The Davis Family is a crazy hilarious bunch! We have four awesome kids that keep us laughing and constantly amazed at thier love of family, their intellgience and talents! We love to do fun things together as a family, play games, hang out with friends, go to the movies, and eat good food! Our newest adventure is living here in UTAH!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My fishies! :)

Jack went on a camp out a couple weeks ago with the scouts. They went fishing at Sunrise Lake. Jack caught a couple and Dan was nice enough to clean them and bring them by. Grace got one look at the 'fishies' and fell in love! She just wanted to hold them and play with them. Of course Daddy made them 'talk' for her and played with her! We didn't cook them for a couple days. As soon as we got them back out of the fridge Grace wanted to play with her 'fishies' again. How hilarious is that! Maybe she will grow up to be Daddy's fishing buddy? Either way (by that I mean dead or alive) I guess Gracie loves fish!

Isn't she adorable? Really, do I even have to ask?

Check out my cute Gracie! Anna had a friend over and they were playing with her High School Musical dress up and Gracie wanted in! Anna is always so awesome about letting Grace play and be a part of things. So here is the pictures.... I know every Mom thinks her kids are the cutest... but seriously... She has to be the cutest!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


A couple of weeks ago Lindsay invited me to an ASU game with her and her family. Her Dad has season tickets and lets all the kids draw dates from a hat so everyone gets to go a couple of times throughout the season. It was so sweet of her to invite me. And of course we are HUGE ASU FANS! Ha ha! We were trying to figure out the pitch fork all day and we looked hilarious! Like we were doing some Star Trek sign or something? All I had ASU colors was this yellow shirt and Lindsay went out and bought hers that afternoon. Neither one of us plan very well and we went to dinner before the game not really thinking about needing cash for anything..... So we finally get to the stadium and it hits us... PARKING! We find a garage to park in and the sign says $10. We gather $8 and ask the guy if he will take it? He of course says "No. I need $10." So we continue to look for any loose change or cash.... I have absolutely nothing... Lindsay finds another dollar in her purse. "Will you take $9 we say? "No. I need $10." So we are laughing, freaking out because there is a line of cars behind us, and we finally find 80 cents. "Will you take $9.80?" "No. I need $10." So I finally ask how we can get out of there, Lindsay is still looking and finds another dime. That is it. There is absolutely no more change or cash in this entire car or our purses! So we have $9.90. "Will you take $9.90?", we ask. "No. I need $10." So I can't resist... I ask, "Can we borrow a dime?" We both start cracking up! He finally looks at us and says, "You have $9.90?" "OK, I'll give you a dime." YEAH! We can go! We were laughing a cracking up the rest of the night. Throwing out our "pitchfork" and cheering on ASU! Thanks Linz for a way fun night!

Back in the Pines!

A couple of weeks ago we went to my brother's cabin in Pinedale for the weekend..... (thanks again Matt and Kathy!) We had so much fun being back in the pines and with all the family on my Mom's side! We got to spend some time with Jack's Grandma and Dad in Lakeside too. We have missed them so much. Here a some cute pic's of our trip.....

My Sprinkle....

I am so sorry but my kids are definitely the cutest in the world! Gracie was playing in the family room the other day and says to me, "Mom do you see my sprinkle?" I said, "Your sprinkle?" "Ya, it's right there", and she points to the freckle on her shoulder. We showed each other our "sprinkles" for a few minutes. It was so stinkin' cute I had to take pictures and tell everyone the story!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The First Day of School 2008!

The first day of school 2008! It came so fast! Agust 11th came in a flash! It seemed like summer just flew by and it was already time to say goodbye to my awesome kids. I miss them and wish they could always stay home. But I know they have so much fun at school and love to learn. They all had their clothes picked out and ready to go the night before. They were so excited. Cheyenne started Junior High this year! 7th grade! Taylor is in 4th grade and Anna is in 3rd grade! Don't they look cute!

Anna's Baptism......

Anna was baptized on August 9th. It was such a wonderful day! Anna, Caleb McLain and Braden Howey were all baptized from our ward. Anna sang a beautiful song, all by herself, and did a great job! She didn't even look nervous! She was baptized by her Dad and confirmed a member of the church. We were so lucky my brother was able to be here from Oaklahoma and my parents too. It was wonderful to share this special day with our friends and family! I'll post a slide show later with some fun pictures my Mom took of our get together afterward. Thank you Mom! Thanks to everyone who was able to make to Anna's special day! We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives!

Taylor's LEGO creation's

Taylor loves Lego's! He had every Lego in his room out on the floor and created these! The first is a drag racer he made that he put an engine in the back so it could race across the room. The second one is a double decker bus. He loves to build anything he can from Lego's! His brain works just like his Dad's. I can follow the directions and make whatever they tell me, Taylor and Jack can come up with these amazing creations out of nowhere!

Anna's Hannah Montana Party!

Anna had an awesome birthday party with her friends! She wanted a Hannah Montana birthday party. We waited about a week after her birthday to have her party so we could all watch the Hannah Montana 3-D concert on the Disney Channel. It was so much fun and the easiest party ever! The girls arrived and we had Hannah Montana karaoke going and then we sat down for lunch. We had pizza and soda and tons of candy and snacks! Then we all watched the concert and had cake and ice cream! It was so easy and so much fun! Anna has so many cute friends and they were all so polite and sweet! It was so much fun and we had our trusty helpers. Lindsay and Rayder there! Anna had a great time and so did everyone else!