Monday, January 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Day 2013 Love these 4 girls. I can't believe we have 1.5 years left until Kenzie graduates from High School! WOW! Hoping to get back into documenting our life on here.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Thanksgiving 2012

We spent Thanksgiving in Ohio my Brother in law's family.  We had a such a fun time with Jeff, Ashley, Blakelee and Taylor.
 I loved seeing where they have lived the last 2.5 years.  Ashley is an amazing decorator and their apartment is fabulous!  She has made it into a beautiful home for them.  Ash's Beautiful Christmas Tree!

Arrived evening of November 22nd. Ashley had made a delicious Potato Soup for us to enjoy.  The cousins were so excited to be together.   They took us for desert to Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream(as seen on the Food Network)!  YUM!

Thanksgiving Day- Ash and Jeff, prepared a delicious Thanksgiving Meal. We had a great time eating and visiting!

Dentist in Training getting ready to work on his Turkey!

That evening us adults left all the kids in the care of McKenzie and Madi, and we left to go shopping around 7pm.
 We had a great time and got great deals! Thanks to Kenz and Madi for watching all the kids. Friday- we all went out for lunch, then shopped at the busy mall.

Sitting in Pottery Barn

Kids loved the play area.

That night we got Pizza at this awesome hole in the wall pizza place near Ohio State(Jeff's school), can't remember the name.  Biggest pizza I have ever seen, and so GOOD!

We drove by the football stadium and the boys saw that the gate to the field was open. A giant Micigan Truck was parked in opening. They had this great idea to run down to the field and get a picture on the 50 yard line. Long story short....the cops saw the boys and yelled to get out of the gated area. We ran back to the car fast! HAHA!!!

Saturday the boys went to the Ohio State vs. Michigan Football Game!  They had a great time!

Ohio State won the game!

All the girls hung out at the apartment, watched movies, visited, and kiddos played.

We sure know how to trash a joint with all our stuff(in the background)! :)

The boys met us at Graters Ice Cream after the game.  Best Ice Cream I have ever had.  We let the kids play in the playland for a bit, then it was time for goodbye's.

 We left there around 7pm to begin our drive home.  Around midnight we weren't tired, so decided to take turns and drive through the night to get home.  I think we got home around 5am.

 Truly a wonderful Thanksgiving vacation.  I can't thank Jeff and Ash enough for a wonderful visit.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Halloween 2012

Carving Pumpkins on Oct. 30th

 After we got over the initial "But I want to cut the pumpkin by myself" tears, things got better.

Molly the Ladybug at her School Halloween Parade
Molly's Class Party

Mummy Juice, Frankenpudding, and Ghost Cheese

After school

Making pizza's with Grandma

.....Happy Halloween from the Emma(Once Upon a Time), cute 50's Girl, sassy & silly lady bug, and the Busy Bumble Bee!