At the beginning of summer I (Josh) was hired to create a series of illustrations and designs for a curriculum written for summer camp programs. The program, titled
KLASH OF THE KINGDOMS, was created by our extremely creative friend Steve Burrows. Everything I drew was under his detailed guidance. When I was a kid I never went through any kind of program that was this well thought out and richly imaginative. The program was initiated at a camp that Steve and his parents own and manage in Nevada. The camp is called
Cowboy's Rest.

This is an illustration I made for promotion materials.

Some banner designs.

Every team has a different shield each taken from the Gospels whenever Jesus says, "The Kingdom of God is like ..."

These shields were put on to physical shields, along with being on team T-shirts.

All the shirts included either of these designs.

The program begins with a video telling a story about a mythical land where all these different kingdoms reside.

The video was told along with these illuminated style drawings. Kind of like the opening sequences in classic Disney animated films.

These are maps of the mythical land and show the dramatic "before" and "after" change which happens in the story.

The 2nd map was recreated in a full scale painting.

I also created my first drawing of a blue print for a set piece that was built. Below the blue print is my conceptual drawing of how the set would look when painted.

Katie and I went to work at the camp to help with some creative tasks. Katie painted over 50% of the castle wall.

This is how it all turned out. (I did not design this promo pic for the camp, except for the "Klash of the Kingdoms" letters.)