The Davis Family is a crazy hilarious bunch! We have four awesome kids that keep us laughing and constantly amazed at thier love of family, their intellgience and talents! We love to do fun things together as a family, play games, hang out with friends, go to the movies, and eat good food! Our newest adventure is living here in UTAH!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Will you please stand for our Nation Anthem.....

Cheyenne sang the Nation Anthem last week at the Brimhall football game. It was so awesome to go see her brave the crowd sing all by herself! She did fabulous! Grandma and Grandpa Amos, Sarah, Walker, and our family came to watch and cheer her on! We are loving watching her perform more and see her use her talents! Cheyenne is such a blessing to us and has so many talents. She is always helpful to us and loves helping others! Way to go Cheyenne! We love you!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

OK.... I haven't had a spare second to blog lately but Marci sent me a "tag" and I thought... I have a spare second...right?

Here goes... (SIX Really?)

1. I have an awful habit of showin up at the last possible second. We were on our way to Cheyenne's concert the other night and we were loading up the car at 6:25. She was supposed to be there at 6:30. She is freaking out telling everyone to hurry. We were off and on the road at 6:27. (Brimhall is what 5 seconds away?) She was so worried so finally I just looked back and told her she might as well just relax and realize that her family shows up generally on time but usually cuttin' it close.......

2. I have a Sonic problem... or others might think so. I see absolutely no problem! :) I have a least one a day.. rarely more than two. The Sonic people should give me all my drinks for free. Seriously, think of all the free advertising I give them. I always have one with me. That's a lot of advertising every day. Yes, it may be to only a few people but, every person counts right? Someone please call Sonic and appeal my case to them....

3. I have an AWESOME problem. I say it way too much! And a retarded problem, and a crap problem. Apparently I have a very small vocabulary....

4. I thow my water bottles off the side of my bed every night. I drink water alot before bed, (which I guess could be number five?) usually 2 water bottles sometime in the last hour before going to sleep. I only want one on my night stand at a time so when I finish one I throw it off the side onto the floor by my bed. Usually 15 or so will pile up before I pick them up and start the whole process over again.

5. I burp like a man. (better than my husband)

6. I do not like my food touching! Most of the time I have two plates. One for salad and maybe a bread and one for the rest of my food. I don't like juice from fruits getting into everything else. Now my dad eats everything one at a time, I'm not that bad, I do taste a little of everthing throughout my dinner. I just dont want it touching! And I eat EXREMEMLY slow. I don't know why. I am always the last one done.

Ok, so I thought six would be hard, but now I am thinking of lots of others things and I'm not sure how I feel about being"quirky"? So I'm stopping there. :)

I am tagging, Emily, Tamara, Kristen (Millie), Alsion, Kellie, and Amy... Have fun and I hope you are "quirky" too! Any one else; tag yourself and tell everyone a little more about your quirks!


  • 1.Link to the person who tagged you
  • 2.Mention the rules on your blog
  • 3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about you
  • 4.Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them
  • 5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.