The Davis Family is a crazy hilarious bunch! We have four awesome kids that keep us laughing and constantly amazed at thier love of family, their intellgience and talents! We love to do fun things together as a family, play games, hang out with friends, go to the movies, and eat good food! Our newest adventure is living here in UTAH!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Gracie running to the goal!

Gracie getting ready to kick the ball. She loves to run up and kick the ball as hard as she can!

Gracie, ready to go to her first soccer game! She is on an all girls team called the GREEN GECKOS. They all voted on the name and Green Geckos won. :) She is loving playing with so many friends. She got kicked in the knee just above the shin guard last game. Although I had to carry her off the field, she returned to finish the game. :) GO Green Geckos!

First Days of school!

Gracie started Tuesday August 30th. Kindergarten! Wow! She has had the best time! She loves school. The bus was a crazy nuts experience for Mom. I do not like the bus, but she sure does! It's just scary for a overprotecive parent like me. I seriously loved Gracie's outfit. You can tell she has cute older sisters. :) Mrs. Westover is her teacher and she reminds me so much of Mrs. Weinerth! Our beloved kindergarten teacher for Taylor and Anna. God must have done that just for me. She is so kind and loving and seems to be a great teacher.

Anna started 6th Grade at Ridgeline Elementary with Grace. She has loved Ridgeline and we all think it reminds us a bit of Wilson Ele. She got a great teacher Mr. Wimmer. I got to know him a bit last year when I was room mom for Taylor's class, Mrs. Hjorth. He is a great mix of fun and kindness and enough discipline and homework to prepare her for Middle school next year. She seems ready already to me.:) All her friends are older and it feels like she should be in YW and in Jr. High. Not that I want her to grow up!!!!! She just has a maturity about her. :)

Cheyennne started HIGH SCHOOL this year. CRAZY! She and Anna both started together on August 23rd. She is a sophomore at Lone Peak. She has some really fantastic teachers and a great schedule. She is taking French, Choir, Drama, Physics W/ Tech, Honors English and Honors History. She completed Health online over the summer to open up her schedule more. And she has early morning seminary. Sh starts her day at 5:15am. :) Crazy girl. But she has already auditioned onto the Drama Shakespeare Festival team! She made it into the ensemble of Macbeth and they also asked her to be a part of a scene that will compete there. I see good things in the future for this kid!!!!!

This year we were spread out all over the place for the first day of school. Taylor started Monday August 22nd. ONLY 7th graders went on this day to Timberline Middle School. So he alone started school that Monday while everyone else slept in. :) The 8th and 9th Graders started Tuesday while Taylor hung out at home with me and Gracie. He has a great schedule and loves his teachers too. He is most excited for next semesters intro to tech. This kid has engineer in mind already, He wants to do something in robotics. He also has Drama and Art and Art 3-d. It's been a crazy couple of weeks already and we are only on the second week of school!!!! But I love it and love seeing all my kids so thrilled to be at school. It's such a blessing to have the schools that we do and the teachers. And the programs. I guess all of it is great. :) Lone Peak, Timberline, and Ridgeline...... We are here to stay!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Summer dance Recital

What a fun dance recital you girls had this year! Grandma, Aunt Jen, Aunt Suz, Lizzie, Caroline, Chy and I were all there to see you! (just a note to remind myself someday..Jack and Taylor were at scout camp:) You both did amazing! Gracie has found her love in life just like Anna. Dancing is their thing. Anna started competitions this year and her team did amazing! They took first in so many of their dances, in four different competitions. Gracie has been asked to compete next year. She is quite the little dancer. The first class she took the teacher came out and double checked with me..."Are you sure she has never danced before?" She rocks it every time. Anna has a charisma when she dances that can't be ignored. Such a great year at ESTEEM DANCE. Without them my girls wouldn't be able to dance. They have made it so affordable and such a great atmosphere that we have been able to make it work! Love them. And love my dancing girls!
Anna and her Hip Hop teacher Shannalee

Anna and Gracie with their teachers Karesa and Chauntel

Anna getting ready to break it down in Hip hop

My Anna banana

Anna, Happy 11th dear. You are such a sweet daughter. You are a fantastic big sister and Gracie would be very bored without you. :) You are great with kids, and a great cook and dancer. You have so many talents. I love to watch you dance. You light up everything around you and can make anyone smile. You are growing so fast and I hate it, but I love seeing the young woman you are becoming. You are such a special girl. I love you babe.

Happy 11th birthday Anna!

Anna turned 11 this year. I never want my kids to grow up but it feels like she should be 12. She is so grown up and is such a great kid. She had such a fun birthday this year. She had a few friends over for a sleepover birthday party. (a big deal for Anna since we don't do sleepovers) Ramie was in town to hang with us and help me out, since Jack was out of town. (for the party) It was so fun to see her with her buddies and play games with them. Chy, Ramie , Taylor, me, Gracie, and Anna
Ramie, Cadee, Sam, and Taylor

We had ice cream sundae's after a couple games. They all got to create their own and it was very rich up in here. Very sweet and very yummy. After desert we all played Werewolf. The girls loved it and we all stayed up and played till 11:45. It was so fun.

Ramie and Gracie made their own pizza too!

We made pizza dough for all the girls to make their own creations. Then Ramie and I had the "tough" job of judging each one of them. The winner.... Cadee! She won herself a cute little winner's ribbon. :) (Cadee, Anna, and Kendall)

Draper Day's parade

The girl's got to dance this year in the Draper Day's parade. They loved it. Gracie thought that nothing better had ever happened to her in her life. :) Anna and Caroline danced behind the truck and Grace got to ride inside the back of the truck throwing candy. She couldn't stop smiling! So cute and so fun! Anna and Caroline

Dancing down the street

Look at Gracie's face... That says it all.

Chy lookin way too cool to be up this early on her 15th birthday.

Taylor and Jack went down early to save the seats.

Chy is now 15!!!!!!!

What the? Where did all the time go? Chy turned 15 this year and she had a fun birthday. The day before we took her and one of her BFF's to Desert Star theatre to see a hilarious show "Goldilocks's Capone and the 3 Amigo's". It's a dinner theatre/comedy show and they loved it. She got to go shopping for her gifts with me and Grandma Amos and then on the actual day she got to wake up early and go to the Draper Day's parade to watch the girls dance, and then she and I got to go see the new Harry Potter movie and finished the day with her favorite dinner and cupcakes. Happy 15th Chy Chy. You are an amazing girl. You have more talents than I can count and you do your best to make the most of all of them. You have so many gifts and I keep praying that one day the world will get to read your novels. I love you babe. SO MUCH!!!! Can't beat cherry chip cupcakes!

All my kids celebrating with Chy!

Jade, Jack, Katie and Chy at Desert Star....

Jade and Chy Chy

The Desert Star Theatre

July 4th parade and breakfast

The Millecam's were able to spend some of the 4th with us and we all went down to the community center for our annual 4th of July bike parade and breakfast! Since we didn't have enough bikes for all three girls we chose the wagon! They loved it going around and around. Jack was such a great Dad and pulled them over and over, and each of us eventually took turns. Such a fun way to start the day! Millie and Chy
Anna me and Mitch

The girls after they had to stop

the wagon train

Look at their faces! So happy to be pulled around the park.

Saying goodbye...

Saying goodbye is never fun.

We miss our Az friends so much and loved every minute if their stay. Chy has been doing some photography this summer and she caught this shot. One of my favorites!

Liv is so dang cute

Sophie does not do well with goodbye's. Chy caught this shot to illustrate this point. :( haha!

Park city concert

The Millecam crew came with us to watch my nephew kill it on bass with his band "Ever since Tomorrow". They are really great and it was so fun to watch him play again. It's been a while since I have seen them and I loved it just as much as I did before. :)

Millie, me and Chy

The three girls ran down to shake what their Mama's gave 'em.