I have made it here briefly this evening.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working and I like my job, thus far I haven't woken up with the 'ugh, it's a work day' feeling even once, I am just happy to be working and with people I like and who I get on with. It might be poorly paid and it might not be a job to die for but I love I suppose it stands to reason something had to create a cloud on the horizon!

It seems that there is a distinct possibility, if not a likelihood, that I may be made redundant in a couple of months! Give me bloody typical! One step forward and two back and all of that. The thought of returning to being unemployed horrifies me but I might just have to get used to it again apparently.

I won't bore you with the details for now, I am too fed up to go into the minutiae right now, maybe it won't happen but given the last couple of years you can understand why I am tending to expect the negative on this one.

We shall see.....


Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Impossible dream...

For J, just because! (You know why) xx

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

A severe lapse of memory!

Since I have been back at work I have had little time or energy for the dating site carry on but last night someone contacted me out of the blue, who looked reasonably interesting so I agreed to have a virtual chat with him.

That took place earlier this evening and went something like this....

Me: So your profile says you live in Berkshire, whereabouts?

Him: Johannesburg.

Me: Pardon, you mean the J'burg in S.A.??

Him: But I'm moving to Holland next month.

Me: But the profile says Berkshire?

Him: I did live in Berkshire until my wife died a few years ago.

Me: (Suitable condolences) But you live in Johannesburg now? Why did you say Berkshire?

Him: I'm Dutch!!!


Hells bloody bells, give me strength! I couldn't be bothered to go any further with it, in fact I couldn't even be bothered with the courtesy of 'goodbye', I just rolled my eyes silently and killed the connection.

IDIOT! (Him not me before you retort!)