The Davis Family is a crazy hilarious bunch! We have four awesome kids that keep us laughing and constantly amazed at thier love of family, their intellgience and talents! We love to do fun things together as a family, play games, hang out with friends, go to the movies, and eat good food! Our newest adventure is living here in UTAH!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Anna and Cheyenne at the talent show

Anna and Cheyenne both performed in te school talent show this year. They were so good! Both of them had huge applause at the end of their numbers! Anna danced solo to "Fabulous" from High Scool Musical and Cheyenne sang "Flat on the Floor" by Carrie Underwood.

End of the year Music Concert

At the end of the year in May, Taylor and Anna both had a music concert to show off all the fun songs they learned in Music this year. They both did great and we snapped a picture with both of their teachers! After we all went out for icecream. Chy eneded up with an extra they made wrong! She was thrilled, can you tell?

Taylor's baseball team

Taylor played his first season in Minor's this year. He had a great coach and loved playing. His team name was the "Lugnuts"

Jazmin's play

The girls and I went to see Jazmin perform in her play at Stapley Jr High. She was hilarious! She blew me away with all her acting and singing talent! Here's a cute picture of Jaz, Matt, and Kathy after the show.

Taylor's Field Trip to Rockin' R

Taylor had a fun field trip in May to Rockin' R Ranch. I was able to go and hang out with him and couple of his friends. They had so much fun making their own brands, learning about Native American living, roping, and panning for gold. He had a wonderful teacher Mrs. Klaussen, who we love! We are really excited because Anna gets to be in her class this year! Lucky us!


We went camping for the first time (as a family) in several years at the end of April. We camped up north of Payson by Geronimo Scout Camp. I took my camera and only got these two shots before my battery died! It was the first time Gracie ever had braids in her hair. Anna just loves to play with her little sister.

Rub-a-dub-dub two girls in a tub

Anna loves to take baths with Gracie!

Easter Morning

Easter Morning 2008. We had so much fun watching the kids gather eggs and find their Easter baskets. Gracie was so cute and of cousre her brothers and sisters had so much fun helping her look for all her eggs. After all the fun we got dressed and took pictures before church. We had a wonderful day learning about the Savior's ressurection and all he has done for us.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Easter Picnic

We are so blessed to have so many fun traditions in our family and the Easter Picnic is one of them! Here are a few pictures of us!

Easter Egg Hunt

Here are a few pictures of the Easter Egg Hunt. Chy was lucky enough to be the Easter Bunnies personal assistant! What a job!

March 20, 2008 Taylor turns 9!

Taylor turned nine on March 20, 2008. Happy Birthday!

Taylor's 9th Birthday Party

Taylor had such a fun birthday at Golfland with all of his friends! He and one of his best friends Walker are only 2 days apart in age and they celebrated together. He had a blast!

Pinewood Derby

In March we had our Pinewood Derby. It was Jack's first Pinewood Derby as Cubmaster. Taylor took second place! Jack's car and Taylor's car were so cool looking!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hawaii Feb. '08

Jack and I went to Hawaii in February. Mom and Dad were amazing to come home and take care of everyone. Lindsay, Reagan, and Sarah helped too! We had an amazing trip! Never forget it.

Check out my Slide Show!

Gracie's Birthday Party

Gracie had an awesome birthday party at a park with all her friends! She played and had a great time running all over the place! She loves cupcakes!

Gracie turns One!

Gracie turns 1! Princess Grace turned 1 on January 12th. She had a great day and we pampered her even more than usual!


!Taylor played football in the fall and winter seasons. It was so much fun to go every Saturday and watch the games. He had great coaches and loved playing defense and rusher! He also made pretty good money! He got $1 for every flag!