Jiu Jitsu bruises

abs flexed

Weight is down to 150lbs. Bruises healed up a bit and decided to post some pics. Noticed the body is more slender and less bulky. I think I might have lost some muscle mass but getting more cut. The added HIIT workouts plus Jiu Jitsu training is working wonders. 5 more weeks to go. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
This is the routine that has been working for me so far:
Sunday - Workout with weights at the gym followed by HIIT (treadmill)
Monday - Martial Arts (Jiu Jitsu includes 20-30 minutes of intense grappling so its also HIIT)
Tuesday - Resistance Training at home with some ab work
Wednesday - Marial Arts again with 20-30 minutes of intense grappling
Thursday - Resistance Training at home with ab work
Friday - Workout with weights at the gym followed by HIIT (treadmill)
Saturday - Rest, ahhhhh