Jane had her first dance recital this past week. A couple girls are teaching classes for FREE just at the church. Jane loves it and I love how cheap and convenient it is! They did their dance twice, Jeff took the first video and I took the second. His was better so we used his, but there was one cute clip from my videoing that I added in at the end. Oh, and I think she's supposed to be a lamb!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Top Ten Signs you're getting OLD
Disclaimer: I'm not saying all these are about me, but, yeah probably they are :)
10. You get strange aches and injuries when you do extreme sports, you know like running
9. You wish Mom Jeans would come back so you can quit wearing all these dang layers

8. You no longer have the OPTION of coloring your hair, you have to because of those hairs that don't match (isn't that a nice way of saying gray?)
7. Girls your little sisters age are married with kids, yes kidS, plural meaning more than one. I thought they were still in junior high!
6. You can SEE (like in the mirror) why people do botox. And along the same lines Jane just looked at my hand and said "your hand has a lot of wrinkles in it"

5. You have multiple friends who are DONE having kids
4. You know who Claire Danes is

3. 24 year olds think it's CREEPY that you're on facebook
2. When a guy holds a door for you and you say "thanks" he says "sure MAM"
1. WARNING! This might be a little inappropriate, but worth the laugh: Your daughter tells you "your boobs are getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and down and down and down"
9. You wish Mom Jeans would come back so you can quit wearing all these dang layers

8. You no longer have the OPTION of coloring your hair, you have to because of those hairs that don't match (isn't that a nice way of saying gray?)
7. Girls your little sisters age are married with kids, yes kidS, plural meaning more than one. I thought they were still in junior high!
6. You can SEE (like in the mirror) why people do botox. And along the same lines Jane just looked at my hand and said "your hand has a lot of wrinkles in it"

5. You have multiple friends who are DONE having kids
4. You know who Claire Danes is

3. 24 year olds think it's CREEPY that you're on facebook
2. When a guy holds a door for you and you say "thanks" he says "sure MAM"
1. WARNING! This might be a little inappropriate, but worth the laugh: Your daughter tells you "your boobs are getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and down and down and down"
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Half Birthday to Jane!
Today Jane is 3 1/2. She is such a big girl, I cannot keep up with all the things she is learning. I even had to make her a lunch today to take to school! How am I old enough to have to pack a lunch for my kid (thank goodness this was a one time thing, I'm not ready for that everyday!) She loves preschool and loves her teacher. She is learning her letters, can write her name, and draw stick figure people. She chose to wear this shirt because she said it makes her look like a mommy. Maybe b/c of the layering? I don't know. She is the cutest, sweetest (usually) girl ever! These are a few recent random pictures of the kids.

We never see any movie stars, but this time we saw Claire Danes! She walked right past us. Of course we wouldn't have know it was her if the paparazzi hadn't jumped out in front of us snapping pics. This lady was jumping around trying to block them, it was hilarious to see. I do not think this was one from those paparazzi, but this is from Sundance:

And here are a few more pics I decided to throw in for fun. This is Jane and Ryan at the Bean Museum last week.
Also last week Amy & Scott and Jeff & I went to see a show at the Sundance Film Festival. The movie, Arlen Faber, was okay. But it was tons of fun hanging out in Park City!
Amy & me
Amy & me
We never see any movie stars, but this time we saw Claire Danes! She walked right past us. Of course we wouldn't have know it was her if the paparazzi hadn't jumped out in front of us snapping pics. This lady was jumping around trying to block them, it was hilarious to see. I do not think this was one from those paparazzi, but this is from Sundance:

We went sledding with the kids. Jane loved it, but mostly b/c we saw some dog poo in the snow and she thought it was soooo funny. She just kept laughing hysterically about the "poo dog" she kept calling it. Ryan wouldn't sled with me, only Jeff. He's in a real Daddy Phase of his life right now. It's a little sad for me, but mostly just helpful that he only wants his DaDa to clean him up, get him breakfast, wake up with him at 3 am to fix his blanket, put him to bed, etc.
Monday, January 19, 2009
I am having issues uploading pictures right now, so instead I will do 75 random things about me because it's my 75th post (lucky for me it's not my 175th post!) and b/c I liked reading Jamie's 100.
1. I was going to be named Matthew until I came out a girl - surprise!
2. I tripped over a baby gate at the top of the stairs when I was 3ish, rolled down the stairs, and fell into a baby gate that was at the bottom of the stairs. This resulted in my stitches and scar below my left eyebrow.
3. I have fallen down the stairs numerous times in my life and have also fallen up the stair on occasion too.
4. I love watching people trip and fall down, so when I do it, please laugh at me!
5. I was on swim team from ages 6 - 17. At age 17 I got kicked off my high school swim team b/c I refused to practice b/c the pool heater wasn't working. It was an indoor pool in Texas! How cold could it have been?!
6. My best stroke was butterfly
7. I randomly tried out for the basketball team when I was in 7th grade - I didn't make it, which was no huge shocker since I had NEVER played before!
8. the #8 has always been my favorite number. I will always pick that number if I have to "pick a number"
9. I love any music that has a beat to dance to.
10. I still dance around in my house daily.
11. I fell off a treadmill when I was 15ish. It took me about 10 years to get back on a treadmill.
12. I LOVED high school. I had the best friends and funniest memories, although I do have a few regrets.
13. My best friend in jr. high and high school was my best friend because I randomly sat next to her on the bus the first day of 7th grade.
14. I was on drill team in high school for 2 years and loved it. My drill team instructor was the spitten image of every Texas high school drill team instructor.
15. BYU was the only college I applied to, luckily I got in :)
16. By random chance I was put with the BEST college roomates anyone could ask for!
17. And yes, we called ourselves the ghetto booties. I loved my freshman year experience and even came out of it with a 3.something gpa!
18. I have the biggest sweet tooth and love almost all desserts.
19. I can't stand cheesecake!
20. I could do all 75 things about food b/c I love it and think all activities should revolve around it!
21. I didn't like ice cream until I got to Utah - wierd since it would have been a little more refreshing in the hot Texas sun
22. I met Jeff at a singles dance at Thanksgiving point. He asked me to dance and then he gave me his number. Who does that? Don't guys know you're supposed to ask for the girl's number?
23. I was almost going to not call (too chicken) until I realized I had nothing to lose, so I called 3 weeks later and honestly didn't know if he would remember me.
24. Our first date was right after I had my wisdom teeth out and my mom told me my face was still swollen
25. My 12 year old sister hit on Jeff when he came to my house on our first date. She also lied and told him she was 16!
26. Jeff didn't even hug me after our first date, but we held hands and then made out on our 2nd date!
27. I said I Love You first, he said it 3 months later.
28. I did let him propose (after several hints that it was time)
29. waffel
30. I can only remember the year I graduated b/c BYU rhymes with 2002
31. I loved teaching first grade, but more for the best friends I made working there than the actual teaching!
32. Jeff and I went skydiving in Hawaii
33. Hawaii has been my favorite vacation spot so far, it beats Mexico any day in my book
34. I got straight A's all through elementary school. I ended with a 6.something gpa in high school and was on the dean's list 2 semesters for having a 4.0 in college, so pretty much I'm a genious!
35. I was married in the Salt Lake temple August 15, 2000. I really loved getting married in the year 2000
36. I now think 20 is a little young to get married, but I wouldn't change my past 8 1/2 years of married life for anything. I feel like Jeff and I kinda grew up together
37. I will do anything if it becomes a social activity - like waking up at 5 AM to go work out b/c it's with my good friends and we can talk the whole time
38. It took me a year to get pregnant with Jane, but no time at all to get pregnant with Ryan. go figure! I am very curious to see how long it takes the next time
39. I think I want 6 kids, but I will probably have only 4. I don't know why having 5 is not an option for me, I just like even numbers!
40. I love, Love, LOVE my kids!!!
41. I am a mediocre mom, I try, but could try harder.
42. I hate touching feet, this includes my own
43. I just learned how to run and bike this past year and have now done a 5k and a sprint triathlon. Before now, I NEVER ran or rode my bike!
44. My favorite work out is the same dance aerobics class I have been going to for the past 10 years
45. My names that I had picked out for kids way before I even met Jeff were Rebecca, Jennifer, Matthew, and Joseph
46. I don't have a middle name
47. I didn't keep my maiden name as my middle name b/c I didn't think Katie Wood Hall flowed well enough. However, I feel bad because my dad was sad about it!
48. I love my birthday! I also love my half birthday!
49. I have big plans for when I'm old - after Jeff dies I am moving back in with my college roomates! We will have frequent dance parties. We will also spend a lot of time trying to find Amy, b/c she will have dimentia.
50. If I die before Jeff he is not allowed to get married unless I somehow let him know it's okay
51. If I die while our kids are young he is not allowed to hire a hot nanny.
52. gimbelry bagoon
53. I love my siblings and parents and love just hanging out with them.
54. My dad is a kook
55. My mom is the best mom in the world
56. I love taking naps!
57. I rocked Jane to sleep until she was 18 months - I truly believe she is the WORST sleeper because of it!
58. I have never rocked Ryan to sleep and I think he's the BEST sleeper because of it!
59. Ryan likes to spit in my face right now, it's a little embarrassing
60. If I liked wierd names for kids I would name a girl SriLanka b/c of how beautifully it flows, but I don't like wierd made-up names.
61. I HAVE to have popcorn at the movies, the smell is always too much to resist!
62. Ryan deinitely prefers Jeff over me right now, but Jane prefers me :)
63. Jane tells everyone I'm pregnant, but I'm not
64. Clueless might be my favorite movie of all times
65. Pride & Predjudice IS my favorite book of all times
66. Ace of Base was the first CD I ever bought
65. I feel like I can breathe better in Texas, and I love the openness of Texas, no mountains to make you feel claustrophobic
66. I am not a good speller
67. I LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper
68. I am a landetarian, I don't eat food that comes from the sea
69. I love kids
70. I didn't learn directions (N,S,E,W) until I moved to Utah
71. I love the smell of guy's cologne
72. I go to Celeste's house almost daily, it's wonderful to have a neighbor friend that lives 2 houses away!
73. I don't have to pee a lot, even when I'm pregnant
74. I am constantly thinking of ways to remodel, redecorate, and repaint, but I will never do it.
75. Last one! I have great self esteem - I think I'm funnier than I actually am, and I think I'm hotter than I actually am. When I see pictures of myself, I think oh, I look like that?!
1. I was going to be named Matthew until I came out a girl - surprise!
2. I tripped over a baby gate at the top of the stairs when I was 3ish, rolled down the stairs, and fell into a baby gate that was at the bottom of the stairs. This resulted in my stitches and scar below my left eyebrow.
3. I have fallen down the stairs numerous times in my life and have also fallen up the stair on occasion too.
4. I love watching people trip and fall down, so when I do it, please laugh at me!
5. I was on swim team from ages 6 - 17. At age 17 I got kicked off my high school swim team b/c I refused to practice b/c the pool heater wasn't working. It was an indoor pool in Texas! How cold could it have been?!
6. My best stroke was butterfly
7. I randomly tried out for the basketball team when I was in 7th grade - I didn't make it, which was no huge shocker since I had NEVER played before!
8. the #8 has always been my favorite number. I will always pick that number if I have to "pick a number"
9. I love any music that has a beat to dance to.
10. I still dance around in my house daily.
11. I fell off a treadmill when I was 15ish. It took me about 10 years to get back on a treadmill.
12. I LOVED high school. I had the best friends and funniest memories, although I do have a few regrets.
13. My best friend in jr. high and high school was my best friend because I randomly sat next to her on the bus the first day of 7th grade.
14. I was on drill team in high school for 2 years and loved it. My drill team instructor was the spitten image of every Texas high school drill team instructor.
15. BYU was the only college I applied to, luckily I got in :)
16. By random chance I was put with the BEST college roomates anyone could ask for!
17. And yes, we called ourselves the ghetto booties. I loved my freshman year experience and even came out of it with a 3.something gpa!
18. I have the biggest sweet tooth and love almost all desserts.
19. I can't stand cheesecake!
20. I could do all 75 things about food b/c I love it and think all activities should revolve around it!
21. I didn't like ice cream until I got to Utah - wierd since it would have been a little more refreshing in the hot Texas sun
22. I met Jeff at a singles dance at Thanksgiving point. He asked me to dance and then he gave me his number. Who does that? Don't guys know you're supposed to ask for the girl's number?
23. I was almost going to not call (too chicken) until I realized I had nothing to lose, so I called 3 weeks later and honestly didn't know if he would remember me.
24. Our first date was right after I had my wisdom teeth out and my mom told me my face was still swollen
25. My 12 year old sister hit on Jeff when he came to my house on our first date. She also lied and told him she was 16!
26. Jeff didn't even hug me after our first date, but we held hands and then made out on our 2nd date!
27. I said I Love You first, he said it 3 months later.
28. I did let him propose (after several hints that it was time)
29. waffel
30. I can only remember the year I graduated b/c BYU rhymes with 2002
31. I loved teaching first grade, but more for the best friends I made working there than the actual teaching!
32. Jeff and I went skydiving in Hawaii
33. Hawaii has been my favorite vacation spot so far, it beats Mexico any day in my book
34. I got straight A's all through elementary school. I ended with a 6.something gpa in high school and was on the dean's list 2 semesters for having a 4.0 in college, so pretty much I'm a genious!
35. I was married in the Salt Lake temple August 15, 2000. I really loved getting married in the year 2000
36. I now think 20 is a little young to get married, but I wouldn't change my past 8 1/2 years of married life for anything. I feel like Jeff and I kinda grew up together
37. I will do anything if it becomes a social activity - like waking up at 5 AM to go work out b/c it's with my good friends and we can talk the whole time
38. It took me a year to get pregnant with Jane, but no time at all to get pregnant with Ryan. go figure! I am very curious to see how long it takes the next time
39. I think I want 6 kids, but I will probably have only 4. I don't know why having 5 is not an option for me, I just like even numbers!
40. I love, Love, LOVE my kids!!!
41. I am a mediocre mom, I try, but could try harder.
42. I hate touching feet, this includes my own
43. I just learned how to run and bike this past year and have now done a 5k and a sprint triathlon. Before now, I NEVER ran or rode my bike!
44. My favorite work out is the same dance aerobics class I have been going to for the past 10 years
45. My names that I had picked out for kids way before I even met Jeff were Rebecca, Jennifer, Matthew, and Joseph
46. I don't have a middle name
47. I didn't keep my maiden name as my middle name b/c I didn't think Katie Wood Hall flowed well enough. However, I feel bad because my dad was sad about it!
48. I love my birthday! I also love my half birthday!
49. I have big plans for when I'm old - after Jeff dies I am moving back in with my college roomates! We will have frequent dance parties. We will also spend a lot of time trying to find Amy, b/c she will have dimentia.
50. If I die before Jeff he is not allowed to get married unless I somehow let him know it's okay
51. If I die while our kids are young he is not allowed to hire a hot nanny.
52. gimbelry bagoon
53. I love my siblings and parents and love just hanging out with them.
54. My dad is a kook
55. My mom is the best mom in the world
56. I love taking naps!
57. I rocked Jane to sleep until she was 18 months - I truly believe she is the WORST sleeper because of it!
58. I have never rocked Ryan to sleep and I think he's the BEST sleeper because of it!
59. Ryan likes to spit in my face right now, it's a little embarrassing
60. If I liked wierd names for kids I would name a girl SriLanka b/c of how beautifully it flows, but I don't like wierd made-up names.
61. I HAVE to have popcorn at the movies, the smell is always too much to resist!
62. Ryan deinitely prefers Jeff over me right now, but Jane prefers me :)
63. Jane tells everyone I'm pregnant, but I'm not
64. Clueless might be my favorite movie of all times
65. Pride & Predjudice IS my favorite book of all times
66. Ace of Base was the first CD I ever bought
65. I feel like I can breathe better in Texas, and I love the openness of Texas, no mountains to make you feel claustrophobic
66. I am not a good speller
67. I LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper
68. I am a landetarian, I don't eat food that comes from the sea
69. I love kids
70. I didn't learn directions (N,S,E,W) until I moved to Utah
71. I love the smell of guy's cologne
72. I go to Celeste's house almost daily, it's wonderful to have a neighbor friend that lives 2 houses away!
73. I don't have to pee a lot, even when I'm pregnant
74. I am constantly thinking of ways to remodel, redecorate, and repaint, but I will never do it.
75. Last one! I have great self esteem - I think I'm funnier than I actually am, and I think I'm hotter than I actually am. When I see pictures of myself, I think oh, I look like that?!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Jane Skiing!!!
Jane went skiing for the first time on Saturday! Jeff took her up to Sundance in the afternoon. The skiing was mostly Jeff holding her while holding onto the tow rope to go up the hill, and then Jeff holding her while he skied down the little hill. She loved it! Her favorite part might have been the hot chocolate in the lodge, after they were done. I am just very thankful to have a husband that loves skiing, cold, and snow, so I don't have to be involved in any of it!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009
new years eve
We went to The Roof Restaurant for New Year's Eve this year with Steve & Crissy and Sarah & Paul. We had a lot of fun and a lot of food! Afterward we walked around Temple Square for about 8 min before deciding that it was way too cold! It was a great night and huge thanks to the parentals for watching the kids!!

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