Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hats and Haircuts

Both boys got haircuts. I don't really like the super short look, but Joseph was actually asking for a haircut because his hair gets all wet outside (think sweat). Frank is always talking about how good short hair feels so I cut it short. Cutting Derek's hair is always a little more of a trial. I usually have about 4 minutes before he's crying. Mostly I cut the sides and the back and just trimmed the top. Lorelei does not need a haircut, she needs to grow more hair so I can stick more bows in.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Family Update

Dan Nicholas Park

I saw this park on a few friends' blogs and decided to take the family out there. It took us 40 mins to drive there. We had a great time - it's a cheap park- hurray. We spent 15 dollars and got to have a train ride, ride the carousel, paddle boats, and the petting barn.

Joseph petting the donkey.

This is the one picture I got of Derek actually petting something.

Lorelei enjoying the petting barn

Our picnic lunch

Random Life

She was soo proud of herself for finding these papers.- Can't you just see the smugness on her face?

Yes, that is diablo they are playing. Not my preference on games for my 4 and almost 3 year old. Since then we've found a few other games they can play (King's Quest is one). Even Derek can play them; it's amazing to me how well they can use the mouse and keyboard. We've copied Jennie's rule of having to read to get computer time.

Me at 15 weeks

I have tried and tried to upload this video through blogger and it just won't work. So I'm trying a different way. I hope you all can see it

click me

This video is hysterical to me. Lorelei really only laughs like this at Joseph and Derek. Mom and Dad obviously aren't very funny.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

I can't get enough of my kids!!

They are soo cute!!

Thanks Megan for Lorelei's swimsuit!!
I had to post this picture of her grin. She crinkles up her nose when she smiles big.

Every family needs a family feet photo :) The boys love this picture and talk about all of our "pretty toes".

I think they were blocking the path way so no bad guys could get by.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Buses and Bubbles

The boys were playing in this bus and Lorelei started crying. It took us a minute to figure out that she just wanted inside with them.

We went to a friend's house for Memorial Day. The kids had fun playing with the bubbles.

Lorelei spends a good portion of her day with her hands and arms outstretched like this.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Camera is Here!

The boys were watching a movie, so I had only Lorelei to test out the new camera on. Notice the grin as she grabbed the computer. The video is just cute.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Congratulations on finishing Law School and Happy Birthday to Frank. He was very surprised to have his parents fly out and be with us for the weekend. Joe, Jennie and family also drove down. It was fantastic to see everyone.

And as a graduation present from his folks we're getting a new camera!!! It should show up tomorrow and I can't wait. I borrowed a camera from my friend so here's a few pictures of my personal Mr. WONDERFUL..... and one of Lorelei of course. :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Broken Camera

We have quite the luck with Cameras. Our second one broke. cry. So I won't be having any new pictures to show.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Plane Tickets

It is official. I am flying out to Utah with the kids for two weeks. April 22- May 7th while Frank takes his finals.

This is our chunky monkey who must play exactly like the boys.

I realized I had only posted pictures of Lorelei so I just took some of the boys really fast.

Showing off their coloring jobs.

"This Little Mermaid stuff is pretty cool."

"Yes, I know I'm cute stuff"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Cheeks

We had a great Easter, but I left my camera at home, so no pics. So here's another picture of Lorelei and her sweet cheeks and the boys who sure love their mommy. That'll have to tide you over until I have something real to post about.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Continuation of the last

I forgot to mention in the last post that the picture of the boys is of them playing with Battle Masters. They are way too busy to bother looking up at the camera. And here is the other video, for some reason it wasn't working on the last post.