Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October Scentsy Giveaway!

I WANT TO WIN THIS!! My friend Staci is a Scentsy consultant if you need to order anything!!

"October Scentsy Giveaway! Enter and you could win 1 warmer, 12 scents, and 2 scent circles! Visit here to find out how: http://www.staciandsean.blogspot.com/. Hurry quick! The winner will be determined on Monday, October 18th!"

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Adventures!

It's amazing! Go here to check it out... http://www.premiereperformingarts.com

I love my job... seriously... and look who I get to work with!!!

I quit working at the "other place" because it was dishonest, unorganized, and quite frankly I didn't see any potential for growth within the company. After months of prayer on behalf of my husband and I, I was offered this amazing opportunity and accepted immediately.

My boss' are amazing! They really know what they're doing and Premiere is definitely a reputable place of training for all areas of Music, Dance and Theatre (ages 3-93!). I am the Director of Musical Theatre, and creator of the Broadway Bound Musical Theatre program and SPOTLIGHT Musical Theatre Company!!! Everyday I get to do what I love... sing, dance and choreograph!!!So excited for this year!

If you know someone looking to start a more professional training in the arts, this is the place! Send them here to get them on the road to success!We have amazing programs to offer!

Take a look at our class schedule and come try a class!

BIG things are coming... join us on facebook and stay tuned for more info!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fun Things this month!

It's been a great month- I'm loving teaching my own dance classes, my new niece Ruthie, Sarah's "cute as a bug" baby shower, lunch with Aubrey and her hubs, Kenzie's bridal shower, J getting the tractor stuck in the mud at the cabin... More pics to come of my new nephew Lincoln!!!


Change is a hard thing for me. I have had to learn that even though my decisions may not make everyone happy, I need to do what's best for me.I've also learned that when you pray for help with a specific thing, the Lord is not afraid to throw a curve ball at you. Opportunity's knockin and i'm gonna answer!

Friday, March 5, 2010

I did it!!

I went to the dunes....and actually enjoyed it!! We had a great time with friends (even though it was mostly a guys trip...) and my inlaws. The best part is that we were accident free (with a few close calls by Drew & Tiffany :) )
Don't get me wrong- I still think it can be dangerous but I had so much fun riding! Jonny already has a quad, but Jordan let him ride his motorcycle while there... and you better believe J has been looking everyday for a bike on craigslist ever since we got home. He is trying to talk me into it- by saying it's a great deal- when in reality it's more than my entire savings .Thanks a million Jordan... :)

I promise I did not dress like a boy the entire time i was there :)

Jonny & Kreig (looking "official")

Jordan, Jonny, Ty, Doug, Dad Millett

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Monday, January 25, 2010

New Business...

Check out my new adventure!! I'm so excited-

Spread the word!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Favorite Aunt

Not only am I the favorite auntie to these cute kids ( even though i've got some tough competition :) ).............and to my Mason boy... (aka... the little man)
But now to this stinkin cute little girl. Welcome to the world Ruthie Jane Udall! You and I will be great friends! I can't stand that I have to wait until March to meet you! Congrats Craig and Melis.


As a graduation gift, Jonny planned a fun trip to Cali to visit my brother Craig (&Melissa). He's in Podiatry school over there and .they live in the most BEAUTIFUL little city... We got to hang out for a whole week without any worries! It was so great!

We went to the Travis "Pastrami" (Pastrana) ESPN New Year's Eve jump in Long Beach! It was so cool- literally this is how close we were to the man whom I thought would not make it over the water- and of course he did... it was pretty cool though. We also went to the Aquarium of the Pacific which is right on the Harbor as well- it was awesome! All sorts of animal life were rescued or something- but it was a good "cultural" event for us. :)

Melissa was our gracious hostess... cooking meals and staying up late with us- and VERY ready to have her little baby!

I feel accomplished. I finished cosmetology in 10 months exactly. It was rough..... but WELL worth it! Some may mock my decision to do it... but it was the best decision i've made (since marrying Jonny). I recommend it to EVERY girl- regardless of whether you want it to be a life long career or just an extra money maker!!

And a big thanks to this guy for being an amazing support- i'm not the greatest person to be around when under stress...

Emma (my boss/friend) got hitched on her 10 year anniversary!! It was one of the most beautiful weddings i've ever seen. Amazing dresses, decor, floor show, food, party!!! It made me want to get married all over again!

AND I did her hair- what do you think?
I LOVE doing updo's.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ready for a VACAY!!

my schedule as of late...

Monday...periodic hair classes/ clean house/ study/ teach dance from 3:30-8:30pm
Tuesday... school- 8am-7pm
Wednesday...school- 8am-5pm/ teach dance till 7pm/young womens till 9pm
Thursday... school- 8am-6:30pm/ teach dance till 8:30pm
Friday... school- 8am-7pm
Saturday...school 8am-4pm
Sunday... Church/lessons/choir/family/RELAX!!! Ahh I love Sundays!!

Throw in there some performances/parades/ weddings/family gatherings/gym/wife duties/hubby time,etc. It makes for a crazy schedule here at the Millett household...

But i'm not complaining- only 20 school days left!!! Then it's off to Cali!!!
Ps. Did i mention that i absolutely LOVE this time of year?
pss. Anyone know of a great salon that's hiring?