Monday, July 28, 2008

Frank's Family pictures

Friday, July 25, 2008

Family Reunion Videos

Here are some videos from the reunion. I hope you all like them. I had to compress some of the files because they were large so sorry about the quality of those. Enjoy.

The first is of the 2nd time they sang this song. It pretty much sums up a good chunk of what we do when 40+ McQuades get together.

4 out of the 5 baby girls. and yes that's Maggie the Indian making the real racket.

Umm, we love Mom. She's hilarious and will probably wrinkle her nose at me for putting this up for the whole world to see ;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lorelei Crawling

Frank took this video so my mom could see Lorelei crawl and stand up, but I suppose everyone else can see it too :)

Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July

I had plans to go out and see fireworks this year because I love the 4th of July. However, my whole family minus me has been sick. That night Derek fell asleep at 6:00 and Lorelei not long after that, but not before I snatched a few pictures of the kids.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Quick Note

It's a boy!