Monday, July 27, 2009

Birthday Fun

Happy Birthday to my Jane today! She is really 4 now! I can see why she's been confused with all the parties she's had, but today's the real day and she is really 4. We started off the partying with a birthday/24th of July party at my Grandma's house.

This is a new outfit from my mom that she LOVED! It always amazes me when a 4 yr old is excited about clothes.
Jane requested cupcakes for this party. Ryan is always willing to help blow out candles.
Jane had fun playing with my cousin Jenny. She's 11, but the closest in age to Jane, so she is always a good sport about being Jane's "best friend."

Jane's next party was at Little gym on Saturday. She loved it! And I loved how they do everything for you!! They played lots of games and played on the gymnastics equipment.

Ryan had so much fun being part of the party!

How many kids can you fit in a donut?
If you can see Jane's face here, you can see how much fun she was having!
For this party, Jane requested a pink cake that said Jane.

Party #3 was yesterday at Jeff's parents' house. We had fun seeing her cousins and going for a walk to the park.

This is Jane amidst her cousins and Grandpa, while we were singing Happy Birthday. The treat this time was sugar cookies.
Jane, Grandpa, and Emily
Jane took 1,000,000 pictures of Claire, this one was a keeper - cutest smile ever!

Party #what number are we even on? How many parties does this girl get? Oh yea, she's my daughter, so this birthday will probably last a while! Today Jane got to go on a breakfast date with Daddy to McDonald's. Then she opened presents when she came home.

On her new bike!!
She is so excited to be 4 and have a big bike!
This is how Ryan feels about Jane getting a new bike and not him.
And this is how happy Ryan is when Jane shares her new bike!

So you would think that we are all partied out, but later we are going to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and then going swimming at the Scera pool later this evening. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE! We love you!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009


I just realized I haven't posted yet that I'm pregnant! Baby #3 is due Jan. 20th. I'm about 13 weeks along right now, so we will find out in about 7 weeks if ti is a boy or girl. Jane is positive it's a girl bc the baby told her "i'm a girl". She might be right bc I haven't thrown up at all with this pregnancy and that's how my pregnancy with jane was, but not with Ryan, so we'll see. I'm happy with either. Jane will be happy with either as long as it's a teeny baby that she can hold, feed, take care of, sleep right next to her, the list goes on and on. She's got it all figured out! Ryan likes to point to my belly and say "baby" and then he says "see it?" Not for a long while little buddy!

3 kids is a little scary bc it means we're outnumbered! It also means we will have to figure out room situations and buy a new car. Can't fit 3 car seats in the jeep! I have no idea what kind we are getting. We need to actually go look, but it feels like there's plenty of time for all that even though I know it will go by fast. Any suggestions of what to start looking at?

So far, I've felt pretty good. I get a little nauseous if I haven't eaten for awhile, so I just make sure my belly is full :) O ther than that I've just been a little tired, but I can still get away with a daily nap with the kids bc jane and Ryan both still nap. Hate me now! It's what I do! Speaking of naps, why am I wasting my naptime blogging?

Lake Powell

Ahhh lake powell! We went at the end of June with jeff's family. We had a lot of fun of course and nobody drowned, so it was success! Lake Powell used to be the most relaxing vacation - read, swim, water ski, eat, 3 naps a day. But the new Lake Powell with kids - not so relaxing. Eating is about the only thing that is the same. But even though it isn't the same relaxing vacation, it was still fun and Jane and Ryan loved it. They had fun playing with their cousins, swimming, tubing, going on wave runners, and drinking soda (that might have been Ryan's favorite part)! Here's us at the end of the trip- haven't really showered for a week so don't judge.

Ryan had a turn on the wave runner with Jeff
Jane loved collecting sea shells
Ryan loved throwing rocks into the water
This is cousin Lucy, loving the lizard Jeff found
Lucy and Ryan would hug one minute and then hit the next
Jane learned to swim in the water with her life jacket on. She thought she was pretty big.
Jane and cousins Ben annd Jake eating ice cream at Dangling Rope
Jeff and Jane at Rainbow Bridge
Jane and jeff on the wave runner