7 weeks ago a precious little baby was born into my family. This last week I finally got to meet her! I drove up to Carson City to visit them. Just me and the girls drove up. I'm not going to lie, I was super scared about going on this trip without Ty. But the girls were amazing and I don't know if it could've gone much better!
Once you get through 2/3 of the trip you finally get out of the ugly California desert and enter beautiful scenery. It drives pretty close if not right through Yosemite (not quite sure where the boundaries are) and there are beautiful lakes and huge trees. I wish I wasn't driving so I could've taken better pictures!
Beautiful sunset of the Sierra Nevada Mountains |
Meeting beautiful Brooklyn (who I nick named squeaker) |
Lindsey looks too big compared to her! |
If you know me at all, you know that I paint every baby girl's nails in the hospital. Well Ash was kind enough to not let anyone paint Brooklyn's so I could be the first. :-) I know it seems weird but I started out with 3 nephews and I was promised that when I got nieces I could paint nails til my heart's content. |
I know this is blurry but this was poor Brooklyn's whole week. Two new little faces right in hers. They were so enthralled with her and constantly wanted to be around her and hold her. |
When they weren't mauling Brooklyn they were playing with Samantha. Sam was so kind to share her house, parents and all her toys the whole week. They had such a blast. |
I got the opportunity to watch Brooklyn for a short time while Ash went to lunch with Nic. Brooklyn sometimes likes to be a little fussy. Now if you know anything about me past experiences have made me pretty immune to fussy babies. It may sound heartless but it doesn't really phase me anymore. I was interested to see how the babysitting would go and I surely didn't want her crying when Ashley got home. Well, she was an angel the whole time. She is such a pretty baby! I'm so glad I got to spend so much time with her!
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Isn't she so precious?! |
I even got her smiling! |
We drove up to Lake Tahoe one evening. Holy cow that place is so pretty. The water is so blue and the scenery all around it is so gorgeous.
This is the only picture of Ash and I from the trip. :-( Sadly the sun ruined it. |
We took the girls to see Brave the morning it opened. They all really loved it and keep talking about it. Whitney keeps pretending everything is her bow so she can shoot arrows. |
Gotta love a sleeping baby. |
I loved holding the baby any chance I could. I had 7 weeks to make up for. |
Whitney loved playing on Sam's new tramp. Aren't they cute in their matching outfits? |
Cousinly love. (Get it...like brotherly love. I miss that show btw haha) |
I posted the sunset so I had to post the sunrise over the mountains. Since we left at 2am I got a nice view of it. |
Here is the sun actually coming up. |
I was so glad to see my sister and her family. It made me want to keep driving on to Utah to see the rest of the family, but I'm grateful I get to go home in a month!!! Woo Hoo! This is shaping up to be an awesome summer!