Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Christmas this year was great! Here are a few pictures of our holiday:

The traditional acting out the nativity, starring:
Parker as Joseph, Jane as Mary, Ryan as an angel, and Jordan as Baby Jesus

Jane got a new night gown and LOVED it! She kept saying "I always wanted this and it's PINK!"

Ryan was a little mesmerized by all the yummy treats in his stocking, he eventually got to his presents

Ryan got a new vacuum. He loves it and I love it because it actually has a little suction! Now he can do all the vacuuming I usually do everyday!

My mom gave us all hoodies this year, so this was our attempt at a family hoodie picture. Jane was having some issues with who knows what.

We spent the day visiting family, eating, and opening presents, how could it get any better?! The next day we left for Vegas for Jeff and DeAnne's wedding. It was a crazy weekend, but so much fun! It was like a second Christmas when we came home and the kids actually got to play with their presents. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a Happy New Year tomorrow (and try to have a little fun tonight too!)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Sunday

We went to church with my parents on Sunday. My mom was singing in the choir and my dad was on grandkid control. Steve, Crissy, Parker, and Jordan came into town on Saturday, so they were with us also. This first pic is Jane holding her cousin Jordan, who is a hefty 6 month old!

Here is one of my parents with all their grandkids

Here are the cousins: Parker, Jane, Jordan, and Ryan

Jane and Ryan

Our family

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lame, I know

It's now obvious to me that I'm not getting actual Christmas cards out this year, so this is your Christmas card. Sorry, I'll try to be more on top of things next year.

Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Polar Express

We went on the Polar Express the day after Thanksgiving. We went with a big group of Jeff's family. Jane loved it! Not the Santa part, but getting to sit with her cousins and riding on a train was great! Ryan is squirmy and he doesn't like to sit, but he wasn't too bad. It was freezing outside, but warm enough inside, plus we got some rich hot chocolate!

(I don't know where Ryan gets his huge teeth from?!)

Jane and Jeff's cousin, Ashley:

Jane, cousin Lucy and cousin Emily:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Sorry to disappoint everyone this year with a decent Santa picture. We would have one similar to last year with 2 screaming kids, but I guess Santa didn't want to try and hold them down for a picture. SO instead, they "suggested" that Jeff and I be in the picture. Uh, wasn't planning on a picture. I would have at least unrolled my jeans and worn shoes instead of my stand-by, running out the door flip-flops. Oh well. Jane was going to be very brave for Santa, but as soon as it was our turn she started screaming and shaking. I guess I shouldn't want to torture her, but the picture would have been funnier! Ryan started crying as soon as Jeff put him down. I never know if Ryan is crying in reaction to his psycho sister or actually to Santa. Jane gets to see Santa at her preschool, so maybe we'll get a better picture then!