Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

My little princess Easter morning before church.

Caleb dressed in his cute little Easter outfit from Memaw and Pawpaw.

Well atleast I tried to get a picture of the kids together. This was after church, Caleb was very tired.

Hannah at the big easter egg hunt at the park. Caleb wasn't too interested.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Daddy and the kids

Caleb had fun learning what sand was, he liked to eat it too. Oh well, we figured a little sand wouldn't hurt anyone. In this last picture, Caleb is pulling Hannah's hair so he can eat it. He has this fascination with hair. He likes for me to hold him, and he like to suck on his fingers while holding my hair and go to sleep. I'm not sure what would happen if I cut my hair.


This is one of my most favorite pictures of the kids. I love it. We went to the Monahans sandhills and had fun.

Mmmm what is this stuff??

I like sand, this is fun! Such a cute picture, I love this one.

Family picture.

Hannah just being cute!

Ok, I have so many more cute pics, but I think i can only post 5 at a I'll add more later. We had fun, I didn't know if I'd enjoy it, but I loved it. The weather was perfect, not hot at all. The sand was cool to touch. Hannah had fun chasing her ball up and down the hill.....oh the energy little kids have. I'll post more pics later.

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Fun Week!

So we decided to get Hannah a tricycle. It's a classic dual decker tricycle, just like the old days. She loves it. At first she wasn't real sure about it, but now she wants to ride it all the time. We're still working on the whole pedaling thing, but other than that she does pretty good. I feel like she's so big now. I mean I took pictures of Jeremy putting the tricycle together, and I thought, this is the first of many "assembly required" toys. This is a fun part of life.

Maybe we're close to potty-training. Today we were getting ready to go to the park, and Hannah brought me her panties and said, "I want to wear panties like mommy".....I said Oh good, once you go in the potty and keep your diaper clean we can. So we'll see, atleast she may be showing a little interest now. I'm not really rushing the issue at all!!

Then theres Caleb who is still very much in the infancy part of life, he's discovering so much these days. He is so close to crawling. He gets on his knees and kinda rocks back and forth, he hasn't quite figured how to get on his hands yet. He scoots a lot. This morning, I laid him on his blanket on the floor in the middle of the living room, and came back in and he was in the corner eating the answering machine, and the phone cord. So I'll need to rearrange things soon.

As far as sitting goes....he just doesn't really like to sit I don't think. He'll be 8mos old in 3 days, and he really doesn't sit well yet. We're working on it. He arches his back when you position him and he just wants to lay down and roll around. So a friend showed me, that I should put him in a sitting position and just hold onto his hips or the top part of his legs, that way he is forced to use his torso to balance, and hopefully this will help with strength and balance.

Ok now for the pics....some are of Hannah and the tricycle. Then theres daddy and Caleb at the park, they're just so cute! Caleb looks so much like Jeremy, but his hair is getting blonder and blonder. His eyes are still blue. We also had a great time with Jeremy's family, they came for a visit....there was a cute pic of grandpa and Hannah looking at some fish. Enjoy!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Stay Tuned

Ok, I tried to upload a video...yeah I know, kinda hi-tech. Anyway, it didn't work. So...when Jeremy gets home I'll try to let him figure it out. So until just get some pics.

These are just some cute ones I like.

The Park

We went to the park when my parents were here and Hannah had a great time. This was the first time that she has really "ENJOYED" the swing. She wasn't scared. She also liked to go down the biggest slide by HERSELF...she's growing so fast! Enjoy the pics.

Look close....she's holding on by herself!

My sweet little girl.

She didn't like this swing too much.

Loved this one!!

I'll post more pics soon. Our computer is up and running, and all the pics are reloaded to the hard-drive. So keep checking the site....let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Children

My parents were here this weekend and got to visit it was great. We were talking, and I was like....I can't believe I have 2 kids. I mean Hannah is about 2.5yrs old, and Caleb is getting close to 1yr (sorta). It's just kinda this surreal, out of body observation...this is my life, I'm a mom, a wife....we are living life. Anyway, hope that makes sense. I love my kids and I'm so glad God has blessed me with my family . They are wonderful!!!!!

Well, I think I've posted a pic maybe like this before, but this is Caleb's absolute FAVORITE thing to do. I mean he has his fingers in his mouth ALL the time. Atleast it keeps him happy. I think he just woke up....he kinda has a startled look. Isn't he cute though.

Mmmm..peas I think. Peas are his absolute LEAST favorite thing to eat. Poor kid, I make him eat them. He will learn to LOVE peas.

Ok, the other night after Hannah's bath, we took some pics of her HAIR. She has so much hair. We now only wash hair once a week on Saturdays, then we blow dry it. It takes about 5min to blow dry....she really doesn't like it much but we've been drying her hair for probably a year. She's not quit 2 1/2yrs old yet. So of course we love her hair....I'm figuring she got it from the McCarver side of the family. My 2 sisters-in-law (Larissa and Carrie) have long thick beautiful hair..YEAH. So I'm just sharing a few pics.

This past weekend we had a good visit with my parents. They came to visit for a couple days, it was great!! Hannah absolutley loved them being here, and then this next weekend Jeremy's parents are coming to visit!! She's getting to see ALL the grandparents....I'm so glad. She misses them (we do too), so I'm glad we all get to hang out.