I am going to risk sounding a bit whiny. This is a lame post to write since I haven't touched this blog in a really long time, but I need a place to think out loud.
I got a new calling. It actually happened about 3 months ago. I was taken from my calling in the Young Women's after only a year and a half, and placed in the primary as the pianist. I get asked all the time how I feel about my new calling, and I haven't really been able to put it into words. I am going to attempt to do it now.
Let me start with a little back history on the callings I have held. My whole life I have loved music. When I turned 15, I recieved my first "real calling" as the ward choir pianist. I held that calling until I graduated High School. I enjoyed it because it taught me so much. I learned how to play and how to follow a director, and more important, I really learned how to accompany.
When I got to College I was called as a ward missionary until my ward found out that I played the organ. Cue 2 years of being the ward organist.
After getting married and living in our first apartment, I was called as the primary pianist.
When we moved to Springville, I was called as the music conductor of the sacrament hymns. (least favorite calling EVER)
When we moved to our current home, something happened. I was given a calling outside of music for the first time in my life (minus the one month of being a ward missionary). I was called to be a part of the Young Womens Presidency. I became part of a group of women that were called to help and support the young women in our ward, and I LOVED it. I adored the girls that I served. I gained lifelong friendships with some of the leaders that I worked with. And in an instant, it all changed. After only 1 and a half years I was released because they needed a piano player in the primary.
I was in a calling that stretched me in ways I had never been asked to stretch before. I was gaining new talents and insight. I was growing spiritually. How do you feel all of those things and then just walk away and "be ok" with it all.
So, in response to the questions asked. Am I excited to be in Primary? No. Will I fulfill my calling? Absolutely. I have always been taught that I should never hide my talents. That is why I have the calling that I do now. I am always willing to play the piano if a need arises. I will be in Primary every week playing the piano and supporting the primary chorister. Maybe in time I will be more excited to be there. For now, all I can do is be there. It would probably help my excitement levels if someone would make sure that the stinking air conditioning worked. I sit in my heated corner of the room behind the piano and feel like dying every week. That is how I feel about my calling.
I do feel grateful that I have the talents that I do. I wouldn't have worked so hard on them if they weren't important to me. I am grateful that I was given a calling in the Young Women for the short time that I was there because it really did teach me so much. I guess that the real reason behind everything that I feel is that once I get a music calling, that's it. I will probably be the primary pianist for the rest of the time that I am in our ward. There are worse things in life.
Thanks for listening. It definitely helps to get that out there.