Friday, December 16, 2011

Kitchen backsplash



For my birthday I got a backsplash in my kitchen. I cant believe the difference it made. I absolutely love it!


Brinleys favorite princess is Rapunzel so for her to get to meet her on her actual birthday was the best present she could have gotten. She was over the moon.

Friday, September 23, 2011

My little star soccer player

Karson is #7
Karson is having a lot of fun this year playing soccer. He is on a team that is made up of the best players from all of the teams from last year and they are playing in the division against the kids that are a year older. It has been so much fun to watch this team. Karson hasnt had a goal yet (they have played 3 games) but he is trying so hard. He has always made a lot of goals each game in the years past but with this team it is completley different. He has so many good kids on the team that Karson has had to take a different role. He is learning so much and has such a great coach. Even though they are the youngest team they have been winning all their games (by a lot).

My babies first day of Preschool

I cant believe my baby is old enough to go to Preschool. I now have 2 full hours twice a week of total freedom with no kids. I dont know what to do with myself yet. I really do miss her during those 2 hours but it is nice to go do some things all by myself. I cant believe how fast I can get the grocery shopping done.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New family pics

We had our family pictures done by Peekaboo Photos. They have done several of our family pictures in the past. They do a really good job. I am pretty happy with how they turned out. You can see a link to their blog on the side of this blog.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

child abuse????

So yesterday I took Karson into his yearly wellness check up and this is what he looked like. He got a black eye at his birthday party on Saturday by running into and bumping heads with his cousin. When I picked him up from school to take him to the dr appointment he had a bloody nose earlier in the day at school so there was blood all down his shirt. I had his hair in a mowhawk. He looked pretty rough to say the least. I was a little afraid of what the doctor was going to accuse me of. To make it worse, when the doctor asked Karson how he got his black eye, he stumbled around and didnt give a straight answer. It looked pretty bad. Lucily I didnt get accused of any thing.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Brinley and Karson

Karson and Brinley had their brithday party. Brinley turned 3 and Karson turned 7. They had their party at Pirates Island. It was really fun. My 3 brothers came with their kids and my sister in law and her 3 kids came. It was a fun party. We went over to my mother house for cake and presents after. It was a lot of fun.

Halloween party

My brother Randys daughter Kate had a birthday party that was a Halloween dress up party. They are moving to Italy and their daugher Kate has her 4th Birthday in a couple weeks so they decided to have a party for her now before they move to Italy.

This is Brinley, Kate, Rylie, Ian, Karson and Ryder.