Cutler is now 10 months old.
He has 4 teeth on the top and 3 on the bottom. He loves to bite, which hurts really bad.
He can say oooh-oooh-ah-ah like a monkey
and bak bak like a chicken.
He also says Mama when he is mad,
and dada all the time.
He has taken a few steps, but is not officially walking
He is ALL over the place,
in the cupboards, he loves the toilet,
cords... and all the stuff he shouldn't love.
Last time I weighed him he was 27 lbs.
Cutler has the cutest belly laugh,
and he always knows when you need a smile
We are still working... and the customers love him
they all say that he looks like one of their grandchildren... or someone they know
We are so blessed to have such a cute little man!
I turned 23 on the forth... and decided i wouldn't feel old till
I turned 25.
So if you are 25... you are old.
Jon surprised me and actually had flowers,
and presents wrapped for me.
He is so good to me.
We had a fun little get together with Em and Randy
where we ate taco salad
and played games.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!