Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bday faces!

Our baby Jaylee Mae turns 1!
 She is such a happy girl.
 She is calm and content. She is our little blessing.
 Had fun with her cousins and her Grandma
 She only has 2 teeth,
and has no intention of moving.
Nana and Pap came and spoiled her
With a walker/toy to help her get her feet on the ground
 Daddy had to fix something on it, and was NOT happy to be ejected from her new throne!
But don't be fooled by her Cabbage Patch face....
 cause she can throw down with the best of them!!
We love you Jay Mae~

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas antics!

 Our Christmas Eve tradition with 99% of the fam!  A first!

Happy Christmas girls!
 Sydnee was sharing and wanted J-Mae to dress up to! 
We gotta encourage sharing so....
 Daddy loves the girls in his life!

This is Sydnee wearing a coat that I wore as a young girl!  
 My matching gals!  Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Lights!

I love Christmas!  The lights at the Riverwoods are amazing this year!  We had to take the girls!

 A stop to see the Man in Red!!  Sydnee was a bit more apprehensive this year.
Travis is the greatest hubby and dad!  I appreciate him so much.  My life would clearly not be the same without him!! Thanks Travis for making all of our dreams come true!! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

A night on the town!

 We left our festive gals at home and went out with the Woodstock employees!  We went to La Jolla Groves and even the skeptics were impressed!  Nothing like healthy food made well!
 Then we stopped off at Davy and Becca's and when I told the kids I wanted a pic, they acted like perfect angels and Ben coordinated them lining from oldest to youngest. 
If you ask me, that's good training!!

 Then I let them go hog wild with the camera!  Heck--why not?
 They did a pretty good job!
We were almost home and got a call that Sydnee was having one of her fevers.  We were glad that Bethany AND Kaylee were there to take good care of her!! She loves these gals, and so do I!!!
(Sorry K--I know that's not how you spell ur name, but I can't remember how you do.  So if u were in this family that's how I'd spell it.  Welcome to the fam!)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving FUN!!

 Lovin' every minute of it!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011