Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have been really bad about updated my blog for the past few months because things have just been crazy around here! Mostly because of this little guy!
Having 3 kids is definitely more challenging than 2, but I am so grateful for our new addition and I wouldn't change a thing! Max is so much fun and he is growing so fast! He went for his check up a couple of weeks ago and his pediatrician referred us to Cranial Technologies because the back left side of his head is pretty flat. We're going to work with him for the next month in a half to try and get him to lay in different positions and see if that will help, but he will most likely be getting a cranial band at 4 months. 
Noah turned 5 a few days after Max was born! I can't believe he is already 5, he is just growing up so fast! We celebrated his birthday with our family a couple of weeks before his birthday just in case I was in the hospital on is birthday! Noah has so many people in his life that  love him so much and we are so grateful for all of them! A couple of weeks after Max was born Noah started preschool and he is loving it! He loves that he gets homework everyday! He comes home and does his homework before he does anything else. He has also started soccer again and I love seeing how much he has improved from when he first started. Noah always sits next to Max in the car and it's his job to make sure he has his pacifier if he starts to fussy or feed him. (Noah is the one who says it's his job because he is the big brother!) He is so good with both Max and Delaney, he is such a loving big brother and it melts my heart!
Delaney is just the cutest dang thing ever! Her little personality just blossoms more and more each day. She says the funniest things to me and it just cracks me up! The other day I asked her for a big hug and she said that she only had teeny hugs left! I am so grateful that I get to spend so much time with her!

Keith is still working like crazy and going to school. He has less than a year left of his accounting program! I really appreciate how hard he works to support our family! I am still working, but I'm taking a break from school for now so Keith can finish his degree and Max can get a little bigger. I'm hoping to start back next August. That's pretty much what's happening in our lives right now!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Max Eli is here!

Max Eli joined our family on Thursday August 9th at 8:19pm! We went to the hospital around 1:00pm not too sure if I was in labor or not. I was having contractions that would be consistent one hour, but not the next. My labor went pretty fast with my last two so I thought I should at least go and get checked out. I was dilated to a 5 when I got into triage, they monitored my contractions for about an hour, then I was at a 6. So they admitted me and things went pretty fast from there. He was 7lbs 1oz and 20 1/2 long. Pretty decent size for being almost 2 weeks early. He has been a really good baby so far, sleeps for about 4 hours at a time and just whines when he wants to eat or needs a diaper change. Noah & Delaney have adjusted well and are being great helpers! We are so blessed to have this wonderful family and we cannot imagine our lives without these amazing kids! I will add some pictures when I get a chance to upload them!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Our New Home!

We've had a busy month! We moved into our new house a little over a week ago! Yay! I was worried about how the kids would adjust in a new place and not being able to see grandma everyday, but they've actually done quite well. The kids have loved having a new space to run around in. We've gotten most of our unpacking done (actually Keith has done most of the work, he's been amazing!) and now we just have a lot of organizing to do! Our first night in the house was also Delaney's first night to sleep in a big girl bed and she did amazing! She loves her new room mostly because there are mirrors on her closet doors so she loves to sit in front of them and watch herself! Noah likes having his own room so he can lock Delaney out and play by himself! We're all enjoying our new home and getting adjusted to the changes that have been going on. We should settled just in time for the new baby to come and shake things up again!

Here's a picture of our new house!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Catching Up!

We're Moving!
I know! I am a horrible blogger, but things have been pretty hectic around here lately! To start off, we have been house hunting since January and we found a great house in our neighborhood. It was a short sale and we put in an offer, but we just had too many problems with the bank and it didn't end up working out. Boo! Then, a few weeks ago we found another house that we really liked and it was a traditional sale (which makes things a lot easier!) so we put in an offer and it was accepted! Yay! We've been living with Keith's mom for the past 4 years and it's been good for us, but we are more than ready to get back out on our own. We are supposed to be closing on the house at the end of the month, so we'll be busy packing for the next few weeks. Yuck, I HATE packing!

New with us...
Noah has started another season of soccer and is LOVING it! Last season he seemed kind of lazy and not really into it, but he has really impressed us the past few weeks. He has an awesome coach and Keith is the assistant coach. He's super determined to get a goal this week so we'll see how it goes!
He also loves to come up to and tickle and talk to my belly. He says he's just playing with the baby, it cracks me up! I can't believe how much he's growing up!

Delaney is so much fun! She loves to wear dresses and skirts, get her done, and put on my makeup, but she also loved to go outside and get dirty and play with her brother. Every morning when I get her out of bed, she looks out the window for Keith's car and if it's not there she says, "Dad go to work and do job?!" I think it's so cute! I love watching her little personality develop!
She got her first big injury today when she thought it would be a good idea to stand in the back of one of Noah's Tonka trucks. It rolled out from under her and she hit her head on a self that was close by! Poor baby!
Here's a picture of her sad little bump on her head!

Me and Keith
Not much is new with Keith. He's still working hard and going to school. He only has about a year left to go with his bachelor's degree, so that keeps him pretty busy!

I am taking a break from school for now. I was enrolled in my last prereq for nursing, but ended up dropping it because it was just too hard to be pregnant, look for a house, have two kids at home, and make sure Keith had plenty of time to study too! I already have a good job, so I put my schooling on hold while he finished his up. I am definitely having a harder time with this pregnancy than I remember with my last two. I think it's just because I'm getting older and it's a little harder on my body! There's times when I think I can't do this again, but I'm sure I had those moments last time too. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's a BOY!

We went to the Dr yesterday and found out that we are having another boy! Yay!!!! Just what we wanted! We would have been just as happy with a girl, but Noah was also born in August so we won't need to buy as many new clothes. I find that I get more and more frugal with each baby! We are still trying to agree on a name so who knows how long that may take. Noah's suggestions so far are Tool, Metal, and Hiccup!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Baby number 3!

Just before Christmas we found out that we are expecting our 3rd baby! I went to the Dr yesterday to make sure everything was ok and he said baby looks healthy and has a strong heartbeat! My due date is August 21st, about a week and a half after Noah's birthday! I've been pretty sick in the morning and at night, but some days are pretty good. Last night we were talking to Noah about baby names and he had some pretty interesting suggestions! His ideas for a boy were Tool, Metal, Craney, & Tool Box and for a girl he said he liked the name Rosy. I hope he's not too offended if we don't pick any of his names! We're really excited to add to our family!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Delaney's 2nd Birthday

Today is Delaney's 2nd birthday! I can't believe how fast she is growing up! I know I always say this, but watching my kids grow up is a bitter-sweet thing for me. I love being able to watch them grow and learn, but I wish I could just keep them little forever. Delaney has such a sweet personality; she's funny, sweet, sassy, & even a little naughty sometimes! Lately she's really into playing with her babies, getting her hair done, and wearing her boots. Keith and I both have pretty big families so we had two parties for Delaney. On Friday we celebrated with my family at my dad's house and on Sunday we celebrated with Keith's family! We know this is a really busy time of year for everyone so we really appreciate people taking time out of their hectic schedules to celebrate Delaney's birthday with us! We really enjoy having Delaney in our family and she has been such a blessing in our lives. We love you Delaney and we hope you had a great birthday!

Here are some pictures from her birthday parties!