Monday, July 11, 2011


You know when we as mothers get really worried about our kids? Maybe it is just me, but I have a hard time functioning when I have a sick little one. I can't focus, I feel helpless, like I missed the mom first aid lesson and am falling short! Sigh! Hopefully my sweet Rhianna will get to feeling better tomorrow....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Life!

Gotta love summer, huh? Trips, brandings, (i guess those are spring) t-ball, etc. The Iveson's are wild as usual! Joe is working on our little place, getting a driveway put in and plumbing updated. Kids are riding horses, glad to be done with t-ball and baseball, swimming, rodeos,laying around, all the good stuff. We got back from Nancy's last night, SO glad she is feeling better. Now to play catch-up (not to be confused with ketchup!) on laundry, house, and life in general!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It was so nice to get to spend Easter with family this year. All the Brown Girls were there. Mom and Dad were so proud. (or afraid!) Nikki hosted. It was complete with a wonderful dutch oven dinner, divine desserts, including the traditional bunny cake, and an easter egg hunt at Nikki's neighbors. So nice to be close again!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Baseball Fever!

The kids have started baseball! Rhianna is elated! This is her first year she is old enough. Once she gets over her fear of the ball, she will do fine! She is an agressive, little thing, wanting to out-do her brother, but she closes her eyes if the ball comes to her. (she might be a little like her mom!) Cooper is on the same team. He is the big man this year, and I am pretty sure he loves it! He hit a home run at practice, complete with a slide into home! Very "Sandlot" like! Dad came home with gear for the kids, a mit and tee for RK and a bat for C. Cooper said it was just like Christmas, and went to wake up his sister so she could see it. Love to see their enthusiasm! Kassidy has even caught the bug, she is throwing balls all over the place. "Daddy, watch dis", she says, showing off! So fun that spring has hit, just in time for summer and all is well!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Beginnings

Lots has gone on in the Iveson's lives lately. We sold our beautiful, new, hard-work earned (joe!) home and moved. The new plans we made fell through when we got to the new locale, but some new ones emerged, and I know where we ended up is where we need to be! Our new home is 106 years old, we love it, and are enjoying discovering its' personality. Cooper is in second grade, super smart, and starting his leather working project for 4-H. AND he sunburned his legs today, cause he HAD to wear shorts, apparently 2 hrs of outside PE is too much for his whities. Rhianna is so excited to be in kindergarten next year. She is beautiful, competitive, giggles, and is doing gardening for her 4-H project. Kassidy just turned 2 last week. She is an animal, hilarious, loves her big bro and sis, and can count to 6 all by herself. Joe is still traveling with Anipro, he loves his work, is now the regional mngr over the West, and is glad to be right down the road from the ranch where our cows are. Me, I am adjusting. For some reason, I have been in a state of weirdness. I won't dwell, though, cause I got out of my state! I got to go to BYU womens' conference last weekend. It was beyond words. I was spritually fed, enjoyed myself completely, and feel once again like I will make it, I have faith, "things" are not that bad, and the Lord loves me. I remembered my children are walking blessings, reminders of the trust God has in me, and constant sources of JOY!! Whew, what else, oh yes, I am growing 25 strawberry plants, still "doing Mary Kay" and loving it, and doing my best to keep up!

I need HELP!!!

I can't figure out how to get those darn dots off my posts. AND I can't figure out how to re-align all my stuff. Who is super smart at this? HELP!!

OK!!! So don't shoot me! I have not updated my blog for A YEAR!! I forgot my password, and moved, and had several meltdowns, and and and got hooked on Facebook, and turned 31 and discovered vericose veins, and and and you get the picture. I will do my best to add some pics, change some things around, and get my blog all cute again! KD

PS things have changed A LOT since this pic, need to download!