Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ice Cream and Pregnant!

So on Monday night Hannah with with Jeremy and some church people to a Corpus Christi Hooks (minor league ball) game. They left about 4pm and got home at midnight. So I decided Caleb and I would have a little date. We went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream which just so happened to be a wonderful idea for both of us. He loved his cone, made just a little mess....he's being neater these days, kept wiping his face after every bite. He didn't finish it so I got to eat mine and his. Very nice. I tried to get a pic of both of us and it didn't work out, but here is one of my cute little guy. Can't believe he is a 2yr old now.

Ok took this today, I'm 36wks 5days pregnant. We have been TERRIBLE at taking weekly pics. I really wanted to, so we'll start now with only 2 weeks left. I was thinking with Caleb tomorrow would be the day he was born 36w6d. I had been in the hospital for 32 days already. So I'm rejoicing that I'm at home and not having a baby tomorrow, but soon would be good. I'm feeling very pregnant these days. Only 16more days to go. Scheduled c-section for August 14, I'll be 39wks that day! We're ready to bring this baby home.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Princess for a Day!

This was the first time Hannah got her hair washed before getting a hair cut. She thought it was pretty cool. She almost fell asleep (this was during naptime). She's so big!

This was SO SO FUN! Thanks to mom. We all got to get pedicures done! We walked in and they were able to do all 3 of us at the same time. Hannah had a super cute panda bear chair, and she got to watch a movie at the same time. She thought it was pretty cool!

The finished product! We all had flowers on out big toes....this was to prepare for our beach trip later that week! Hannah of course was the foot model.

More Summer Fun

While in Waco for a week, we had to go visit Kiddie Land at Lions Park. I went here a lot as a kid, had birthday parties etc...however somehow the park seemed much bigger and cooler as a little kid! Family train ride. The seats were a LOT smaller than I had remembered :)

Hannah enjoying her boat ride. Yep same boat I rode as a kid over 25yrs ago. I don't think they've painted or changed the water since then. It was lovely!

Train ride. It was HOT outside.

I love this. Grandpa and Caleb in their garden. Caleb was picking banana peppers and just eating them. Then he'd spit it all out after he got a mouthful. It was pretty cute.

Cute as a bug! We went to Waco for about a week, and the kids got to swim and Grandma and Grandpa's house. Caleb was obsessed with the goggles. He had to have them on. Eventually as long as they were just on top of his head he was fine. So precious!

I LOVE this picture! This was at our baby shower at church. My precious girl! So glad God gave me a little girl to love! There were 3 of us pregnant all due this summer, so we had a combined diaper/wipe/toiletry shower. It was amazing. We are so blessed and are very ready for this new baby boy to arrive.

Yep, this is what kids do when it's 100 degrees outside and they have a 8-9 month pregnant mom. It was a hit, they even smelled good afterwards. We went straight to the bathtub! It was fun, but I must say we did this only once. I have to get brave enough again!

Birthday Boy!

Oh my precious boy turned 2yrs old on July 20! I just can't believe how fast this time goes and how much of a toddler he is these days. I just love him so really is amazing how God just lets you love each child SO much when you think you can't possibly love them enough! So we had a party with some family and friends around town. This was after he ate his cupcake. I'll try to post a video but it was funny...he started eating his cupcake using NO hands...just face down icing first. I guess whatever works.

The party was in our backyard. We had in in the morning so it wasn't TOO hot yet. We had the pool set up, and sprinklers...thats all the kids needed. They got to run around and play and have a big time. We had cupcakes, watermelon, and juice boxes. I think those are every kids favorites. Then for clean up they just had to go jump in the pool. Great plan!

Hannah and Caleb before the party began. Hannah really is his best friend! He loves her and asks for her all the time. He wants to do everything she does and so this is a pic of the two before the party began. Best buddy at his side.

Of course I had to get a picture of him on his ACTUAL birthday. He poses so nicely!

He's got it down when you ask how old he is. He very quickly says 2! We're just working on "showing" that we're 2. For now each finger is 1. This works for now. It's pretty cute actually!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Busy Summer

Well, June has been a busy busy month for us. Sorry no blogging until now, and this may be boring because I have no pics yet. But anyway started out with youth camp, yes I went as a sponsor 29-30wks pregnant, slept in the cabin in a bunk bed with 28 really was GREAT! I had my portable battery operated fan that we got at walmart and slept with that thing blowing every night! Camp really was fun, I didn't get to go last year...we had just gotten here to Kenedy and I was still nursing Caleb, and well I may not get to go next year because I may be nursing this little this was the year. We took about 45 youth and had a great time. The kids stayed with all the grandparents in Waco while we were gone. This was the first time I'd left them for THAT long, it was 7 nights. I was so ready to see them, but I figure it's healthy for all of us to get a break every now and then.

Then we all needed like a week to recover from camp. Jeremy's family came down that next weekend and we spent the day in Port fun. My kids LOVED the beach this year. We went last year and Hannah totally didn't like the sand etc...she is a pool girl, however this year she loved it and was jumping the waves with everyone else. Caleb LOVES water and loved the beach this time as well. Atleast this year he was walking and he had a great time.

Then the next weekend we went to YEC (youth evangelism conference) in Garland. Kids again stayed in was a good conference just a long drive. I'm thinking this is my last big's hard and uncomfortable for me to sit that long in uncomfortable chairs and to be sleeping on an air mattress for 2 nights. I love my OWN bed and all my pillows that come with it!!

Now tomorrow we head to Waco one last time before baby arrives. We'll stay there a few days with Jeremy's parents and I'm sure we'll swim EVERY's so HOT!! Then Jeremy heads back to go to childrens camp, and I'll linger around waco a few more days to see my parents. Then one last beach trip with all MY family Port Aransas for several EXCITED! I love the beach, really just swimming and water in general!

Oh, and for the official update, I will be having this baby on August 14 via c-section. I'll be 39wks that day, so I don't think he's be sooner but you never know. I really want this to be scheduled and a very smooth delivery since I had all my trauma last time.

Speaking of last time, today I am 32w 5days pregnant.....which this is the day I was admitted to the hospital when pregnant with Caleb...and was there for 32 days! I'm so so so so thankful that this pregnancy is going great and that I'm sitting in my recliner eating chips and blogging. Better than being strapped to monitors being forced to use the bedpan. Seriously they should invent something else for women to use...but thats beside the point.

So only 6more weeks until we get to meet little baby McCarver. We think we have names settled, but I'll wait to post until we're for sure. So hard deciding names for you know you want it to be perfect!!

This is all for now, kids are napping, i'm snacking and reading "The Shack", just started it a few days ago...SO GOOD so far.
I'll post pics soon, and pregnant ones too. I know I keep saying that, but I think I really will this time :)