Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer 2012

We have truly had the most wonderful summer.   After we got home from Europe, we were home for 2 weeks then headed West.  We stopped in Utah, Las Vegas,  California Bay Area, back to Utah, and then got back home Saturday night (July 21st).  It was another wonderful 3 weeks of family time.  So grateful for Jer's job, that he's able to work on the road and he can come on these vacations with us.  It is a summer none of us will never forget.  I took over 6000+ pictures on our Europe trip.  I just wanted to capture every moment.  I know over time the memories will fade.  Nothing like a picture to remind you of the JOY a moment brought to your life.  I can't post them all, but I will post many to try and share the amazing time we had.  Jer's Grandma is anxious to see our pictures, so I need to get posting quick!   Hope y'all are having a wonderful summer full of Family, Friends, and tons of fun!