Sunday, 29 March 2009


This blog will be quiet for a while, no idea how long, days, weeks, months I don't know. I don't know anything anymore........

"Love not me for comely grace,
For my pleasing eye or face,

Nor for any outward part:
No, nor for a constant heart!
For these may fail or turn to ill:
Should thou and I sever.

Keep, therefore, a true man's eye,
And love me still, but know not why!
So hast thou the same reason still
To dote upon me ever".

John Wilbye.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Biscuits and gravy and other stuff

The last couple of days have been kind of hectic here is gemmaks-ville, hell I didn't even log in here yesterday let alone post, quite a departure from my usual routine, no blogging, no Twittering, in fact I barely even turned this confounded machine on.....What's the world coming too?!

So what's caused this departure, well Wednesday Lisa and Punctuation managed to make it back here for another visit, unfortunately Fletch was away on business so he missed them but the three of us had a lovely afternoon just chattering away happily and being fed a late US breakfast of 'biscuits and gravy', prepared by Lisa who made my kitchen her own, which suited me just fine, she's welcome to it, kitchens and all that cooking palaver just aren't my forte. Amusingly to a Brit, 'biscuits and gravy' include neither biscuits nor gravy, or at least not as we understand them! For those of you who like me had never had this delicacy before, it's kind of a savoury scone with a sausage meat white sauce mix and a fried egg plopped on top...yummy, tho 'Ms picky veggie' here was duty bound to dispense with the sausagy bit! ;o)

Lisa goes back to the U.S today, in fact as I type she is emailing me from LHR's internet booth waiting to board, this is not a good thing. I shall miss her much.

Onto other stuff.

Yesterday was dole queue day again, what can I say, the queue gets tangibly longer each time I am there and the queue-ees resignation that nothing much is going to change anytime soon increases in tandem with the length of the queue. It's almost funny if it wasn't so sad, there are now so many of us squished in there at one time now that what was a fifteen minute wait is now closer to an hour and security staff have been employed to 'manage' the unwieldy snake of individuals winding around and out of the building!

All that said, this week there was a actually a job possibility for me, amusingly as 'one of them' of the staff sitting behind the dole queue desks putting the out of work through their paces. I am a little reticent about being in that position from a moral standpoint but I need the work and should I make it through the selection process perhaps I can do my little bit in not condescending to those I find on the opposite side of the desk. Who knows. Like all job applications (and there have been a few) I won't say much here unless I get it, it's all too boring and disheartening to keep on about it.

Oh...and my new phone arrived on the day promised, though as ever it seems is the case there was much kerfuffle in that achievement and mostly it was facilitated by me rather than those who's job it should have been! Pretty funky bit of kit though it is, certainly it is function over design in this case, it's about the size and weight of a small house brick but then it does have more in common with a small computer than a phone so there is adequate payback...or there will be when I finally get to grips with it! ;o)

...and for the few phone geeks who I know read this, a little inside onfo; Apparently the phone I have, the N95 was discontinued and replaced by the N96...but that has been so problematical the 95 has been reintroduced for a while at ain't pretty but it works!

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Another one bites the dust!

Can you believe it! the mobile phone saga continues, yet another has keeled over and gone to the great phone landfill in the sky. This is becoming almost comical if it weren't so damned annoying!

The latest in the line of casualties is the Nokia 6600, nifty little thing, if only the firmware were anything like stable, which it wasn't. To be honest the problems began on day one a few weeks back but I decided at that point I would persevere a while...I should have known better, perseverance never pays off where phone operating systems are involved. They either work or they don't and no amount of TLC will persuade them into appropriate behaviour!

So, today again I am sitting in again waiting for a courier to bring forth the next offering from my service provider, having once more spent half a day yesterday pointing out my consumer rights to O2's 'help' desk guys. Really, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't have to be a fight, they know the law as well as I do and life would be a whole lot simpler if they would just not try to pull the wool over the consumers eyes!

This time I am going to give the Nokia N95 a try, I can't say it's a phone I would have chosen but it was the best that was on offer, I'm pretty half hearted about it all now and I chose it for one reason only, it was the highest spec/value my contract would allow so if I don't like it, it can go the 'eBay way' and at least I can get top dollar for it.

My old phone might not be all singing and dancing but at least it is stable. Life's to short for all this carry on!

Monday, 23 March 2009

Weekends and best friends - Redux

So, jet lag recovered and having been re-introduced to the delights of Milton Keynes by Punctuation on Friday, Lisa and 'he who is never late but thankfully was' because I was so behind, arrived here early on Saturday afternoon.

The first point of note is that Hammy did not this time , unlike last time, manage to inflict a wound on Lisa significant enough to draw copious amounts of blood within the first few minutes! Things were looking good!

After much animated chatter, coffee and greetings Fletch had decided we should introduce Lisa to the Saturday afternoon ways of a Brit...and spend it in the pub taking in the Six Nations! I managed to negotiate on behalf of the women of the party a nice bar as opposed to a spit and sawdust pub, and off we went for an afternoon of Six nations entertainment and Guinness. Guinness of course is considered a food group and hence qualified as lunch! It was a lovely afternoon, Lisa and I of course took something less than avid notice of the game/games and whilst the boys shouted at the plasma on the wall we chattered away merrily for hours, though Lisa did make a very convincing effort at taking an interest in the boys stuff....

Eventually hunger got the better of us and we pottered across the road for an early dinner at the local Chinese where copious amounts of Saki were 'tested' and more hilarity and chatter continued into the night until our stamina began to fade and we made our way the few hundred yards back home to some serious Lincolnshire Poacher and a good red wine. Lisa, like myself was less than convinced by the single malts!

Sunday morning we woke bleary eyed, Fletch served up a 'full English' to further Lisa's British culinary training, she even ate the black pudding, be impressed and late morning they were ready to move onto their next port of call and left with hopes of making it back again later in the week for a short visit should their busy itinerary allow it.

It was fab to have her back again and considering the 4000 mile distance from Omaha, so soon again after the last trip was amazing!

It of course is never long enough, the good things never are and we could chatter on unendingly for days but that only makes it extra special when we do get together for real! :o)

There was one aspect of the whole weekend though that was particularly unbelievable....we forgot to eat the chocolate cake!! Hey ho, I'll just have to manage it on my own now!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Mothers Day

On the day we learn ironically of the sad news of Jade Goody's death.

I might may not have always been her greatest fan but recently I gained a new respect for her and there was no doubting her love for her children or how tragic the loss to her family and young boys.

The best I can do is a slightly happier offering, the perfect mothers day image, a black swan in Dawlish, Devon, and her recently hatched cygnets.

© Blackboard Associates Media.

R.I.P. Jade, way, way too young.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

The bother with Billy Gates!

We all know this feeling! Enjoy....

Friday, 20 March 2009

Lisa is in London! I type, bleary eyed and with my first hefty caffeine shot of the day firmly by my side, Lisa's flight is stacking over Heathrow waiting to land, Punctuation is winding his way through the melee which is arrivals to the gate to meet her, and from here on in this next week is gonna be a good one!

It's six months since her last visit to the UK, and since the first time, after years of countless daily emails, that we finally met for real. I kind of got used to having my best friend, she with whom I share everything, 4000 miles away but it's way better to have her here for real and I really didn't think we would get the chance again quite so soon...but we have and I can't wait! Excited? Who me?

Today is jet lag recovery day and then tomorrow both she and Punctuation come here for what will doubtless turn into a manic weekend of catching up, eating, drinking and making of much merry.....

Leave the Leffe alone Lisa! ;o)

Did I mention I can't wait?

Updates here and probably almost obsessively on Twitter, throughout! ;o)

Thursday, 19 March 2009

The eggs factor!

This is amazing, or at least for me it is, brand new baby chicks hatching, live at a screen near you!

It's not of course always action packed, you need to keep popping back to check progress, but thus far I have managed to catch two make their great escape into the big wide world, fascinating stuff and of course with a massive eggs 'awwwww' factor.

Webcam chat at Ustream

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Where I wish....

.....I was right now!

Somewhere in the Dolomites.

*Excuse the ever elegant 'helmet hair'...unfortunately unavoidable after weeks on the road living in a tent!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

A small step forward

If you can bear to wade through all of this please try, the important bit comes last!

As anyone who has been a regular reader here will know, I detest going to the dentist and whilst I am well aware that no-one relishes it, my dislike goes the irrational extra mile to a diagnosed phobia. However, not wishing for my teeth to fall apart I have had all the psych. treatments and have rarely missed an appointment in my life, save for the five years I lived in Scotland, where dentists no longer play the NHS game and as a consequence I couldn't even get registered!

All this effort paid off, or so it seemed. I have only two fillings to date, relatively pristine white teeth and all was looking well, my sleepless nights before an appointment and hours of sitting rigid and sweating in the dentists chair, employing one or other coping mechanism to prevent the 'flight' aspect of the flight or fight response catapulting me out of the door had worked, it was all worth it...wrong! Sods law of course just had to dictate otherwise!

I was recently diagnosed with advanced periodontal disease which for those of you not familiar is a severed form of what we usually refer to as gum disease and in it's early stages has few easily detectable symptoms. The 'lucky' ones get the early warning of bleeding gums, I didn't and added to that, mine was taking hold the time I was in Scotland and so through no fault of my own it went undiagnosed at a stage when intervention was important. I won't start though on all that again, it's well documented here previously and if you have a mind too you can find it all by clicking the 'dentistry' tag in the sidebar.

So, what's the upshot of all of this? Well, in a nutshell my otherwise perfectly healthy teeth are literally falling out of my head, one gone already, one as wobbly as a child's and most of the remaining molars beginning to wobble tentatively! For me, as I suspect it would be for many this is pretty horrifying not only for the obvious reasons but also in my case because it means lots of dental treatment in an effort to hang onto them as long as possible...though that may not be very long! Add to that perio. disease can be a factor in the risk of heart attack.

None of this was helped by an unfortunate encounter recently with a particularly brusque and unsympathetic dentist, who managed in one fell swoop to reinstate my previously almost beaten dental phobia in one visit, by telling me he needed to extract XYZ teeth 'now'...and wouldn't entertain either discussion or my fear. Needless to say I declined his offer and set about some research.

As a result yesterday I had an appointment with a private dental hygienist, even attending the hygienist fills me with dread these days, in fact the mere mention of anything dental does, quite literally even the word 'dentist' sends my anxiety and adrenaline levels sky high, so much so that this post has been a long time in coming, I couldn't even get it written down until now!

And that's where the title 'a small step forward' comes in. I made it to the appointment calm enough to hold a coherent conversation and not as high as a kite on diazepam and the woman herself was fab, she took time with me, she explained my options at length and with honesty and she promised me that whilst I will still likely lose some, if not all of my teeth, as long as I keep doing what she tells me she will make every effort to enable me to hang onto them as long as possible. Reading between the lines I also understood that I am not alone in having had issues with Mr nastybrusquedentistman, so I felt a little vindicated.

All that and I went on my own, which might sound amusing to most of you but it's only the second time in my life, at my ripe old age, that I have actually made it to a dental appointment alone! She spent almost an hour working in my mouth and not once did I have to ask for a break! I know that it maybe doesn't seem a 'big deal' to many, I know I shouldn't be so frightened but phobia, by it's very nature is irrational and I am quite proud of myself!

Now, the warning; Periodontal disease is caused by a few things, firstly it is something some of us just have a predisposition too, secondly stress is thought to be indicated as a cause but thirdly and most importantly, smoking causes it to advance much quicker than it would naturally, so if like me you thought the fags wouldn't get you, don't count on way or another they might! There you have it, my own bloody fault in part at least, albeit when I began smoking no-one knew any of this. And just in case you are still in any doubt about just how much of a hassle this is, it hurts, eating is an issue, invariably at any given time I have parts of my mouth that are too painful to use or infections in my gum and cleaning my teeth has gone from the normal five minute job, to something much more protracted, in an effort to at least slow down the amount of money or dental work is going to fix it or cure it.

So, that's my next big issue...but please, no nagging, I don't respond to pressure but I'm onto it and getting to a place where perhaps I can take my next step forward.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Normal service is resumed

I'm back and a good weekend was had, well, in the main it was, unfortunately the prime purpose of our visit to my parents didn't quite work out as those involved would have chosen but all is not lost, there is a 'plan B' afoot in the near future, which should be more successful.

Aside from all of that there was much chatter, gossip and catching up to be done, much hilarity, much watching of rugby for Fletch, copious amounts of good food, Fletch cooked Sunday lunch for everyone, and an all round generally relaxing, fun time was enjoyed. My brother also managed to make for a visit which was cool, though I'm sure his main intent was to impress on me just how wrong I was when I decided not to buy an iPhone a month or two back and instead stick with Nokia! As he walked through the door he handed me his bright shiny new specimen, with free reign to 'play'....and play I did, obsessively, whilst hearing the the advice of others a few weeks back saying 'I told you so' ringing in my head! What a bit of kit!...sorry, but you can be in love with an inanimate object! ;o)

And that was it, back home last night and back to reality, 'Himself' away on business again and for me back to pointless job hunting, one person microwave dinners and this afternoon the dentist, well the dental hygienist but that's barely any better! Joy. You know how much I love the dentist!

It seems strangely quiet here now, it's amazing how quickly you get un-used to stuff. I am well practiced at spending days on end on my own, but having been in the company of others all weekend, suddenly to be on my Jack again seems a bit 'ugh' (that's a technical term!).

Friday, 13 March 2009

Fletch is back!...and other stuff

First up, if you get a moment pop over HERE and you will witness a small miracle, Fletch is back! He has finally posted on his blog after a ten month lazy period. Wonders will never cease! Having been absent for so long though he could use a helping hand where readers are concerned! ...oh, and if you leave a comment on his blog I get a reward so please, if you have time? ;o)

Second up, it's now only five 'Jane days' now until Lisa arrives here!! Hurrah!

And finally we are away at my parents this weekend for the first time in way too long so activity around these parts until Monday is likely to be low to nil..... I will of course have my phone glued to me Twittering, hooked? who me? but that's about all I'm likely to manage.

Have a good one guys and I'll catch you on the other side.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Catch 22!

I'm feeling a bit disgruntled with life of late!

By that I don't mean my life as a whole, I am very well aware that there are many good things in my life and things I am very grateful and thankful for, I am way luckier than many and I genuinely appreciate that but still my life seems something of a muddle and out of my control, or at least, parts of it do.

The issue is this in a nutshell... I don't have a job, I can't find one and finding one is getting harder and harder by the day! This is not new and sadly there are increasing numbers of people in my situation but it's as frustrating and disheartening as hell because as time goes by, not only is it becoming harder because the economic climate is putting people out of work instead of into it, but also because the longer it goes on, the less confident I feel about the whole bloody issue and the prospect of starting over yet again becomes more and more daunting.

I remember years ago when my mother went back to work having raised myself and my siblings for sixteen years listening to her say how terrifying it was. I laughed, I just couldn't understand where she was coming from....well I damn well do now!

I know the psycho babble and I know it's a matter of biting the bullet but waiting to bite that bullet is the tough bit, just waiting and hoping and waiting and hoping and all the time the opportunities get less and less along with my confidence!

So much in life seems to depend on our having paid employment, our own self esteem, societies opinion of us and obviously our ability to move on in life financially....and that for me is the really tough bit. My life feels on hold.... I can't get it re-started without a job....and I can't get a freaking job!

On a day to day basis some might think it's nice not to have to work, and I can understand that, it is nice in some respects but it's not so nice when it's not by choice. I can't sit back and enjoy the good aspects because if I do I'll lose the motivation to find work, but in having to maintain the motivation and not allow myself to sit back and enjoy, I am constantly having to face the negative aspects of the whole issue! Add to that, if I try to be cheerful and make the most of what I do have I worry people will assume I'm just being lazy and that I don't want to work and if I moan and groan I feel like....well just like all I do is moan and groan!

Catch 22! Twice! Bum!

I'm not alone in this I know and time and maybe a little luck will eventually resolve it but I'm feeling a bit disgrunteld with the whole damn thing just now.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

To err is human

One of the things I most dislike and something I find quite upsetting is individuals who presume to make judgement on me, or anyone else, without being in full possession of the facts of any given situation!

I suspect we are all guilty of it to a lesser degree occasionally but hopefully most of us then take a step back and consider that there may well be factors surrounding incidents, behaviours or situations that we are not aware of. Most, if not all, things happen for a reason, if we only take the time to look a little deeper.

Having taken the time, if we remain confused most of us I hope, would still retain the sensitivity not to make a judgement or at least not to openly criticise, our lack of understanding is after all not someone else's fault, rather, if any one's, our own.

We all have opinions of course, we don't and nor should we necessarily agree with everything we encounter or the decisions of others but we will none of us ever fathom every situation we encounter. That however that still doesn't give us the right to make judgement. What it should do is remind us to accept that every one of us is different, that we are individuals and that each one of us lives within a slightly different set of emotional and practical specifics, some of our own making and some that we find ourselves having to deal with despite wishing we didn't have to.

Unfortunately that isn't always the case, as most of us know, there will always be people who feel that they are somehow entitled to level criticism at others, that they know what's right, who believe that 'their way' is the only way and for that reason alone we should all choose to take the same path in life as they have chosen.

Perhaps by the same token, rather than get hurt or angry when someone judges us, we should be attempting to understand them and why they react to us in that manner. Maybe their life isn't as sweet as they would have us believe, perhaps they have their own problems they have difficulty coming to terms with and judging others takes the focus away from their own internal wranglings, perhaps standing in judgement helps them to feel more secure about themselves, or perhaps they are just too insular and tied up with their own issues to consider those of others.

It is probably apparent from this post that I am smarting from a recent incident in my own life, one which I found particularly hurtful and one which having looked within myself for some time now, I still find hurtful. I may be oversensitive and that is not a third parties responsibility but what is the responsibility of each of us is a some degree of sensitivity towards one another. We are none of us perfect, we all blunder through life's ups and downs dealing with whatever we face, good or bad, to the best of our ability. We all live our lives within the limitations that we are presented with and to err is human, if indeed we do err, as we are bound too sometimes, in the opinion of anothers. It is not however excuse or reason to pass judgement on issues that most times are none of our business anyway!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Life imitating art!

This amuses me! Ok, I'm easily amused but hey....

Monday, 9 March 2009

The 2000th post and poetry

After almost five years and heaven knows how much muttered rubbish this is my 2000th post - small drum roll please - and as such I was looking for something a little bit special for today, only to fail dismally until last night when something dropped into my lap from an unexpected source.

Alex Sykie, poet, friend, blogger and geek, maybe better known to you as 'Punctuation', told told me I had inspired a poem, or rather one of my blog posts had! I don't think I have ever inspired much in my life, let alone a poem and particularly a poem which for me is quite pertinent at the moment. It's subject matter might be serious stuff but it's message is one of hope and courage. I feel quite proud! ;o)

So here is is, take it away Alex.....
'LUMP' ~ by Alex Sykie.

This is the reality worm that spits on your
breakfast so you lose your appetite.

This is the hitch-hiker who steals your
dreams whilst you sleep, scribbles out
days on your calendar and adjusts your
priorities without asking if it’s ok.

This is the bringer of a vain hope that
God exists, or that at least love really
can conquer all, despite the odds.

This is someone else’s epic battle that you’ve read
about and it loomed unplanned on your horizon
whilst you are still far too young and have so
many things left to do.

This is the teacher of new words, new statistics
and new ways of saying things, like “whipple” and
“procedure” and “chances” and “affairs in order”.

This is the pink ribbon and the races in
memory of you.

This is how you get to be yesterday’s
face in a photograph.


Fight It. Don’t give up.

*and thank you to all of you who have so loyally tolerated me getting to this 2000th post!

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Saturday night silliness

Yesterday evening Fletch and I had planned on going out for dinner, not the usual Chinese or curry, something a bit special.....but you know what they say about the best laid plans. It was not to be!

Circumstances and laziness transpired against us and by 9pm we were still loafing around the flat in a state of Saturday disrepair trying to decide if we could be bothered by then to make the effort. The answer was a resounding 'no',but suitably hungry something still needed to be done and I wasn't about to start cooking so we set off for an evening of heavenly heart attack food....McDonalds. Why is McDonalds so nasty and yet so yummy?

Having tolerated the less than enthusiastic Saturday night Mc Staff and choffed our way through a pile of badness we set off for home. As we drove along in the dark I was reminded for some inexplicable reason of that teenage thing we all did, the driving around late at night for no reason other than to drive so I suggested to Fletch that maybe we could just keep driving, fully expecting to be given a sideways look and to have my idea soundly declined.

But no, with my suggestion, he poked a disc into the CD player (sorry, no eight track!) turned up the volume to an obscene level and hit the gas hard....and that was it, we drove for miles, at probably not very sensible speeds, cornering like we were on rails (Fletch's car is a somewhat more impressive engineering specimen than mine), listening to Led Zep. and Jeff Buckley, eating chocolate, drinking the remnants of a McDonalds coffee and just playing like silly teenagers! Ok, so our driving was probably a tiny modicum more sensible and we resisted the more recent craze for driving around a Tesco's car park for hours but hell it was fun.........if a little immature!

Hey, who wants to be a grown up all of the time! ;o)

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Eleven days and counting!

It's less than two weeks now until Lisa arrives in the UK from Nebraska again, it's close enough now that we can begin the countdown in days rather than weeks or months and it can't come quick enough, I can't wait!! Yayyyyyy!!

Thursday the 19th she will touch down at LHR in the wee small hours, I will of course be tracking the flight almost mile by mile overnight and waiting for a text from Punctuation to say that she has been met safely at the arrivals gate!

It seems a long time ago now since the last time she was here and we met for real for the very first time, though in actual fact it was only last October and one would have thought that having been best friends for years online and never having met until that point, six months would seem very little, but it doesn't! Somehow the having met makes it all the more frustrating that we are 4000 miles apart on a day to day basis.

That said, I feel lucky, many 'virtual'friendships of such a distance remain only online for much longer, if not permanently and to get to hang out together twice in six months is more than I think either of us ever envisaged would be a possibility until relatively recently!

Did I mention I am excited?

11 days to go and counting......

Friday, 6 March 2009

The twitter song

For those of us that in the words of @stephenfry, 'get it'.....

Thursday, 5 March 2009

The Secret Lady Garden

Girls, get listening. There is a new blog in town just for you…
Have you ever stood in the ladies toilets, listening to a group of girls talking about their hair/shoes/boyfriend/sex life? Well this is the internet equivalent.

This is The Secret Lady Garden

We are by no means ‘experts’. We are just a bunch of ladies who wanted somewhere to talk about ‘lady things’. Any advice is purely from experience or in our humble opionion. We will not be held responsible for the outcome if you decide to take our advice (unless the outcome is good and then will are happy to be held fully responsible).

If you want to contribute there are many ways to do it.

You can contact us about the following things:

* Asking The Ladies a question
* Submitting an article for The Garden. (This can be done Anonymously if it’s an extra delicate matter).
* Offering up your own pearls of wisdom.
* Submitting an idea for an article.
* General Lady Advice.

To contact us please email The Secret Lady Garden at or, as usual, make a comment on a post.

Look forward to seeing you over there soon!

P.S. Are you a man in a quandary? Do you have a question you can’t ask your female friends, or are you confused by the actions of a loved on? Get in touch with us for a female perspective and answers to your questions.....!

P.P.S. I’m one of the authors so ill be linking to my first post sometime soon!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Ghost town - recession bites!

The Specials 'Ghost Town' is a track I have liked since the day it was first released but I suppose we thought it's meaning was something now behind us, consigned to a decade that was probably best forgotten and the economics and difficulties of which none of us relished the prospect of going through again. Fast forward 28 years and here we are's lyrics becoming frighteningly pertinent once more!

The little town in Cambridgeshire in which we live is a beautiful place, we are lucky. Set on a river it boasts period architecture, countryside, wetlands, wildlife and a market-town center, that whilst it may not be a hub for big designer shopping expeditions, offers just about everything one might need on a day to day basis....and it's reasonably affluent, and that's the worrying aspect!

Why is it worrying? Because even with all that going for it, the last few months have seen it begin to slide into very obvious economic decline as the recession bites and before very much longer and if the situation doesn't improve it's going to begin to resemble an 80's ghost town!

In the last few weeks more and more units have become empty shells, we have lost Woolworths, a shoe shop, a gift shop, our book shop, and an independent department store that has withstood decades of economic up's and down's is now teetering precariously on the edge of disaster. With each closure comes a gaping empty hole where not too long ago there was a working business, a constant reminder like we needed any more reminders of the real impact on people's hard worked for lives, of businesses built up and lost and of employees now facing the uncertainty of unemployment and how to pay next months mortgage.

If it can happen in this affluent little town it can happen anywhere and at the current rate of closures, before very much longer, what was a busy market town will all too soon begin to resemble The Specials vision of the 1980's! Empty retail units seem to be dotted along every street all too obviously and already something of the vibrancy seems to be missing from the day to day bustle.

What was an economic crisis that we listened about on the news has suddenly become all too apparent and real......

This town, is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place, is coming like a ghost town
Bands won't play no more
too much fighting on the dance floor

Do you remember the good old days
Before the ghost town?
We danced and sang,
And the music played inna de boomtown

This town, is coming like a ghost town
Why must the youth fight against themselves?
Government leaving the youth on the shelf
This place, is coming like a ghost town
No job to be found in this country
Can't go on no more
The people getting angry.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


I've been tagged by Bulldog to do the 'six random things about me' meme, somewhere in the depths of my archives there is probably something similar somewhere but I'll try and come up with six things that hopefully I haven't before. Here goes....

The rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

My six:

1. I was vegetarian for over 40 years....until I met Fletch, who gradually tempted me with that which is the downfall of many a veggie, the bacon buttie! I still prefer not to eat any meat but I do admit now to a 'slip' once in a while.

2. It's a wonder to me sometimes I am here to tell the tale, I have been caught up in not one but two IRA bombs, an armed bank robbery and been rather too close to Harold Shipman for comfort!

3. I have an appendectomy scar that is way bigger than it should be because as a gymnast, when I presented with abdominal pains at age 11 the medical profession assumed I had 'pulled a muscle'.... until the appendix burst and peritonitis made it a whole lot more urgent.

4. I detest all forms of discrimination, probably because I have been on the receiving end of it for years, one day I might elaborate on the reasons why.

5. When I divorced my second husband he begged me not to take the house from him telling me he couldn't cope with losing both me and his home, so out of guilt/care/whatever and against my lawyers advice I trusted him and didn't........ the day the divorce became final he sold it making £130k clear profit and walking away with every penny and possession! *Lesson.....never trust anyone during divorce proceedings, however much you think you can!*

6. Years ago when trying to effect an arrest on a shoplifter (it was my job) I ended up lying on the floor struggling to hang on to him and taking the rough end of his boot....not one single member of the public came to my assistance, instead they stood and watched! Yayyyy for the quick response of the police.

Right then that's my I get to tag six of you! Yes, I know we all have a love/hate relationship with being tagged but them's the rules! ;o)

Daffy, The Pink Jellybaby, Fabulous, Steps from the edge, Miss Smidge, Butterflyshoes.

Monday, 2 March 2009

On Jade Goody

A few people have asked me what I think of the whole media hoo-ha surrounding the sad situation Jade Goody has found herself in (though quite why anyone would want my opinion I'm not sure) and whether I agree with her decision to play out, what barring a miracle, is likely to be her last few months of life, in the spotlight.

I was never a great fan of Ms Goody and to be honest didn't take much notice of what she did one way or another, though on occasion it was hard to miss some of her headline hitting escapades so like many of us I had some small idea of what she got up too. Then with her recent diagnosis of cancer and the new furore in the press I found myself weakening and watching an episode of her 'fly-on-the wall' television series....and I suddenly found myself not only obviously feeling desperately sad for her and her family but also feeling an unexpected sense of very considerable respect for her.

However she chooses to live her life and no matter how one feels about that there is absolutely no doubting that to be told at 27, and with two small children, your life expectancy is to be measured in weeks rather than decades is a tragedy and one most of us can't even imagine! I think that alone gives anyone the right to live out that time in whatever way they choose and however helps them get through it!

There are a thousand adjectives and thoughts I could apply to Jade's situation but by coincidence I came across a blog post recently on the same subject, which had I it's authors ability with words I might have written.

'Alright Tit' is a account of it's authors own experiences dealing with the crap that is breast cancer, or in her own words 'The Bullshit'. Lisa is a journalist, who like Jade is in her twenties and she has, unlike myself, managed to articulate exactly my thoughts on the subject of Jade's situation and decisions. So, rather than keep struggling to formulate my own post and waffling on inanely, I will point you in the direction of Lisa's post, with a small warning that she has a gift for 'telling it how it is'....which in my book is the way it should be!

To read the post click HERE.