Thursday, March 27, 2014

Reality: Part 1

On March 19, 2014 our life has changed forever. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for us even though we are not sure what that is. 

About a month or so ago Jon noticed a lump in his neck on the right side. He showed me and I just thought it was a swollen gland from everyone being sick. Jon was only home on the weekends and so I had forgotten. He again brought it to my attention and I said Id call into the doctor to get him an appointment as soon as he could get off work, which would have been another week. 

Jon called me around 10:20 ish to ask if I had made the appointment yet. I had not of course. Once again I had forgotten. As i started to ask him what time Monday did he want me to make the appointment, we had dropped the call. It tends to happen often while he is driving or if im crafting down stairs, which i was.
One of us usually calls back... this time it was me. He answered. My nightmare was here once again.  I felt I was replaying November 1, 2007 all over again.
 Jon had just rolled the truck and was climbing out as he was telling me he just had an accident and he was flipping out. The sound in his voice is terrifying. He said he had to call me back. I had to wait again. He calls me back on a different number telling me they are taking him to the Hospital and to meet him there (yet the exact thing as the first one) and im a mess! My mom was on her way. She had called my siblings and they were either on their way or calling me. Colton and Jess left Vernal right away. Mindy was on the phone trying to calm me down, again. Tashina and Tasha were relaying messages.  My dear friend Ciji was on her way to get Jax and I and take us to the Nephi Hospital. Twenty minutes away seemed once again a lifetime away.

When I saw him he was in a neck brace and on a back board. I checked him out for any serious injures like last time, but there wasnt anything to worry about .............yet!  So thankful for that! They took him in for scans and x-rays. After almost two hrs they came in and started to ask questions.  "how you been feeling" things my mom was aware of because of my dads Cancer just this January. The doctor said you have swollen lymph-nodes all over your body from your neck, armpits, chest, belly and groin. I broke apart. This wasnt happening to my husband!! He is not even 35 yet!

(these are jons black tire marks...
 straight in his lane)

The doctor was concerned and we got an appointment Thursday, the very the next morning with Dr. Chipman the Oncologist who sees my dad. When we went there he felt that it was either Testicular or a type of Lymphoma. An aggressive one which is curable unlike my dads. Jon would be doing chemo right away.

He wanted us to get a biopsy so we went to see Dr. Porter the ENT Friday Morning. He scheduled surgery for Wedensday the 26th. My patience for waiting isnt nice to me. Jon was stressed all week about keeping his job even though the accident was not his fault. At this point Jon was pretty much in denial of the Cancer and just wanted to drive again. .....

After he was released we went to the crash site to look for his phone. They were still trying to get his truck out of there. ..... and still no Phone. 

We had amazing family and friends and ward memebers comfort us immediately. Jons dad, most of his brothers and a couple sisters along with some of my family came to our home and gave Jon a blessing. Jon then gave me a beautiful blessing of comfort and i wish i could have recorded it. We have had people take the kids for hours and short times too. Helping get them from school and meals coming in. Sunday I had a dear friend come help clean my house and she fixed dinner. What a stress relief to not have to think of scrubbing my house before surgery.

  Wednesday was finally here. ...

to be continued.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Hallie! #8

 last night to be 7
 so excited for her party. shes all giddy and wearing her new monster high outfit

 very grateful my mom and sister came to help me out. aunt Tashina frosted these cute cupcakes.
 OMG! she got a monster high doll!! thanks Abs
 we had a fun hot pink and black theme

Gifts.. monster high hoodie from mom and dad
 The yearly birthday with Grandpa later that night for their birthdays and after they left we did out little family cake with Holly and her kids.

Happy birthday sweet girl. cant wait for your big day to be baptized. you make us laugh and smile all the time. xoxoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hallies shopping day

Tradition to go with Grandma to shop for her baptism dress and get her scriptures. Hallie has been waiting for this day for awhile. it finally came .. she was so excited she couldnt sleep the night before. 
we wont show you her dress yet ;)

  She picked black scriptures

 She picked her bag
and big loves to Grandma!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Family Update

School Pictures 2012-13
 We got amazing school pictures done this year by Angie Harwood. We love her.

Jaxson is 3 and our little firecracker. For sure keeps mom very busy and on my toes.

Mallory will be 9 in 2 weeks and is growing and changing before our eyes! shes already asking when she can get a cell phone... um not for a while sis. She is a book worm and i love it! i never was and just love watching her read and tell me all about it when shes done.

Lincoln will be 6 in March. He loves big trucks and motorcycles and has picked up the love of drawing and art. Anything crafty really. Lincoln loves to be in the kitchen to help with cooking. 
We are still learning as we go with how to help Lincoln with his Sensory things. He works hard and makes us smile. Lincoln also loves to pray. he is always the one to pipe up and say the prayer.

My Ms. Hallie. This girl is quiet but has a very smart thinking cap on. She knows what she wants. She loves to chase the boys at school and is a big flirt :) We sure love this girl. She STILL loves the color Yellow. Hallie has such a sweet heart and loves to make you happy. This is a big year for Hallie. She will be 8 this month and will get baptized. She and our family cant wait for this day :)