I just couldn't resist an impromptu photo op today after church. She looked so cute and was so happy! Tyler stood behind me to make her laugh and smile, and of course she loved getting inside the basket.
She is almost 11 months old, and has recently started to pull herself to standing position and walks along objects- chairs, couches, tables... and loves to be up with the big kids! She loves feeding herself, berries and other fruit, crackers, cheese, and tomatoes are some of her favorites.
She has such a sweet and funny personality! She laughs at the boys all the time and loves to give them high fives. We are pretty sure she calls them "brubbas", and waves and smiles to say hi, bye and goodnight to anyone coming or leaving! She even enjoys when they hiss and growl like tigers. (good thing!) She gives kisses and hugs and loves to be held- even by people she doesn't know that well. She just loves people! When we go shopping she smiles at anyone that looks at her, and I watch those smiles spread around the store. It's fun to see how one person (or baby) can share this much joy!
Lindsey LOVES going in the pool or bath, splashes the water and even dunks her head. She's going to be a fish just like her brothers. She has been taking 2 naps a day (usually at about 10am & 3pm) and is a perfect night sleeper!! So of course that makes her my favorite child... or at least my favorite daughter!
My dear friend Alissa handed this darling outfit down to us and a few other special things, I just love this little yellow dress. She will be having a little girl soon so I'll be passing them back! These pictures turned out so cute that she inspired me to do my mantle in yellows, browns and beachy blues for the rest of the summer!